Cucumber 屏幕上可见的所有字段是否都应该在小黄瓜中验证?

Cucumber 屏幕上可见的所有字段是否都应该在小黄瓜中验证?,cucumber,bdd,specflow,gherkin,Cucumber,Bdd,Specflow,Gherkin,我们正在为应用程序创建小黄瓜特性文件,以创建可执行规范。目前,我们的文件如下所示: Given product <type> is found When the product is clicked Then detailed information on the product appears And the field text has a value And the field price has a value And the fiel


Given product <type> is found
    When the product is clicked
    Then detailed information on the product appears
    And the field text has a value
    And the field price has a value
    And the field buy is available
Scenario Outline: Review product details
Given I find the product <Type>
When I select the product
Then detailed information on the product appears including
| Description | <Description> |
| Price       | <Price>       |
And I can buy the product
| Type      | Description       | Price |
| Hose      | Rubber Hose       | 31.99 |
| Sprinkler | Rotating Sprinker | 12.99 |




Scenario Outline: PO Boxes correctly located
    When we search in the USA for "<Input>"        
    Then the address contains
        | Label        | Text        |
        | PO Box       | <PoBox>     |
        | City name    | <CityName>  |
        | State code   | <StateCode> |
        | ZIP Code     | <ZipCode>   |
        | +4 code      | <ZipPlus4>  |

| ID | Input                 | PoBox      | CityName  | StateCode | ZipCode |
| 01 | PO Box 123, 12345     | PO Box 123 | Boston    | MA        | 12345   |
| 02 | PO Box 321, Whitefish | PO Box 123 | Whitefish | MN        | 54321   | 




Scenario Outline: PO Boxes correctly located
    When we search in the USA for "<Input>"        
    Then the address contains
        | Label        | Text        |
        | PO Box       | <PoBox>     |
        | City name    | <CityName>  |
        | State code   | <StateCode> |
        | ZIP Code     | <ZipCode>   |
        | +4 code      | <ZipPlus4>  |

| ID | Input                 | PoBox      | CityName  | StateCode | ZipCode |
| 01 | PO Box 123, 12345     | PO Box 123 | Boston    | MA        | 12345   |
| 02 | PO Box 321, Whitefish | PO Box 123 | Whitefish | MN        | 54321   | 




Given product <type> is found
    When the product is clicked
    Then detailed information on the product appears
    And the field text has a value
    And the field price has a value
    And the field buy is available
Scenario Outline: Review product details
Given I find the product <Type>
When I select the product
Then detailed information on the product appears including
| Description | <Description> |
| Price       | <Price>       |
And I can buy the product
| Type      | Description       | Price |
| Hose      | Rubber Hose       | 31.99 |
| Sprinkler | Rotating Sprinker | 12.99 |




Given product <type> is found
    When the product is clicked
    Then detailed information on the product appears
    And the field text has a value
    And the field price has a value
    And the field buy is available
Scenario Outline: Review product details
Given I find the product <Type>
When I select the product
Then detailed information on the product appears including
| Description | <Description> |
| Price       | <Price>       |
And I can buy the product
| Type      | Description       | Price |
| Hose      | Rubber Hose       | 31.99 |
| Sprinkler | Rotating Sprinker | 12.99 |