Data structures VB6数据结构执行两个条件搜索

Data structures VB6数据结构执行两个条件搜索,data-structures,vb6,Data Structures,Vb6,我想使用VB6内存数据结构数组?收集什么?这将启用具有两个条件的搜索 例如: Fruit_structure - key1 (non-unique) - key2 (non-unique) - data1 - data2 - data3 伪代码: - Lookup [Fruit_structure] where key1 = "Lemon" and key2 = "Volkamer" - if found a = data1, b = data2, c = data3 如果你能发布一个示例来



- key1 (non-unique)
- key2 (non-unique)
- data1
- data2
- data3

- Lookup [Fruit_structure] where key1 = "Lemon" and key2 = "Volkamer"
- if found a = data1, b = data2, c = data3


Private Type dataHolder
    Key1 As String
    Key2 As String
    Data1 As String
End Type

Dim myDict(1 To 10) As dataHolder

Private Sub Command1_Click()
    myDict(1).Key1 = "aaa"
    myDict(1).Key2 = "bbb"
    myDict(1).Data1 = "entry 1"
    myDict(2).Key1 = "xxx"
    myDict(2).Key2 = "zzz"
    myDict(2).Data1 = "entry 2"
    myDict(3).Key1 = "kkk"
    myDict(3).Key2 = "qqq"
    myDict(3).Data1 = "entry 3"
    myDict(4).Key1 = "eee"
    myDict(4).Key2 = "rrr"
    myDict(4).Data1 = "entry 4"

    Dim result As dataHolder
    result = GetValue("kkk", "qqq")

    MsgBox result.Data1
End Sub

Private Function GetValue(Key1 As String, Key2 As String) As dataHolder
    Dim x As Variant
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = LBound(myDict) To UBound(myDict)
        If myDict(i).Key1 = Key1 And myDict(i).Key2 = Key2 Then
            GetValue = myDict(i)
            Exit Function
        End If
    Next i
End Function

如果有4个数据字段呢?Ie data1、data2、data3、data4…结果将包含一个逗号分隔的值?啊,好的,我没有看到函数。现在我明白了。我只需要修改Getvalue和数据结构。它不会闪电般的快,但它应该能工作。谢谢