Deployment SSIS包部署

Deployment SSIS包部署,deployment,ssis-2008,Deployment,Ssis 2008,我们当前的设置遇到了部署噩梦: 1 - DEV makes changes to SSIS 2 - All the packages that change have to be uploaded again to MSDB 3 - once the deployment is done we use dtexe /SQL switch 基本上,我们希望删除步骤2,并将dtsx作为文件进行deply,而不是将其上载到MSDB,这样,任何需要投入生产的开发人员更改都只是文件推送 为此,我们可以


1 - DEV makes changes to SSIS 
2 - All the packages that change have to be uploaded again to MSDB
3 - once the deployment is done we use dtexe /SQL switch


我的问题是,有没有一种方法可以继续使用/SQL switch并让它使用文件系统,从而使部署变得方便?还是有其他方法可以实现这一点?


Use dtsx packages as files rather then uploading to MSDB.
Use the /F switch inside /COM (Command file)