Error handling 邮件中的Applescript错误

Error handling 邮件中的Applescript错误,error-handling,applescript,Error Handling,Applescript,我制作了这个快速Applescript应用程序,它给了我一个错误,下面是代码: set buyannounce to "AUTOMATIC SERVER EMAIL : BUY" set transferannounce to "AUTOMATIC SERVER EMAIL : TRANSFER" set signupannounce to "AUTOMATIC SERVER EMAIL : SIGNUP" set sellannounce to "AUTOMATIC SERVER EMAIL


set buyannounce to "AUTOMATIC SERVER EMAIL : BUY"
set transferannounce to "AUTOMATIC SERVER EMAIL : TRANSFER"
set signupannounce to "AUTOMATIC SERVER EMAIL : SIGNUP"
set sellannounce to "AUTOMATIC SERVER EMAIL : SELL"
set nowsignup to "0"
set announce to "AUTOMATIC SERVER EMAIL"

set ¬
    currentSignups ¬
        to the text returned ¬
    of (display dialog ¬
        "How many current signups?" default answer "")

tell application "Mail"
set unreadMessages to (get every message of mailbox "INBOX" of account "Yahoo" whose read status is true)
repeat with eachMessage in unreadMessages

    if announce is in (get content of eachMessage) then

        if buyannounce is in (get content of eachMessage) then
            --buy email 
        end if
        if transferannounce is in (get content of eachMessage) then
            --transfer email
        end if
        if signupannounce is in (get content of eachMessage) then
            set nowsignup to nowsignup + 1
            set eachMessageTrimmed to ((characters 33 thru -1 of (get content of eachMessage)) as string)
            display dialog nowsignup
            set filepath to POSIX path of "/Users/obleopold/Dropbox/Accounts.csv"
                set command to "open " & quoted form of filepath
                do shell script command
            end try
            delay 10
            repeat currentSignups times
                tell "System Events" to keystroke return
            end repeat
            repeat nowsignup times

                tell "System Events"
                    keystroke eachMessageTrimmed --here is where I am getting the error
                end tell

                tell "System Events" to keystroke return
                currentSignups = currentSignups + nowsignup
                set nowsignup to "0"

            end repeat
        end if

            if sellannounce is in (get content of eachMessage) then
        --sell email
            end if

        end if
    end repeat
end tell


tell application "System Events"

tell "System Events"

tell application "System events"
    tell process "Mail"
        keystroke "My Keystroke"
    end tell
end tell

tell application "System Events" to tell process "Mail" to keystroke "My Keystroke"




set buyannounce to "AUTOMATIC SERVER EMAIL : BUY"
set transferannounce to "AUTOMATIC SERVER EMAIL : TRANSFER"
set signupannounce to "AUTOMATIC SERVER EMAIL : SIGNUP"
set sellannounce to "AUTOMATIC SERVER EMAIL : SELL"
set nowsignup to "0"
set announce to "AUTOMATIC SERVER EMAIL"

set currentSignups to the text returned of (display dialog "How many current signups?" default answer "")

tell application "Mail"
    set unreadMessages to (get every message of mailbox "INBOX" of account "Yahoo" whose read status is true)

    repeat with eachMessage in unreadMessages
        set messageContent to content of eachMessage
        if announce is in messageContent then

            if buyannounce is in messageContent then
                --buy email 
            end if

            if transferannounce is in messageContent then
                --transfer email
            end if

            if signupannounce is in messageContent then
                set nowsignup to nowsignup + 1

                set eachMessageTrimmed to my trimMessageText(messageContent)
                display dialog nowsignup
                my openFilePath(POSIX path of "/Users/obleopold/Dropbox/Accounts.csv")
                delay 10
                repeat currentSignups times
                    my keystrokeSomething(return)
                    delay 0.2
                end repeat
                repeat nowsignup times
                    my keystrokeSomething(eachMessageTrimmed)
                    delay 0.2
                    my keystrokeSomething(return)
                    delay 0.2
                    currentSignups = currentSignups + nowsignup
                    set nowsignup to "0"
                end repeat
            end if

            if sellannounce is in messageContent then
                --sell email
            end if
        end if
    end repeat
end tell

(************* SUBROUTINES *****************)
on trimMessageText(messageText)
        return text 33 thru -1 of messageText
    on error
        return messageText
    end try
end trimMessageText

on keystrokeSomething(something)
    tell application "System Events"
        keystroke something
    end tell
end keystrokeSomething

on openFilePath(filepath)
        do shell script "open " & quoted form of filepath
    end try
end openFilePath

tell application "Mail"
    -- do something
end tell

set eachMessageTrimmed to text 33 thru -1 of messageText

tell application "System Events"
    -- do something
end tell

do shell script "something"

tell application "Mail"
    -- do something
end tell

characters 33 thru…
text 33 thru…
,这应该可以解决您的错误当我这样做时,我得到的错误是:无法将“”转换为整型,它会突出显示每个击键消息框@syontank you,@Josh但当我这样做时,它仍然给我错误。当我编译它时,它将文本更改为富文本是正常的吗?是的。Mail知道“富文本”命令,因此由于您的代码位于“告诉应用程序邮件”代码块中,因此它正在使用Mail的applescript字典。因此,解决方案是将系统事件代码移到邮件代码块之外。如果可以避免的话,不应该将“告诉”代码块嵌入彼此。你的错误只是分离代码块的原因之一。嗯,我从来没有听说过它们被称为