编译错误:参数不是可选的vba excel

编译错误:参数不是可选的vba excel,excel,vba,compiler-errors,Excel,Vba,Compiler Errors,我正在尝试编写一个代码,在检查工作簿每一页中的信息后,在其中输入一个图像。由于我将for-each添加到代码中,它停止工作并开始向我提供此编译错误消息,因此代码可以在没有for-each的情况下工作,但我希望它是自动的。你能帮忙吗 Sub ForEachWs() Dim ws As Worksheet For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets Call Worksheet_SelectionChange Next ws End


Sub ForEachWs()
Dim ws As Worksheet

    For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    Call Worksheet_SelectionChange
    Next ws

End Sub

您正在调用事件例程子工作表\u SelectionChange。这是一个例程,当用户更改移动光标的选定单元格时,将从Excel自动调用该例程。允许手动调用事件例程,但必须将范围作为表示所选范围的参数传递,例如:

For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    Call Worksheet_SelectionChange(ws.cells(1,2))
Next ws

For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    Call BuscarImagemTavares (ws.cells(1,2).value)
Next ws



Sub ForEachWs()
    Dim ws As Worksheet

    For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
        'Here you can directly call the sub without the sub Worksheet_SelectionChange
        Call BuscarImagemTavares(ws, ws.Cells(1,2).Value)
        'in BuscarImagemTavares you´ll need the ws reference to actually work on the right worksheet (otherwise youll always work on the selected one)
    Next ws

End Sub

Sub BuscarImagemTavares(ByVal ws as Worrksheet, Produto As String)
    'Mind the additional parameter 'ws'
    On Error Resume Next
    'Autor: Tavares

    'If Range("B2") = "ok" Then 'Verifica se celula B2 tem ok se sim não insere a imagem novamente
    If ws.Range("B2") = "ok" Then 'Here you actually have to use a reference to the Worksheet you want to use, otherwise alwys the same will be used
        Exit Sub
    End If


    'You need the reference here as well so you won#t use the same worksheet over and over again
    With ws.Pictures.Insert(CaminhoImagem) 'Mostra Imagem


    If CaminhoImagem <> "" Then 'Após inserir imagem informa "ok" na B2 para não inserir de novo
        'ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "OK"
        'If you don´t actually need the cell in excel to be selected after the programm finished you should´nt use the '.select' and '.selection' instead use this:
        ws.Range("B2").Value= "OK" 'Since you aren´t adding a formula you should address the '.value' property
    End If


End Sub


Sub ForEachWs()
    Dim ws As Worksheet

    For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
        'Here you can directly call the sub without the sub Worksheet_SelectionChange
        Call BuscarImagemTavares(ws, ws.Cells(1,2).Value)
        'in BuscarImagemTavares you´ll need the ws reference to actually work on the right worksheet (otherwise youll always work on the selected one)
    Next ws

End Sub
Sub BuscarImagemTavares(ByVal ws as Worrksheet, Produto As String)
    'Mind the additional parameter 'ws'
    On Error Resume Next
    'Autor: Tavares

    'If Range("B2") = "ok" Then 'Verifica se celula B2 tem ok se sim não insere a imagem novamente
    If ws.Range("B2") = "ok" Then 'Here you actually have to use a reference to the Worksheet you want to use, otherwise alwys the same will be used
        Exit Sub
    End If


    'You need the reference here as well so you won#t use the same worksheet over and over again
    With ws.Pictures.Insert(CaminhoImagem) 'Mostra Imagem


    If CaminhoImagem <> "" Then 'Após inserir imagem informa "ok" na B2 para não inserir de novo
        'ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "OK"
        'If you don´t actually need the cell in excel to be selected after the programm finished you should´nt use the '.select' and '.selection' instead use this:
        ws.Range("B2").Value= "OK" 'Since you aren´t adding a formula you should address the '.value' property
    End If


End Sub