Excel 我的粘贴功能不起作用,我不知道为什么

Excel 我的粘贴功能不起作用,我不知道为什么,excel,vba,Excel,Vba,我正在尝试将我从主列表中选择的条目表单复制到其他工作表中。这个想法是,它会在一个没有细节的精简名单中出现。看看我选择了什么。复制选定的条目表单并将其粘贴到新位置,以生成仅包含我需要的条目表单的列表。我无法判断循环是否正常工作,因为最后的粘贴函数不工作 Sub BidList() 'Sets unique terms used throught this code Dim wQuick As Worksheet, wMaster As Worksheet Dim BlankFou


   Sub BidList()

'Sets unique terms used throught this code
  Dim wQuick As Worksheet, wMaster As Worksheet
  Dim BlankFound As Boolean
  Dim x As Long, n As Long, y As Long
  Dim firstrow As Long, pasterow As Long, lastrow As Long, PasteCell As String, MyRange As String

 'Turns off Screen updating to save memory
  Application.ScreenUpdating = False

'Store an initial value for "x" effectively starting the macro at C4 after the +1 in the next step
   x = 3
   n = 0
   y = 0

  Set wQuick = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Quick Reference")
  Set wMaster = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("MASTER")
  BlankFound = False

'Loop until x equals 600
  Do While BlankFound = False
    x = x + 1
    n = n + 1
    If Trim(wQuick.Cells(x, "B").Value) = "" Then Exit Do

'If there is a 1 in the Boolean column then ...
    If Trim(wQuick.Cells(x, "C").Value) = "1" Then

 'Move the y value so that the template is pasted in the appropriate place
    y = y + 1

'Copy the appropriate form from wMaster
    firstrow = (n * 9) + 18
    lastrow = (n * 9) + 27

    Let MyRange = "A" & firstrow & ":" & "K" & lastrow


'Select the next place for the form to be pasted on wQuick

    pasterow = (y * 9) - 5

     Let PasteCell = "F" & "," & pasterow

    End If


  Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub


# keep track of MyRange.Row and MyRange.Column
For Each cell in wMaster.Range(MyRange):
  wQuick.Cells(<Starting point>).Offset(<take the cell coordinates, based on MyRange.Row and/or MyRange.Column>).Value = cell.Value
