Excel Vba在设置对象属性时抛出,即使使用Set时也是如此-错误91

Excel Vba在设置对象属性时抛出,即使使用Set时也是如此-错误91,excel,vba,class,set,Excel,Vba,Class,Set,这是我第一次使用类模块,在我工作时,设置属性时出现了错误91。我搜索了一下,知道我应该使用set。然而,即使在我使用set时,它也会抛出“objectvariablennotset”。最后一件事是,我不是在说评论行 我的模块: Option Explicit Public Static Sub VeriGetir() Sheets("Veri Sayfası").Activate Dim römorklar() As Römork Dim index As I



    Option Explicit
Public Static Sub VeriGetir()

    Sheets("Veri Sayfası").Activate

    Dim römorklar() As Römork
    Dim index As Integer
    index = -1
    Dim i

    For i = 2 To 100
        If Not Cells(1, i) = "" And Not Cells(12, i) = "" Then
            Dim vRömork As Römork
            Set vRömork = New Römork
            vRömork.ÜrünKodu = Cells(1, i)
            Dim öz As MetinÖzellik
            Set öz = New MetinÖzellik
            öz.Ayarla "asd", 12
            Set vRömork.DingilSayısı = öz 'Error here
            'Set vRömork.Ton = Cells(3, i)
            'Set vRömork.En = Cells(4, i)
            'Set vRömork.Boy = Cells(5, i)
            'Set vRömork.KüçükYük = Cells(6, i)
            'Set vRömork.İlave1 = Cells(7, i)
            'Set vRömork.İlave2 = Cells(8, i)
            'Set vRömork.ÖnAks = Cells(9, i)
            'Set vRömork.ArkaAks = Cells(10, i)
            'Set vRömork.Jant = Cells(11, i)
            'Set vRömork.Lastik = Cells(12, i)
            'index = index + 1
            'ReDim römorklar(index)
            'römorklar(index) = vRömork
        End If
    Next i

End Sub
Public Function MetinOluştur(isim As String, fiyat As Double) As MetinÖzellik

    Dim özellik As MetinÖzellik
    Set özellik = New MetinÖzellik

    özellik.Ayarla isim, fiyat

    Set MetinOluştur = özellik

End Function
Public Static Function SayıOluştur(değer As Double, fiyat As Double) As SayıÖzellik

    Dim sayı_özellik As SayıÖzellik
    Set sayı_özellik = New SayıÖzellik

    sayı_özellik.Ayarla değer, fiyat

    Set SayıOluştur = sayı_özellik

End Function

    Option Explicit
    Private pÜrünKodu As String
    Private pDingilSayısı As MetinÖzellik
    Private pTon As MetinÖzellik
    Private pEn As SayıÖzellik
    Private pBoy As SayıÖzellik
    Private pKüçükYük As SayıÖzellik
    Private pİlave1 As SayıÖzellik
    Private pİlave2 As SayıÖzellik
    Private pÖnAks As MetinÖzellik
    Private pArkaAks As MetinÖzellik
    Private pJant As MetinÖzellik
    Private pLastik As MetinÖzellik
    Public Property Get ÜrünKodu() As String
        ÜrünKodu = pÜrünKodu
    End Property
    Public Property Let ÜrünKodu(Value As String)
        pÜrünKodu = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get DingilSayısı() As MetinÖzellik
        DingilSayısı = pDingilSayısı
    End Property
    Public Property Let DingilSayısı(Value As MetinÖzellik)
        pDingilSayısı = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get Ton() As MetinÖzellik
        Ton = pTon
    End Property
    Public Property Let Ton(Value As MetinÖzellik)
        pTon = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get ÖnAks() As MetinÖzellik
        ÖnAks = pÖnAks
    End Property
    Public Property Let ÖnAks(Value As MetinÖzellik)
        pÖnAks = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get ArkaAks() As MetinÖzellik
        ArkaAks = pArkaAks
    End Property
    Public Property Let ArkaAks(Value As MetinÖzellik)
        pArkaAks = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get Jant() As MetinÖzellik
        Jant = pJant
    End Property
    Public Property Let Jant(Value As MetinÖzellik)
        pJant = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get Lastik() As MetinÖzellik
        Lastik = pLastik
    End Property
    Public Property Let Lastik(Value As MetinÖzellik)
        pLastik = Value
    End Property
    ' En  Boy K.Yük   İlave1  İlave2
    Public Property Get En() As SayıÖzellik
        En = pEn
    End Property
    Public Property Let En(Value As SayıÖzellik)
        pEn = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get Boy() As SayıÖzellik
        Boy = pBoy
    End Property
    Public Property Let Boy(Value As SayıÖzellik)
        pBoy = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get KüçükYük() As SayıÖzellik
        KüçükYük = pKüçükYük
    End Property
    Public Property Let KüçükYük(Value As SayıÖzellik)
        pKüçükYük = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get İlave1() As SayıÖzellik
        İlave = pİlave1
    End Property
    Public Property Let İlave1(Value As SayıÖzellik)
        pİlave1 = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get İlave2() As SayıÖzellik
        İlave2 = pİlave2
    End Property
    Public Property Let İlave2(Value As SayıÖzellik)
        İlave2 = Value
    End Property
Option Explicit
Private pİsim As String
Private pFiyat As Double
Public Property Get İsim() As String
    İsim = pİsim
End Property
Public Property Let İsim(Value As String)
    pİsim = Value
End Property
Public Property Get fiyat() As Double
    fiyat = pFiyat
End Property
Public Property Let fiyat(Value As Double)
    pFiyat = Value
End Property
Public Sub Ayarla(pİsim As String, pFiyat As Double)
    Me.İsim = pİsim
    Me.fiyat = pFiyat
End Sub
Option Explicit
Private pDeğer As Double
Private pFiyat As Double
Public Property Get değer() As String
    değer = pDeğer
End Property
Public Property Let değer(Value As String)
    pDeğer = Value
End Property
Private pFiyat As Double
Public Property Get fiyat() As Double
    fiyat = pFiyat
End Property
Public Property Let fiyat(Value As Double)
    pFiyat = Value
End Property
Public Sub Ayarla(pDeğer As Double, pFiyat As Double)
    Me.değer = pDeğer
    Me.fiyat = pFiyat
End Sub
Public Static Function Oluştur(değer As Double, fiyat As Double) As SayıÖzellik

    Dim sayı_özellik As SayıÖzellik
    Set sayı_özellik = New SayıÖzellik

    sayı_özellik.Ayarla değer, fiyat

    Set Oluştur = sayı_özellik

End Function

    Option Explicit
    Private pÜrünKodu As String
    Private pDingilSayısı As MetinÖzellik
    Private pTon As MetinÖzellik
    Private pEn As SayıÖzellik
    Private pBoy As SayıÖzellik
    Private pKüçükYük As SayıÖzellik
    Private pİlave1 As SayıÖzellik
    Private pİlave2 As SayıÖzellik
    Private pÖnAks As MetinÖzellik
    Private pArkaAks As MetinÖzellik
    Private pJant As MetinÖzellik
    Private pLastik As MetinÖzellik
    Public Property Get ÜrünKodu() As String
        ÜrünKodu = pÜrünKodu
    End Property
    Public Property Let ÜrünKodu(Value As String)
        pÜrünKodu = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get DingilSayısı() As MetinÖzellik
        DingilSayısı = pDingilSayısı
    End Property
    Public Property Let DingilSayısı(Value As MetinÖzellik)
        pDingilSayısı = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get Ton() As MetinÖzellik
        Ton = pTon
    End Property
    Public Property Let Ton(Value As MetinÖzellik)
        pTon = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get ÖnAks() As MetinÖzellik
        ÖnAks = pÖnAks
    End Property
    Public Property Let ÖnAks(Value As MetinÖzellik)
        pÖnAks = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get ArkaAks() As MetinÖzellik
        ArkaAks = pArkaAks
    End Property
    Public Property Let ArkaAks(Value As MetinÖzellik)
        pArkaAks = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get Jant() As MetinÖzellik
        Jant = pJant
    End Property
    Public Property Let Jant(Value As MetinÖzellik)
        pJant = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get Lastik() As MetinÖzellik
        Lastik = pLastik
    End Property
    Public Property Let Lastik(Value As MetinÖzellik)
        pLastik = Value
    End Property
    ' En  Boy K.Yük   İlave1  İlave2
    Public Property Get En() As SayıÖzellik
        En = pEn
    End Property
    Public Property Let En(Value As SayıÖzellik)
        pEn = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get Boy() As SayıÖzellik
        Boy = pBoy
    End Property
    Public Property Let Boy(Value As SayıÖzellik)
        pBoy = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get KüçükYük() As SayıÖzellik
        KüçükYük = pKüçükYük
    End Property
    Public Property Let KüçükYük(Value As SayıÖzellik)
        pKüçükYük = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get İlave1() As SayıÖzellik
        İlave = pİlave1
    End Property
    Public Property Let İlave1(Value As SayıÖzellik)
        pİlave1 = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get İlave2() As SayıÖzellik
        İlave2 = pİlave2
    End Property
    Public Property Let İlave2(Value As SayıÖzellik)
        İlave2 = Value
    End Property
Option Explicit
Private pİsim As String
Private pFiyat As Double
Public Property Get İsim() As String
    İsim = pİsim
End Property
Public Property Let İsim(Value As String)
    pİsim = Value
End Property
Public Property Get fiyat() As Double
    fiyat = pFiyat
End Property
Public Property Let fiyat(Value As Double)
    pFiyat = Value
End Property
Public Sub Ayarla(pİsim As String, pFiyat As Double)
    Me.İsim = pİsim
    Me.fiyat = pFiyat
End Sub
Option Explicit
Private pDeğer As Double
Private pFiyat As Double
Public Property Get değer() As String
    değer = pDeğer
End Property
Public Property Let değer(Value As String)
    pDeğer = Value
End Property
Private pFiyat As Double
Public Property Get fiyat() As Double
    fiyat = pFiyat
End Property
Public Property Let fiyat(Value As Double)
    pFiyat = Value
End Property
Public Sub Ayarla(pDeğer As Double, pFiyat As Double)
    Me.değer = pDeğer
    Me.fiyat = pFiyat
End Sub
Public Static Function Oluştur(değer As Double, fiyat As Double) As SayıÖzellik

    Dim sayı_özellik As SayıÖzellik
    Set sayı_özellik = New SayıÖzellik

    sayı_özellik.Ayarla değer, fiyat

    Set Oluştur = sayı_özellik

End Function

    Option Explicit
    Private pÜrünKodu As String
    Private pDingilSayısı As MetinÖzellik
    Private pTon As MetinÖzellik
    Private pEn As SayıÖzellik
    Private pBoy As SayıÖzellik
    Private pKüçükYük As SayıÖzellik
    Private pİlave1 As SayıÖzellik
    Private pİlave2 As SayıÖzellik
    Private pÖnAks As MetinÖzellik
    Private pArkaAks As MetinÖzellik
    Private pJant As MetinÖzellik
    Private pLastik As MetinÖzellik
    Public Property Get ÜrünKodu() As String
        ÜrünKodu = pÜrünKodu
    End Property
    Public Property Let ÜrünKodu(Value As String)
        pÜrünKodu = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get DingilSayısı() As MetinÖzellik
        DingilSayısı = pDingilSayısı
    End Property
    Public Property Let DingilSayısı(Value As MetinÖzellik)
        pDingilSayısı = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get Ton() As MetinÖzellik
        Ton = pTon
    End Property
    Public Property Let Ton(Value As MetinÖzellik)
        pTon = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get ÖnAks() As MetinÖzellik
        ÖnAks = pÖnAks
    End Property
    Public Property Let ÖnAks(Value As MetinÖzellik)
        pÖnAks = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get ArkaAks() As MetinÖzellik
        ArkaAks = pArkaAks
    End Property
    Public Property Let ArkaAks(Value As MetinÖzellik)
        pArkaAks = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get Jant() As MetinÖzellik
        Jant = pJant
    End Property
    Public Property Let Jant(Value As MetinÖzellik)
        pJant = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get Lastik() As MetinÖzellik
        Lastik = pLastik
    End Property
    Public Property Let Lastik(Value As MetinÖzellik)
        pLastik = Value
    End Property
    ' En  Boy K.Yük   İlave1  İlave2
    Public Property Get En() As SayıÖzellik
        En = pEn
    End Property
    Public Property Let En(Value As SayıÖzellik)
        pEn = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get Boy() As SayıÖzellik
        Boy = pBoy
    End Property
    Public Property Let Boy(Value As SayıÖzellik)
        pBoy = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get KüçükYük() As SayıÖzellik
        KüçükYük = pKüçükYük
    End Property
    Public Property Let KüçükYük(Value As SayıÖzellik)
        pKüçükYük = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get İlave1() As SayıÖzellik
        İlave = pİlave1
    End Property
    Public Property Let İlave1(Value As SayıÖzellik)
        pİlave1 = Value
    End Property
    Public Property Get İlave2() As SayıÖzellik
        İlave2 = pİlave2
    End Property
    Public Property Let İlave2(Value As SayıÖzellik)
        İlave2 = Value
    End Property
Option Explicit
Private pİsim As String
Private pFiyat As Double
Public Property Get İsim() As String
    İsim = pİsim
End Property
Public Property Let İsim(Value As String)
    pİsim = Value
End Property
Public Property Get fiyat() As Double
    fiyat = pFiyat
End Property
Public Property Let fiyat(Value As Double)
    pFiyat = Value
End Property
Public Sub Ayarla(pİsim As String, pFiyat As Double)
    Me.İsim = pİsim
    Me.fiyat = pFiyat
End Sub
Option Explicit
Private pDeğer As Double
Private pFiyat As Double
Public Property Get değer() As String
    değer = pDeğer
End Property
Public Property Let değer(Value As String)
    pDeğer = Value
End Property
Private pFiyat As Double
Public Property Get fiyat() As Double
    fiyat = pFiyat
End Property
Public Property Let fiyat(Value As Double)
    pFiyat = Value
End Property
Public Sub Ayarla(pDeğer As Double, pFiyat As Double)
    Me.değer = pDeğer
    Me.fiyat = pFiyat
End Sub
Public Static Function Oluştur(değer As Double, fiyat As Double) As SayıÖzellik

    Dim sayı_özellik As SayıÖzellik
    Set sayı_özellik = New SayıÖzellik

    sayı_özellik.Ayarla değer, fiyat

    Set Oluştur = sayı_özellik

End Function

Public Property让DingilSayısı(值为MetinÖzellik)
Public Property Set DingilSayısı(值为MetinÖzellik)
Set pDingilSayısı=Value