VBA Excel AddPicture()根据Excel是否可见而不同

VBA Excel AddPicture()根据Excel是否可见而不同,excel,vba,delphi,Excel,Vba,Delphi,这个问题既可以在Delphi中通过Ole自动化驱动Excel,也可以在Word/VBA宏中演示。我展示了一个测试词宏(如下),以证明它不是Delphi问题,但也添加了Delphi代码,因为这对某些人来说可能更容易 目前,这对我们来说是一个大问题,我想知道是否有其他人已经看到/解决了这个问题,或者至少可能有一些建议,因为我花了很多时间尝试各种变通方法并在谷歌上搜索解决方案。我们需要得到的图像大小正确,因为我们有一个硬规格,图像不能有任何纵横比的变化 问题如下。如果我们使用chart.Shapes.






Sub Test_Excel()
' Test_Excel Macro

   'You will need to go to 'Tools/References' in the Word VBA editor and enable reference to
   '  Microsoft Excel

   Dim Oxl As New Excel.Application
   Dim owB As Excel.Workbook
   Dim Chrt As Excel.Chart
   Dim DSht As Excel.Worksheet
   Dim i As Integer
   Dim Rng As Excel.Range
   Dim Ax As Excel.Axis
   Dim Pic As Excel.Shape

   'File name of an image on disk we are going to place on the graph. we don't want
   '  to link to it, as the Excel file will be sent to someone else.
   'For the purposes of the test this file can be whatever suits, and what ever you want
   '  At a guess the scaling effect may differ on different files.
   'Since I don't think I can attach a suitable image in StackOverflow it really doesnt
   '  matter what it is, but something around 300-400 x 160 pixels would show the issue.
   ImageToAdd = "C:\Temp\Excel_Logo_test.jpg"

   'Create a single chart workbook
   Set owB = Oxl.WorkBooks.Add(xlWBATChart)
   'Get reference to the chart
   Set Chrt = owB.Charts(1)

On Error GoTo Err_Handler


   'Insert a data sheet before the chart
   Set DSht = owB.Sheets.Add

   'Insert some dummy data
   DSht.Name = "Processed Data"
   DSht.Cells(1, 1) = "X"
   DSht.Cells(1, 2) = "Y"
   For i = 2 To 11
     DSht.Cells(i, 1) = i - 1
     DSht.Cells(i, 2) = (i - 1) * 2
   Next i
   Set Rng = DSht.Range("$A:$B")

   'Various set up of chart size and orientation
   Chrt.PageSetup.PaperSize = xlPaperA4
   Chrt.PageSetup.Orientation = xlLandscape
   Chrt.SizeWithWindow = False
   Chrt.ChartType = xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers

   'Now add the data on to the chart
   Chrt.SeriesCollection.Add Source:=Rng, Rowcol:=xlColumns, SeriesLabels:=True

   'Set up for some general titles etc
   Set Ax = Chrt.Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary)
   Ax.HasTitle = True
   Ax.AxisTitle.Caption = "Y-Axis"
   Chrt.HasTitle = True
   Chrt.ChartTitle.Caption = "Title"

   'Resize the graph area to our requirements
   Chrt.PageSetup.LeftMargin = Excel.Application.CentimetersToPoints(1.9)
   Chrt.PageSetup.RightMargin = Excel.Application.CentimetersToPoints(1.9)
   Chrt.PageSetup.TopMargin = Excel.Application.CentimetersToPoints(1.1)
   Chrt.PageSetup.BottomMargin = Excel.Application.CentimetersToPoints(1.6)

   Chrt.PageSetup.HeaderMargin = Excel.Application.CentimetersToPoints(0.8)
   Chrt.PageSetup.FooterMargin = Excel.Application.CentimetersToPoints(0.9)

   Chrt.PlotArea.Left = 35
   Chrt.PlotArea.Top = 32
   Chrt.PlotArea.Height = Chrt.ChartArea.Height - 64
   Chrt.PlotArea.Width = Chrt.ChartArea.Width - 70

   'Place image (#1) top left corner. At this point Excel is still invisible
   Chrt.Shapes.AddPicture ImageToAdd, msoFalse, msoTrue, 0#, 0#, -1, -1

   'Place image (#2) more to the right. At this point Excel is still invisible
   Set Pic = Chrt.Shapes.AddPicture(ImageToAdd, msoFalse, msoTrue, 300#, 0#, -1, -1)
   'Now try and force the scaling.... wont work!
   Pic.ScaleHeight 1#, msoTrue, msoScaleFromTopLeft
   Pic.ScaleWidth 1#, msoTrue, msoScaleFromTopLeft

   Oxl.Visible = True
   'Place the same image (#3) lower down. Excel is now visible
   Chrt.Shapes.AddPicture ImageToAdd, msoFalse, msoTrue, 0#, 150#, -1, -1

   'Place the same image (#4) lower down and right. Excel still visible
   Set Pic = Chrt.Shapes.AddPicture(ImageToAdd, msoFalse, msoTrue, 300#, 150#, -1, -1)
   'Now try and force the scaling.... will work when visible!
   Pic.ScaleHeight 1.2, msoTrue, msoScaleFromTopLeft
   Pic.ScaleWidth 1.2, msoTrue, msoScaleFromTopLeft

   MsgBox "First check point"

   'At this point we are going to pause with Excel visible to see the difference in the 4 images
   'On my system (Office 2010)....
   'The first: placed when Excel was not visible has some form of image scaling applied.
   '  Height_Scaling = 107%,
   '  Width Scaling = 99%.
   'The second: Like the first, but we are going to try and force the scaling. Will not work!!
   '  Height_Scaling = 107%,
   '  Width Scaling = 99%.
   'The 3rd: placed when Excel was visible has NO image scaling applied.
   '  Height_Scaling = 100%,
   '  Width Scaling = 100%.
   'The 4th: Like the 3rd, but forcing scaling to 120% horz and vert. Will work because visible
   '  Height_Scaling = 120%,
   '  Width Scaling = 120%.

   'Now try and force the scaling (image #2).... will work when visible!
   Set Pic = Chrt.Shapes(2)
   Pic.ScaleHeight 1#, msoTrue, msoScaleFromTopLeft
   Pic.ScaleWidth 1#, msoTrue, msoScaleFromTopLeft

   MsgBox "Do what you like now. When you have finished checking in Excel, click this box and the Excel instance will close"

   'Suppress save message...
   Oxl.DisplayAlerts = False
   'Close the Excel instance so it is not left dangling in memory...

   Exit Sub

   'An ERROR. Lets clear up...
   MsgBox "Error"
   'Suppress save message...
   Oxl.DisplayAlerts = False
   'Close the Excel instance so it is not left dangling in memory...

End Sub
Delphi XE7(但应在Delphi 7以后的任何程序上运行)测试应用程序(单个表单一个按钮)



测试代码是在Word 2010中作为宏编写的。[您必须确保在项目/参考资料部分添加Excel]。[正如代码中提到的,您需要提供某种类型的图像,因为我认为我无法在StackOverflow中附加文件…]。它创建一个带有图表的电子表格,添加少量数据,并绘制图表。然后添加图像的4个副本 1.简单添加(Excel隐藏) 2.简单添加(Excel隐藏),然后尝试强制缩放 显示Excel 3.简单添加 4.简单添加,然后尝试强制缩放(120%/120%)

然后会显示一个消息框来停止宏,以允许检查图表区域上的图像属性。 图像1和2均以107%/99%的比例显示 图3和图4显示为(100%/100%)和(120%/120%),因此图3和图4都是正确的






unit Unit1;


  Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,
  Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls;

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    Button1: TButton;
    procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    { Private declarations }
    { Public declarations }

  Form1: TForm1;


  ExcelXP, OfficeXP;

{$R *.dfm}

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  ExcelAppID = 'Excel.Application';
   //File name of an image on disk we are going to place on the graph. we don't want
   //  to link to it, as the Excel file will be sent to someone else.
   //For the purposes of the test this file can be whatever suits, and what ever you want
   //  At a guess the scaling effect may differ on different files.
   //Since I don't think I can attach a suitable image in StackOverflow it really doesnt
   //  matter what it is, but something around 300-400 x 160 pixels would show the issue.
   ImageToAdd = 'C:\Temp\Excel_Logo_test.jpg';
   Oxl: Variant;
   owB: Variant;
   Chrt: Variant;
   DSht: Variant;
   i: Integer;
   Rng: Variant;
   Ax: Variant;
   Pic: Variant;
    OxL:= CreateOleObject(ExcelAppID);
    OxL.Visible:= false;
        //Create a single chart workbook
        owB:= Oxl.WorkBooks.Add(Integer(xlWBATChart));

        //Get reference to the chart
        Chrt:= owB.Charts[1];


        //Insert a data sheet before the chart
        DSht:= owB.Sheets.Add;

        //Insert some dummy data
        DSht.Name:= 'Processed Data';
        DSht.Cells[1, 1]:= 'X';
        DSht.Cells[1, 2]:= 'Y';
        For i:= 2 To 11 do
          DSht.Cells(i, 1):= i - 1;
          DSht.Cells(i, 2):= (i - 1) * 2;
        Rng:= DSht.Range['$A:$B'];

        //Various set up of chart size and orientation
        Chrt.PageSetup.PaperSize:= xlPaperA4;
        Chrt.PageSetup.Orientation:= xlLandscape;
        Chrt.SizeWithWindow:= False;
        Chrt.ChartType:= xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers;

        //Now add the data on to the chart
        Chrt.SeriesCollection.Add(Source:=Rng, Rowcol:=xlColumns, SeriesLabels:=True);

        //Set up for some general titles etc
        Ax:= Chrt.Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary);
        Ax.HasTitle:= True;
        Ax.AxisTitle.Caption:= 'Y-Axis';
        Chrt.HasTitle:= True;
        Chrt.ChartTitle.Caption:= 'Title';

        //Resize the graph area to our requirements
        Chrt.PageSetup.LeftMargin:= OxL.CentimetersToPoints(1.9);
        Chrt.PageSetup.RightMargin:= OxL.CentimetersToPoints(1.9);
        Chrt.PageSetup.TopMargin:= OxL.CentimetersToPoints(1.1);
        Chrt.PageSetup.BottomMargin:= OxL.CentimetersToPoints(1.6);

        Chrt.PageSetup.HeaderMargin:= OxL.CentimetersToPoints(0.8);
        Chrt.PageSetup.FooterMargin:= OxL.CentimetersToPoints(0.9);

        Chrt.PlotArea.Left:= 35;
        Chrt.PlotArea.Top:= 32;
        Chrt.PlotArea.Height:= Chrt.ChartArea.Height - 64;
        Chrt.PlotArea.Width:= Chrt.ChartArea.Width - 70;

        //Place image top left corner. At this point Excel is still invisible
        Pic:= Chrt.Shapes.AddPicture(ImageToAdd, msoFalse, msoTrue, 0, 0, -1, -1);
        //Pic:= Chrt.Shapes(1);

        //Place image more to the right. At this point Excel is still invisible
        Pic:= Chrt.Shapes.AddPicture(ImageToAdd, msoFalse, msoTrue, 300, 0, -1, -1);
        //Pic:= Chrt.Shapes(2);
        //Now try and force the scaling.... wont work!
        Pic.ScaleHeight(1, msoTrue, msoScaleFromTopLeft);
        Pic.ScaleWidth(1, msoTrue, msoScaleFromTopLeft);

        Oxl.Visible:= True;
        //Place the same image lower down. Excel is now visible
        Pic:= Chrt.Shapes.AddPicture(ImageToAdd, msoFalse, msoTrue, 0, 150, -1, -1);
        //Pic:= Chrt.Shapes(3);

        //Place the same image lower down and right. Excel still visible
        Pic:= Chrt.Shapes.AddPicture(ImageToAdd, msoFalse, msoTrue, 300, 150, -1, -1);
        //Pic:= Chrt.Shapes(4);
        //Now try and force the scaling.... will work when visible!
        Pic.ScaleHeight(1.2, msoTrue, msoScaleFromTopLeft);
        Pic.ScaleWidth(1.2, msoTrue, msoScaleFromTopLeft);

        ShowMessage('First check point');

        //At this point we are going to pause with Excel visible to see the difference in the 4 images
        //On my system (Office 2010)....
        //The first: placed when Excel was not visible has some form of image scaling applied.
        //  Height_Scaling = 107%,
        //  Width Scaling = 99%.
        //The second: Like the first, but we are going to try and force the scaling. Will not work!!
        //  Height_Scaling = 107%,
        //  Width Scaling = 99%.
        //The 3rd: placed when Excel was visible has NO image scaling applied.
        //  Height_Scaling = 100%,
        //  Width Scaling = 100%.
        //The 4th: Like the 3rd, but forcing scaling to 120% horz and vert. Will work because visible
        //  Height_Scaling = 120%,
        //  Width Scaling = 120%.

        //Now try and force the scaling.... will work when visible!
        Pic:= Chrt.Shapes[2];
        Pic.ScaleHeight(1, msoTrue, msoScaleFromTopLeft);
        Pic.ScaleWidth(1, msoTrue, msoScaleFromTopLeft);

        ShowMessage('Do what you like now. When you have finished checking in Excel, click this box and the Excel instance will close');

        //Suppress save message...
        Oxl.DisplayAlerts:= False;
        //Close the Excel instance so it is not left dangling in memory...

        //An ERROR. Lets clear up...
      //Suppress save message...
      Oxl.DisplayAlerts:= False;
      //Close the Excel instance so it is not left dangling in memory...

    raise exception.create('Excel could not be started.');
