Excel 基于列A中的重复值合并行

Excel 基于列A中的重复值合并行,excel,excel-formula,excel-2010,vba,Excel,Excel Formula,Excel 2010,Vba,*注意:我在搜索该网站的第二天,还没有找到一个有效或我能理解的好答案。我不知道编码,这只是为了工作。(我在接下来的6小时内没有时间学习)。请协助,因为我所看到的并不能回答我的问题。我已经发布了我在底部尝试过的许多VBA代码之一。它看起来很接近我需要的,但我不知道如何为我的数据编辑它* 我有一个供应商,它根据从事某项工作的人员来划分工作编号,无论我们要求他们将所有信息放在一行中多少次。所以我的问题是,如何根据作业编号组合行?有多个列与需要合并的行(A-P或1-16)关联,其中A/1列包含重复的作业






子合并类别值() 长得一样长

With ActiveSheet
    Dim columnToMatch As Integer: columnToMatch = 1
    Dim columnToConcatenate As Integer: columnToConcatenate = 3
    Dim columnToSum As Integer: columnToSum = 4

    lngRow = .Cells(65536, columnToMatch).End(xlUp).Row
    .Cells(columnToMatch).CurrentRegion.Sort key1:=.Cells(columnToMatch), Header:=xlYes

        If .Cells(lngRow, columnToMatch) = .Cells(lngRow - 1, columnToMatch) Then
            .Cells(lngRow - 1, columnToConcatenate) = .Cells(lngRow - 1, columnToConcatenate) & "; " & .Cells(lngRow, columnToConcatenate)
            .Cells(lngRow - 1, columnToSum) = .Cells(lngRow - 1, columnToSum) + .Cells(lngRow, columnToSum)
        End If

        lngRow = lngRow - 1
    Loop Until lngRow = 1
End With




Sub mergeCategoryValues() 
    Dim lngRow As Long

    'This is using activesheet, so make sure your worksheet is 
    ' selected before running this code.
    With ActiveSheet

        'We are looking for duplicate Job Numbers
        '  which is column 1. Set that here if it needs
        '  to change.
        Dim columnToMatch As Integer: columnToMatch = 1

        'Figure out the last row
        lngRow = .Cells(65536, columnToMatch).End(xlUp).Row

        'Sort the records by the column we will use to match . Column A holds the Job Number
        .Cells(columnToMatch).CurrentRegion.Sort key1:=.Cells(columnToMatch), Header:=xlYes

        'Loop through each row starting with last and working our way up.

            'Does this row match with the next row up accoding to the Job Number in Column A?
            If .Cells(lngRow, columnToMatch) = .Cells(lngRow - 1, columnToMatch) Then

                'Loop through columns B though P
                For i = 2 to 16

                    'Determine if the next row up already has a value. If it does leave it be
                    '   if it doesn't then use the value from this row to populate the next
                    '   next one up.
                    If .Cells(lngRow - 1, i).value = "" Then
                        .cells(lngRow - 1, i).value = .cells(lngRow, i).value
                    End if
                Next i

                'Now that we've processed all of the columns, delete this row
                '   as the next row up will have all the values
            End If

            'Go to the next row up and do it all again.
            lngRow = lngRow - 1
        Loop Until lngRow = 1
    End With
End Sub
