Excel VBA执行代码时不会出错,并且在逐步执行时正确执行代码,但在单独运行时则不会

Excel VBA执行代码时不会出错,并且在逐步执行时正确执行代码,但在单独运行时则不会,excel,vba,Excel,Vba,首先,我知道这是一篇很长的文章,但我不知道问题出在哪里,我不想用我没有包含的代码不断更新每个人,所以我包含了所有内容。有些代码可以查看,因为它不会引起任何问题,我提到这一点是为了让它更快。非常感谢 背景:大家好!在工作中,我们有一个电子表格,用户可以选择1到2个计算器来运行一些数字,并确定公寓的成本应该是多少。我的任务是为电子表格创建SOP。我认为在不同的单元格中添加注释,然后添加application.wait是一个很好的方法,这样它们就可以留在工作簿中,而不是通过Word文档被告知和显示 问





Sub Macro1()
Dim rng1 As Range, rng2 As Range

MsgBox "This tour will auto play and show you how to go about using the Rate Calculator. Let's begin!"

'1 Selecting a calculator
Range("A2").Comment.Visible = True
Range("A2").Comment.Text Text:= _
    "Start by selecting the type of rate calculator you would like to use. Do so by typing in your selection or using the drop down menu."
Range("A2").Comment.Shape.TextFrame.AutoSize = True
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:07"))

'2 After calculator selection
Application.EnableEvents = True
Range("A2").Value = "Match Lease"
Application.EnableEvents = False

Range("A2").Comment.Visible = True
Range("A2").Comment.Text Text:= _
    "Once we've selected an option, 'Match Lease' in this case, the appropriate calculator becomes visible. Fill in the appropriate information in the gray boxes to obtain your daily rate."
Range("A2").Comment.Shape.TextFrame.AutoSize = True
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:09"))


'4 Discuss helpful hints
Range("F27").Comment.Visible = True
Range("F27").Comment.Text Text:= _
    "Notice that when your active cell is at F27 or F28, a tip is provided to remind you to select an option in the drop down to the left of your current, active cell."
Range("F27").Comment.Shape.TextFrame.AutoSize = True
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:11"))

最后,我们设置了两个非连续范围的并集,以显示我们在让员工知道如果其中任何一个单元格有值,则必须在能够打印之前填写“$Amount(+/=)”字段(通过beforeprint宏处理)。虽然union selection和event宏起作用,但在F102中添加“我的注释”不会起作用

'6 Explain printing won't work if table is partially filled out
With Sheets("Rate Calculator v6")
    Set rng1 = Range("A102:D102")
    Set rng2 = .Range("P102:Q102")
    Application.Union(rng1, rng2).Select
End With

Range("F102").Comment.Visible = True
Range("F102").Comment.Text Text:= _
    "If any of the cells on this bottom table are filled in, Excel will not allow you to print until the '$ Amount (+/-)' field is entered."
Range("F102").Comment.Shape.TextFrame.AutoSize = True
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:11"))

Sub AutoFitAndAddSpaceToComments()
Dim rngComments As Range, cell As Range
Dim Cmt As Comment
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim Cntr As Long
ActiveSheet.Unprotect "password"
Set rngComments = Sheets("Rate Calculator v6").Range("F3:N46").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeComments)
If rngComments.Count = 0 Then MsgBox "There are no comments."

For Each cell In rngComments                                                                                        'Run through all comments and...
cell.Comment.Shape.TextFrame.AutoSize = True                                                                'autofit
Next cell

For Each cell In rngComments                                                                                    'Run through all comments and...
If BottomCntr > cell.Comment.Shape.Top Then cell.Comment.Shape.Top = BottomCntr + 2                     'If bottom of last comment is greater than the     top of current comment, add 2 points
TopCntr = cell.Comment.Shape.Top
HeightCntr = cell.Comment.Shape.Height
BottomCntr = TopCntr + HeightCntr
'Debug.Print cell.Comment.Shape.Name; " Top:"; TopCntr; " Height:"; HeightCntr; " Bottom:"; BottomCntr
Next cell
ActiveSheet.Protect "password", "false"
End Sub

Sub ShowHideComments()
If Application.DisplayCommentIndicator = xlCommentIndicatorOnly Then
Application.DisplayCommentIndicator = xlCommentAndIndicator
Application.DisplayCommentIndicator = xlCommentIndicatorOnly
End If
End Sub


'6 Explain printing won't work if table is partially filled out
With Sheets("Rate Calculator v6")
    Set rng1 = Range("A102:D102")
    Set rng2 = .Range("P102:Q102")
    Application.Union(rng1, rng2).Select
End With

Range("F102").Comment.Visible = True
Range("F102").Comment.Text Text:= _
    "If any of the cells on this bottom table are filled in, Excel will not allow you to print until the '$ Amount (+/-)' field is entered."
Range("F102").Comment.Shape.TextFrame.AutoSize = True
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:11"))
Sub AutoFitAndAddSpaceToComments()
Dim rngComments As Range, cell As Range
Dim Cmt As Comment
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim Cntr As Long
ActiveSheet.Unprotect "password"
Set rngComments = Sheets("Rate Calculator v6").Range("F3:N46").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeComments)
If rngComments.Count = 0 Then MsgBox "There are no comments."

For Each cell In rngComments                                                                                        'Run through all comments and...
cell.Comment.Shape.TextFrame.AutoSize = True                                                                'autofit
Next cell

For Each cell In rngComments                                                                                    'Run through all comments and...
If BottomCntr > cell.Comment.Shape.Top Then cell.Comment.Shape.Top = BottomCntr + 2                     'If bottom of last comment is greater than the     top of current comment, add 2 points
TopCntr = cell.Comment.Shape.Top
HeightCntr = cell.Comment.Shape.Height
BottomCntr = TopCntr + HeightCntr
'Debug.Print cell.Comment.Shape.Name; " Top:"; TopCntr; " Height:"; HeightCntr; " Bottom:"; BottomCntr
Next cell
ActiveSheet.Protect "password", "false"
End Sub

Sub ShowHideComments()
If Application.DisplayCommentIndicator = xlCommentIndicatorOnly Then
Application.DisplayCommentIndicator = xlCommentAndIndicator
Application.DisplayCommentIndicator = xlCommentIndicatorOnly
End If
End Sub