Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/5/excel/25.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181

Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/0/vba/15.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
效率低下的excel代码在几千行数据之后中断_Excel_Vba_Performance_Processing Efficiency - Fatal编程技术网


效率低下的excel代码在几千行数据之后中断,excel,vba,performance,processing-efficiency,Excel,Vba,Performance,Processing Efficiency,我对Excel和VBA相当陌生。我编写了一段代码,将一行数据分成多个部分,然后添加标题、颜色和绘图 问题是当我有很多行数据时。当我有大约4000行数据时,我的代码运行得很好,但我得到大约10000行数据,Excel冻结,不再响应。代码相当长,我希望任何人都能阅读整个代码 我的怀疑是excel没有响应并崩溃,因为有一个看门狗定时器对代码的执行进行计时,如果它没有收到任何反馈,那么它就会崩溃。这只是猜测 这里是我需要过滤的几行实际数据和所有内容 2017:06:29T14:12:11,0,1013,






Sub SeparateData()
'Author:    Me
'Date:      July 13, 2017
'Purpose:   This macro take the data in the worksheet and separates the data in a readable fashion for the user.
'           This macro also plots and reports any errors that it has caught both in separate sheets named accordingly.

'Define variables
Dim i As Variant
Dim j As Variant
Dim k As Variant
Dim data As Variant
Dim data2 As Variant
Dim count As Variant
Dim shiftDown As Variant
Dim monitorNum As Variant
Dim errorCount As Variant
Dim battChart As ChartObject
Dim currChart As ChartObject
Dim tempChart As ChartObject

'Stop the alerts so we can erase the sheets peacefully
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
'Erase the extra sheets
'Turn on the alerts in case something else happened
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

'Rename the first sheet
ActiveSheet.Name = "Data"
'Create a new sheet for the plots
Sheets.Add.Name = "Plots"
'Create a new sheet for the errors
Sheets.Add.Name = "Errors"

'Activate the first sheet for data processing

'Enter the number of monitors
monitorNum = 4

'Variable to shift down the data so that te headers will fit (recommended 2)
shiftDown = 2

'Variable to count the number of errors the program thinks occured
errorCount = 0

'Count how many data point there are in the sheet
count = Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion.Rows.count

'Iterate through the points separating the Data
For i = 0 To count - 1
    'First separate the date from the rest
    data = Cells(count - i, 1).Value
    data = Split(data, "T")
    For j = 0 To UBound(data)
        Cells(count - i + shiftDown, j + 1).Value = data(j)
    Next j
    'Now separate the rest of the data
    data2 = data(1)
    data2 = Split(data2, ",")
    For j = 0 To UBound(data2)
        Cells(count - i + shiftDown, j + 2).Value = data2(j)
    Next j
    For k = 0 To monitorNum - 1
        'Check for voltage error
        If Cells(count - i + shiftDown, (k * 10) + 8).Value > 20 Or IsNumeric(Cells(count - i + shiftDown, (k * 10) + 8).Value) = False Then
            'increment the number of errors found
            errorCount = errorCount + 1
            'Activate the Errors sheet for error recording
            'Save the row number and the monitor number where the error was founf
            Cells(errorCount, 1).Value = "Voltage error in row"
            Cells(errorCount, 2).Value = count - i + shiftDown
            Cells(errorCount, 3).Value = "in column"
            Cells(errorCount, 4).Value = (k * 10) + 8
            Cells(errorCount, 5).Value = "in Monitor"
            Cells(errorCount, 6).Value = k + 1
            Cells(errorCount, 7).Value = "The recorded data was"
            Sheets("Data").Cells(count - i + shiftDown, (k * 10) + 8).Copy Cells(errorCount, 8)
            'Autofit all the columns
            Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion.EntireColumn.AutoFit
            'Activate the first sheet for data processing
            'Clear the contents of the error
            Cells(count - i + shiftDown, (k * 10) + 8).ClearContents
        End If

        'Check for current error
        If Cells(count - i + shiftDown, (k * 10) + 7).Value > 80 Or IsNumeric(Cells(count - i + shiftDown, (k * 10) + 7).Value) = False Then
            'increment the number of errors found
            errorCount = errorCount + 1
            'Activate the Errors sheet for error recording
            'Save the row number and the monitor number where the error was founf
            Cells(errorCount, 1).Value = "Current error in row"
            Cells(errorCount, 2).Value = count - i + shiftDown
            Cells(errorCount, 3).Value = "in column"
            Cells(errorCount, 4).Value = (k * 10) + 7
            Cells(errorCount, 5).Value = "in Monitor"
            Cells(errorCount, 6).Value = k + 1
            Cells(errorCount, 7).Value = "The recorded data was"
            Sheets("Data").Cells(count - i + shiftDown, (k * 10) + 7).Copy Cells(errorCount, 8)
            'Autofit all the columns
            Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion.EntireColumn.AutoFit
            'Activate the first sheet for data processing
            'Clear the contents of the error
            Cells(count - i + shiftDown, (k * 10) + 7).ClearContents
        End If

        'Check for temperature error
        If Cells(count - i + shiftDown, (k * 10) + 13).Value > 80 Or IsNumeric(Cells(count - i + shiftDown, (k * 10) + 13).Value) = False Then
            'increment the number of errors found
            errorCount = errorCount + 1
            'Activate the Errors sheet for error recording
            'Save the row number and the monitor number where the error was founf
            Cells(errorCount, 1).Value = "Temperature error in row"
            Cells(errorCount, 2).Value = count - i + shiftDown
            Cells(errorCount, 3).Value = "in column"
            Cells(errorCount, 4).Value = (k * 10) + 13
            Cells(errorCount, 5).Value = "in Monitor"
            Cells(errorCount, 6).Value = k + 1
            Cells(errorCount, 7).Value = "The recorded data was"
            Sheets("Data").Cells(count - i + shiftDown, (k * 10) + 13).Copy Cells(errorCount, 8)
            'Autofit all the columns
            Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion.EntireColumn.AutoFit
            'Activate the first sheet for data processing
            'Clear the contents of the error
            Cells(count - i + shiftDown, (k * 10) + 13).ClearContents
        End If
    Next k
Next i

'Erase the data that has been duplicated
For i = 1 To shiftDown
    Cells(i, 1).Value = ""
Next i

'Write and color the headers
'For the Date
Range(Cells(shiftDown - 1, 1), Cells(shiftDown, 1)).Merge
Range(Cells(shiftDown - 1, 1), Cells(shiftDown, 1)).Value = "Date"
Range(Cells(shiftDown - 1, 1), Cells(count + shiftDown, 1)).Interior.Color = RGB(200, 190, 150)
'For the Time
Range(Cells(shiftDown - 1, 2), Cells(shiftDown, 2)).Merge
Range(Cells(shiftDown - 1, 2), Cells(shiftDown, 2)).Value = "Time"
Range(Cells(shiftDown - 1, 2), Cells(count + shiftDown, 2)).Interior.Color = RGB(150, 140, 80)
'For the Key Switch
Range(Cells(shiftDown - 1, 3), Cells(shiftDown, 3)).Merge
Range(Cells(shiftDown - 1, 3), Cells(shiftDown, 3)).Value = "Key Switch"
Range(Cells(shiftDown - 1, 3), Cells(count + shiftDown, 3)).Interior.Color = RGB(200, 200, 0)

For i = 1 To monitorNum
    Range(Cells(shiftDown - 1, ((i - 1) * 10) + 4), Cells(shiftDown - 1, (i * 10) + 3)).Merge
    Range(Cells(shiftDown - 1, ((i - 1) * 10) + 4), Cells(shiftDown - 1, (i * 10) + 3)).Value = "Monitor " & i
    'color the headers
    If i Mod 4 = 0 Then
        Range(Cells(shiftDown - 1, ((i - 1) * 10) + 4), Cells(shiftDown - 1, (i * 10) + 3)).Interior.Color = RGB(100, 255, 100)
    ElseIf i Mod 3 = 0 Then
        Range(Cells(shiftDown - 1, ((i - 1) * 10) + 4), Cells(shiftDown - 1, (i * 10) + 3)).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 100, 10)
    ElseIf i Mod 2 = 0 Then
        Range(Cells(shiftDown - 1, ((i - 1) * 10) + 4), Cells(shiftDown - 1, (i * 10) + 3)).Interior.Color = RGB(100, 100, 255)
        Range(Cells(shiftDown - 1, ((i - 1) * 10) + 4), Cells(shiftDown - 1, (i * 10) + 3)).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 75, 75)
    End If
Next i

For i = 0 To monitorNum - 1
    'Monitor ID
    Cells(shiftDown, 1 + (i * 10) + 3).Value = "MONITOR_NUM"
    'Monitor status
    Cells(shiftDown, 2 + (i * 10) + 3).Value = "MONITOR_STATUS"
    'Heart Beat count
    Cells(shiftDown, 3 + (i * 10) + 3).Value = "HB_COUNT"
    'For Current
    Cells(shiftDown, 4 + (i * 10) + 3).Value = "CURRENT"
    Range(Cells(shiftDown, 4 + (i * 10) + 3), Cells(count + shiftDown, 4 + (i * 10) + 3)).Interior.Color = RGB(240, 150, 150)
    'For Voltage
    Cells(shiftDown, 5 + (i * 10) + 3).Value = "VOLTAGE"
    Range(Cells(shiftDown, 5 + (i * 10) + 3), Cells(count + shiftDown, 5 + (i * 10) + 3)).Interior.Color = RGB(110, 160, 180)
    'State of Charge
    Cells(shiftDown, 6 + (i * 10) + 3).Value = "SOC"
    'State of Health
    Cells(shiftDown, 7 + (i * 10) + 3).Value = "SOH"
    'Chip temperature
    Cells(shiftDown, 8 + (i * 10) + 3).Value = "TEMP_CHP"
    'Internal temperature
    Cells(shiftDown, 9 + (i * 10) + 3).Value = "TEMP_INT"
    'For Temperature of the terminal
    Cells(shiftDown, 10 + (i * 10) + 3).Value = "TEMP_EXT"
    Range(Cells(shiftDown, 10 + (i * 10) + 3), Cells(count + shiftDown, 10 + (i * 10) + 3)).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 190, 0)
Next i

'Add borders all around the data
Cells(shiftDown, 1).CurrentRegion.Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
'Autofit all the columns
Cells(shiftDown, 1).CurrentRegion.EntireColumn.AutoFit

'Activate the first sheet for data plotting
'Add a new plot
Set battChart = Sheets("Plots").ChartObjects.Add(0, 0, 1200, 300)
'Plot the battery data
With battChart.Chart
    .SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("Data").Range(Cells(5, 8), Cells(count + shiftDown, 8))
    .SeriesCollection(1).Name = "Battery 1"
    .ChartWizard Title:="Voltage", HasLegend:=True, CategoryTitle:="Time (s)", ValueTitle:="Voltage (V)", Gallery:=xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers
    For i = 2 To monitorNum
        .SeriesCollection(i).Values = Sheets("Data").Range(Cells(5, ((i - 1) * 10) + 8), Cells(count + shiftDown, ((i - 1) * 10) + 8))
        .SeriesCollection(i).Name = "Battery " & i
    Next i
End With

'Add a new plot
Set currChart = Sheets("Plots").ChartObjects.Add(0, 300, 1200, 300)
'Plot the current data
With currChart.Chart
    .SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("Data").Range(Cells(5, 7), Cells(count + shiftDown, 7))
    .SeriesCollection(1).Name = "Battery 1"
    .ChartWizard Title:="Current", HasLegend:=True, CategoryTitle:="Time (s)", ValueTitle:="Current (A)", Gallery:=xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers
    For i = 2 To monitorNum
        .SeriesCollection(i).Values = Sheets("Data").Range(Cells(5, ((i - 1) * 10) + 7), Cells(count + shiftDown, ((i - 1) * 10) + 7))
        .SeriesCollection(i).Name = "Battery " & i
    Next i
End With

'Add a new plot
Set tempChart = Sheets("Plots").ChartObjects.Add(0, 600, 1200, 300)
'Plot the current data
With tempChart.Chart
    .SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("Data").Range(Cells(5, 13), Cells(count + shiftDown, 13))
    .SeriesCollection(1).Name = "Battery 1"
    .ChartWizard Title:="Temperature", HasLegend:=True, CategoryTitle:="Time (s)", ValueTitle:="Temperature (F)", Gallery:=xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers
    For i = 2 To monitorNum
        .SeriesCollection(i).Values = Sheets("Data").Range(Cells(5, ((i - 1) * 10) + 13), Cells(count + shiftDown, ((i - 1) * 10) + 13))
        .SeriesCollection(i).Name = "Battery " & i
    Next i
End With

'Indicate that the macro has finished its job
MsgBox "Data separation is complete. There were " & errorCount & " errors found."

End Sub


Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic 
Application.ScreenUpdating = True



Dim DataSheet as Worksheet
ActiveSheet.Name = "Data"
Set DataSheet = ActiveSheet
Dim PlotSheet as Worksheet
Set PlotSheet as Worksheets.Add
Plotsheet.Name = "Plots"
Dim ErrorSheet as Worksheet
Set ErrorSheet = Worksheets.Add
ErrorSheet.Name = "Errors"

count = Datasheet.Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion.Rows.count

        'GET RID OF THIS EVERYWHERE!!!  Worksheets("Errors").Activate
        'Save the row number and the monitor number where the error was founf
        With ErrorSheet
          .Cells(errorCount, 1).Value = "Voltage error in row"
          .Cells(errorCount, 2).Value = count - i + shiftDown
          .Cells(errorCount, 3).Value = "in column"
          .Cells(errorCount, 4).Value = (k * 10) + 8
          .Cells(errorCount, 5).Value = "in Monitor"
          .Cells(errorCount, 6).Value = k + 1
          .Cells(errorCount, 7).Value = "The recorded data was"

        'Note subtle change here:
          DataSheet.Cells(count - i + shiftDown, (k * 10) + 8).Copy .Cells(errorCount, 8)
        'Note: explicitly setting "datasheet" as the destination and using the "With" to save some typing on the ".Cells" call.
        'You could explicitly type the "ErrorSheet" to make it more clear
        'an even better version is:
        .cells(errorCount, 8) = DataSheet.Cells(count - i + shiftDown, (k * 10) + 8)
        End With






'Iterate through the points separating the Data
For i = 0 To count - 1
  'Add this line:
    Application.StatusBar = "Separating points #" & i


Application.StatusBar = ""

