Facebook graph api Facebook图形api位于/act\/adcreatives

Facebook graph api Facebook图形api位于/act\/adcreatives,facebook-graph-api,facebook-php-sdk,Facebook Graph Api,Facebook Php Sdk,在adaccount api/act\上调用/adcreatives edge失败,原因如下。我能够把它缩小到一个特定的创意,当我请求object\u story\u spec字段时,它就失败了 "error_user_title": "First Dof Value Should Match Object Story Spec Field", 使用/me/adaccounts然后使用字段adcreative来报告当我使用这个时:me/adaccounts?fields=adcreative

在adaccount api/act\上调用/adcreatives edge失败,原因如下。我能够把它缩小到一个特定的创意,当我请求object\u story\u spec字段时,它就失败了

"error_user_title": "First Dof Value Should Match Object Story Spec Field",


当我使用这个时:me/adaccounts?fields=adcreatives{name,actor\u id,object\u type,status,use\u page\u actor\u override,object\u story\u spec}我在广告管理器中做广告时得到答案,我对adcreative也有同样的问题!
"error_user_msg": "For a Degrees of freedom enabled ad, the first value of Asset Feed Spec field should match the corresponding field in Object Story Spec.", ```

I haven't been able to find any reference to this error code  ("error_subcode": 2446211 ), or the issue anywhere