File io 在Fortran90+中使用可分配组件对数据类型进行二进制读/写;

File io 在Fortran90+中使用可分配组件对数据类型进行二进制读/写;,file-io,fortran,binaryfiles,binary-data,File Io,Fortran,Binaryfiles,Binary Data,保存变量save的二进制快照的最佳方法是什么,该变量由下面的sample数据类型组成 program save_it type core integer, dimension(8) :: indx end type core type sample integer :: a real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: b type(core), dimension(:), allocatable


program save_it

   type core
      integer, dimension(8) :: indx
   end type core 

   type sample
      integer :: a
      real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: b
      type(core), dimension(:), allocatable :: c
   end type sample

   ! here it comes
   type(sample) :: save

   ! here we allocate all componenets of variable "save"

   ! Now, how to write/read variable "save" to/from external file?

end program save_it 

>在C++中有相当直接的二进制输入/输出流,但我不知道如何在FORTRAN 90+< /P> > P >如果FORTRAN90+意味着你对FORTRAN 2003感到满意,那么就有了用户定义的派生类型IO的选项。这允许您在write语句中包装分配所需的额外簿记。我将把示例代码放在底部

如果您不想使用此功能,这可能是因为您没有支持它的编译器(我已经用ifort 14进行了测试),那么您可以很容易地模拟簿记



module types

   type core
      integer, dimension(8) :: indx
   end type core 

   type sample
      integer :: a
      real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: b
      type(core), dimension(:), allocatable :: c
      procedure write_sample
      procedure read_sample
      generic :: write(unformatted) => write_sample
      generic :: read(unformatted) => read_sample
   end type sample


     ! Unformatted writing for the sample derived type
     subroutine write_sample(dtv, unit, iostat, iomsg)
       class(sample), intent(in) :: dtv
       integer, intent(in) :: unit
       integer, intent(out) :: iostat
       character(*), intent(inout) :: iomsg

       integer i

       ! Write a record giving sizes for the allocation
       write(unit, iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg) SIZE(dtv%b), SIZE(dtv%c)
       write(unit, iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg) dtv%a, dtv%b, &
                                               (dtv%c(i)%indx, i=1,SIZE(dtv%c))

     end subroutine write_sample

     ! Unformatted reading for the sample derived type
     subroutine read_sample(dtv, unit, iostat, iomsg)
       class(sample), intent(inout) :: dtv
       integer, intent(in) :: unit
       integer, intent(out) :: iostat
       character(*), intent(inout) :: iomsg

       integer i
       integer sizeb, sizec

       ! We first have a record telling us the sizes of components
       read(unit, iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg) sizeb, sizec
       ! So we do the allocation
       allocate(dtv%b(sizeb), dtv%c(sizec))
       ! And then finally the reading.
       read(unit, iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg) dtv%a, dtv%b, &
                                             (dtv%c(i)%indx, i=1,SIZE(dtv%c))

     end subroutine read_sample

end module types

program save_it
   use types

   implicit none

   integer i, unit_in, unit_out

   ! here it comes
   type(sample) :: save
   type(sample) :: save_test

   ! Define some values - using ifort don't forget to set the compile flag
   save%a = 14
   save%b = [(i*1., i=1, 10)]
   save%c = [core([(i, i=1,8)]), core([(i, i=11, 18)])]

   ! Write out the derived type
   open(newunit=unit_out, file='serial', form='unformatted', &
        status='replace', action='write')
   write(unit_out) save

   ! Read in the derived type to a new one
   open(newunit=unit_in, file='serial', form='unformatted', &
        status='old', action='read')
   read(unit_in) save_test

   ! Test, if we want to be certain

end program save_it


非常有洞察力的代码和很棒的想法!谢谢注意,子输入/输出语句始终被视为非前进语句-write_sample和read_sample过程都只在主程序中由父write和read语句创建的单个记录中写入和读取数据。@这是一个很好的观点,谢谢。也许在我的程序评论中,我应该说“chunk”而不是“record”?或者有一个加载更少/更正确的术语?@francescalus你在用什么编译器?这不适用于gfortran 6.3.0(据我所知,MinGW的最新可用版本)。我得到:
generic::write(未格式化)=>write\u sample
@JeffIrwin,我使用了ifort(14,如果我在答案中的注释是正确的,则不在后面测试)。据我所知,您需要gfortran 7+来支持已定义的I/O。