File io 将文件复制到其他文件夹并使用当前日期重命名

File io 将文件复制到其他文件夹并使用当前日期重命名,file-io,copy,applescript,File Io,Copy,Applescript,我正在尝试重新创建我编写的VBScript,该脚本将文件复制到远程卷,然后使用当前日期重命名该文件。有一大堆谷歌(等等)的搜索结果,但我似乎无法让它安静下来。下面是我所拥有的,但是当我运行它时,它会返回error“Finder得到一个错误:Handler不能处理这个类的对象。”关于duplicate命令 set {month:mm} to (current date) set {day:d} to (current date) set {year:y} to (current date) set


set {month:mm} to (current date)
set {day:d} to (current date)
set {year:y} to (current date)
set theDate to mm & "-" & d & "-" & y
set fileName to theDate & ".xml"

tell application "Finder"
    duplicate POSIX file "/Users/RHPT/Documents/File.xml" to POSIX file "/Volumes/Public/Backup"
    set name of POSIX file ("/Volumes/Public/Backup/File.xml" as alias) to fileName
end tell


使用do shell脚本也很有用

set theFile to "/Users/RHPT/Documents/File.xml"
set backUpPath to "/Volumes/Public/Backup"
set theDate to (do shell script "date "date '+%m-%d-%Y'")
do shell script "cp " & quoted form of theFile & space & quoted form of backUpPath & theDate & ".xml"



set {month:mm} to (current date)
set {day:d} to (current date)
set {year:y} to (current date)
set theDate to mm & "-" & d & "-" & y
set fileName to theDate & ".xml"
return fileName -- debugging line, remove after debugging
-- returns: {August, "-", 7, "-", 2014, ".xml"}
因此,在“theDate”变量中有一个列表,在“set fileName…”之后要做的是在该列表的末尾添加一个项目。在这些变量中需要的是文本。因此,在构建“theDate”变量的地方,将“as text”附加到该行:

set {month:mm} to (current date)
set {day:d} to (current date)
set {year:y} to (current date)
set theDate to mm & "-" & d & "-" & y as text
set fileName to theDate & ".xml"
return fileName -- debugging line, remove after debugging
-- returns: "August-7-2014.xml"


duplicate POSIX file "/Users/RHPT/Documents/File.xml" to POSIX file "/Volumes/Public/Backup"

set theDuplicatedFile to duplicate POSIX file "/Users/RHPT/Documents/File.xml" to POSIX file "/Volumes/Public/Backup"

set theDocumentsFolderPath to the path to the documents folder as text
set theDocumentsFolderPOSIXPath to the POSIX path of theDocumentsFolderPath
return theDocumentsFolderPOSIXPath -- debugging line, remove after debugging
-- returns: "/Users/RHPT/Documents/"

set theDocumentsFolder to the path to the documents folder as alias
return theDocumentsFolder -- debugging line, remove after debugging
-- returns: alias "Macintosh HD:Users:RHPT:Documents:"

set theDuplicatedFile to duplicate file "File.xml" of theDocumentsFolder to POSIX file "/Volumes/Public/Backup"



set theDuplicatedFile to duplicate file "File.xml" of theDocumentsFolder to the folder "Backup" of the disk "Public"

set theDuplicatedFile to duplicate file "File.xml" of theDocumentsFolder to the folder "Backup" of the disk "Public" replacing no

set name of POSIX file ("/Volumes/Public/Backup/File.xml" as alias) to fileName

set the name of theDuplicatedFile to fileName

set {month:mm} to (current date)
set {day:d} to (current date)
set {year:y} to (current date)
set theDate to mm & "-" & d & "-" & y as text
set fileName to theDate & ".xml"
set theDocumentsFolder to the path to the documents folder as alias

tell application "Finder"
    set theDuplicatedFile to duplicate file "File.xml" of theDocumentsFolder to the folder "Backup" of the disk "Public" replacing no
    set the name of theDuplicatedFile to fileName
end tell

set theCurrentDate to the current date
set {month:mm} to theCurrentDate
set {day:d} to theCurrentDate
set {year:y} to theCurrentDate

set theCurrentDate to the current date
set theMonth to the month of theCurrentDate
set theDay to the day of theCurrentDate
set theYear to the year of theCurrentDate
set theFileNameDate to theMonth & "-" & theDay & "-" & theYear as text
set theDuplicatedFileName to theFileNameDate & ".xml"
set theDocumentsFolder to the path to the documents folder as alias

tell application "Finder"
    set theDuplicatedFile to duplicate file "File.xml" of theDocumentsFolder to the folder "Backup" of the disk "Public" replacing no
    set the name of theDuplicatedFile to theDuplicatedFileName
end tell

最后,除非您是bash的专家用户,否则我建议您不要使用shell脚本执行类似这样的简单操作。理想情况下,您不会使用“do shell script”命令以更安全的方式执行Finder可以为您执行的操作。请使用“do shell script”获取UNIX层独特功能的命令,如运行PHP函数或Perl脚本。Mac上在HFS+磁盘之间复制和重命名文件的最佳应用程序是Finder。

您是否尝试将posix file命令移到Finder块之外?
set {month:mm} to (current date)
set {day:d} to (current date)
set {year:y} to (current date)
set theDate to mm & "-" & d & "-" & y as text
set fileName to theDate & ".xml"
set theDocumentsFolder to the path to the documents folder as alias

tell application "Finder"
    set theDuplicatedFile to duplicate file "File.xml" of theDocumentsFolder to the folder "Backup" of the disk "Public" replacing no
    set the name of theDuplicatedFile to fileName
end tell
set theCurrentDate to the current date
set {month:mm} to theCurrentDate
set {day:d} to theCurrentDate
set {year:y} to theCurrentDate
set theCurrentDate to the current date
set theMonth to the month of theCurrentDate
set theDay to the day of theCurrentDate
set theYear to the year of theCurrentDate
set theFileNameDate to theMonth & "-" & theDay & "-" & theYear as text
set theDuplicatedFileName to theFileNameDate & ".xml"
set theDocumentsFolder to the path to the documents folder as alias

tell application "Finder"
    set theDuplicatedFile to duplicate file "File.xml" of theDocumentsFolder to the folder "Backup" of the disk "Public" replacing no
    set the name of theDuplicatedFile to theDuplicatedFileName
end tell