
Firebase定价计算错误/差异,firebase,firebase-storage,Firebase,Firebase Storage,我认为在Blaze计划中转移GB的成本方面存在一些计算错误。报价0.12美元/GB似乎相当高。相比之下,Flame计划的容量为50GB/天。如果Blaze plan的费率为0.12美元/GB,那么仅传输50 GB/天就要花费180美元左右。然而,Flame计划只需25美元,还包括很多其他东西。我认为网站上显示的价格有些计算错误 相比之下,Blaze计划的主机转移GB成本为0.15美元/GB,Flame计划包括50 GB/月。所以火焰比火焰便宜6倍。但对于存储来说,情况正好相反?我认为这里有每日和

我认为在Blaze计划中转移GB的成本方面存在一些计算错误。报价0.12美元/GB似乎相当高。相比之下,Flame计划的容量为50GB/天。如果Blaze plan的费率为0.12美元/GB,那么仅传输50 GB/天就要花费180美元左右。然而,Flame计划只需25美元,还包括很多其他东西。我认为网站上显示的价格有些计算错误

相比之下,Blaze计划的主机转移GB成本为0.15美元/GB,Flame计划包括50 GB/月。所以火焰比火焰便宜6倍。但对于存储来说,情况正好相反?我认为这里有每日和每月的混淆



In Flame - 50GB for $25/month
In Blaze for 50GB : 50*$0.026 = $1.3
In Flame - 50GB/day for 30 days month : 50*30 = 1500GB
In Blaze for 50GB/day for 30 days month : 50*30*$0.12 = $180 Way cheaper 
considering the fact that the limit will be reached at just 50GB/day.
This is very important for apps at scale where 50GB limit can be reached in no
time an peak traffic sessions

In Flame - 50GB for $25/month
In Blaze for 50GB : 50*$0.026 = $1.3
In Flame - 50GB/day for 30 days month : 50*30 = 1500GB
In Blaze for 50GB/day for 30 days month : 50*30*$0.12 = $180 Way cheaper 
considering the fact that the limit will be reached at just 50GB/day.
This is very important for apps at scale where 50GB limit can be reached in no
time an peak traffic sessions

In Flame - 50GB/Month for $25
In Blaze for 50GB : 50*$0.15 = $7.5
Firebase Blaze中给出的费率在月末适用,具体取决于实际使用情况。

In Flame - 50GB for $25/month
In Blaze for 50GB : 50*$0.026 = $1.3
In Flame - 50GB/day for 30 days month : 50*30 = 1500GB
In Blaze for 50GB/day for 30 days month : 50*30*$0.12 = $180 Way cheaper 
considering the fact that the limit will be reached at just 50GB/day.
This is very important for apps at scale where 50GB limit can be reached in no
time an peak traffic sessions
它可以更便宜。Flame计划是为那些想要 保证账单不能超过一定金额。但是 在Blaze计划中,你只需为消费的东西付费,这可能是一个错误 如果你不消耗太多的话,少量
