Forms Zend Framework 2表单元素错误类+;用于渲染窗体的自定义ViewHelper

Forms Zend Framework 2表单元素错误类+;用于渲染窗体的自定义ViewHelper,forms,zend-framework2,custom-component,viewhelper,Forms,Zend Framework2,Custom Component,Viewhelper,这是我本周的第三个问题(总的来说)-希望我不会在这里被禁止:D 不管怎样,我四处搜索,找不到解决我问题的确切解释 答:我已经四处搜索并找到了一个自定义ViewHelper来呈现我的表单。它所做的是递归地获取所有字段集,当它到达元素级别时,如下所示: public function renderElement($element) { $html = ' <div class="row">' . '<labe

这是我本周的第三个问题(总的来说)-希望我不会在这里被禁止:D 不管怎样,我四处搜索,找不到解决我问题的确切解释


    public function renderElement($element) {
        $html = '
            <div class="row">' . 
            '<label class="col-md-12" for="' . $element->getAttribute('id') . '">' . $element->getLabel() . '</label>' . 
            $this->view->formElement($element) . 
            $this->view->FormElementErrors($element) .
            '<div class="clearfix" style="height: 15px;"></div>';

        return $html . PHP_EOL;
public function renderElement($element) {
    // FORM ROW
    $html = '<div class="form-group">';

    // LABEL
    $html .= '<label class="form-label" for="' . $element->getAttribute('id') . '">' . $element->getLabel() . '</label>';

    // ELEMENT
     - Check if element has error messages
     - If it does, add my error-class to the element's existing one(s),
       to style the element differently on error
    if (count($element->getMessages()) > 0) {
        $classAttribute = ($element->hasAttribute('class') ? $element->getAttribute('class') . ' ' : '');
        $classAttribute .= 'input-error';
         * Normally, here I would have added a space in my string (' input-error')
         * Logically, I would figure that if the element already has a class "cls"
         * and I would do $element->getAttribute('class') . 'another-class'
         * then the class attribute would become "clsanother-class"
         * BUT it seems that, even if I don't intentionally add a space in my string,
         * I still get "cls another-class" as the resulted concatenated string
         * I assume that when building the form, ZF2 automatically
         * adds spaces after attributes values? so you/it won't have to
         * consider that later, when you'd eventually need to add another
         * value to an attribute?
        $element->setAttribute('class', $classAttribute);
    $html .= $this->view->formElement($element);
     * Of course, you could decide/need to do things differently,
     * depending on the element's type

       switch ($element->getAttribute('type')) {
           case 'text':
           case 'email': {

           default: {

    // Custom class (.form-validation-error) for the default html wrapper - <ul>
    $html .= $this->view->FormElementErrors($element, array('class' => 'form-validation-error'));

    $html .= '</div>'; # /.form-group
    $html .= '<div class="clearfix" style="height: 15px;"></div>';

    return $html . PHP_EOL;
我注意到这会在我的元素上自动添加“input error”类(以防无效),这是完美的,但是我如何告诉formRow为显示错误消息的“ul”提供一个类呢


    echo $this->formLabel($this->form->get('user_fieldset')->get('user_name'));
    echo $this->formInput($this->form->get('user_fieldset')->get('user_name'));
    echo $this->formElementErrors($this->form->get('user_fieldset')->get('user_name'), array('class' => 'form-validation-error'));



    public function renderElement($element) {
        $html = '
            <div class="row">' . 
            '<label class="col-md-12" for="' . $element->getAttribute('id') . '">' . $element->getLabel() . '</label>' . 
            $this->view->formElement($element) . 
            $this->view->FormElementErrors($element) .
            '<div class="clearfix" style="height: 15px;"></div>';

        return $html . PHP_EOL;
public function renderElement($element) {
    // FORM ROW
    $html = '<div class="form-group">';

    // LABEL
    $html .= '<label class="form-label" for="' . $element->getAttribute('id') . '">' . $element->getLabel() . '</label>';

    // ELEMENT
     - Check if element has error messages
     - If it does, add my error-class to the element's existing one(s),
       to style the element differently on error
    if (count($element->getMessages()) > 0) {
        $classAttribute = ($element->hasAttribute('class') ? $element->getAttribute('class') . ' ' : '');
        $classAttribute .= 'input-error';
         * Normally, here I would have added a space in my string (' input-error')
         * Logically, I would figure that if the element already has a class "cls"
         * and I would do $element->getAttribute('class') . 'another-class'
         * then the class attribute would become "clsanother-class"
         * BUT it seems that, even if I don't intentionally add a space in my string,
         * I still get "cls another-class" as the resulted concatenated string
         * I assume that when building the form, ZF2 automatically
         * adds spaces after attributes values? so you/it won't have to
         * consider that later, when you'd eventually need to add another
         * value to an attribute?
        $element->setAttribute('class', $classAttribute);
    $html .= $this->view->formElement($element);
     * Of course, you could decide/need to do things differently,
     * depending on the element's type

       switch ($element->getAttribute('type')) {
           case 'text':
           case 'email': {

           default: {

    // Custom class (.form-validation-error) for the default html wrapper - <ul>
    $html .= $this->view->FormElementErrors($element, array('class' => 'form-validation-error'));

    $html .= '</div>'; # /.form-group
    $html .= '<div class="clearfix" style="height: 15px;"></div>';

    return $html . PHP_EOL;


namespace User\View\Helper;

use Zend\View\Helper\AbstractHelper;

class RenderForm extends AbstractHelper {

    public function __invoke($form) {
        $html = $this->view->form()->openTag($form) . PHP_EOL;
        $html .= $this->renderFieldsets($form->getFieldsets());
        $html .= $this->renderElements($form->getElements());
        $html .= $this->view->form()->closeTag($form) . PHP_EOL;
        return $html;

    public function renderFieldsets($fieldsets) {

        foreach ($fieldsets as $fieldset) {
            if (count($fieldset->getFieldsets()) > 0) {
                $html = $this->renderFieldsets($fieldset->getFieldsets());
            } else {
                $html = '<fieldset>';
                    // You can use fieldset's name for the legend (if that's not inappropriate)
                    $html .= '<legend>' . ucfirst($fieldset->getName()) . '</legend>';
                    // or it's label (if you had set one)
                    // $html .= '<legend>' . ucfirst($fieldset->getLabel()) . '</legend>';
                    $html .= $this->renderElements($fieldset->getElements());
                $html .= '</fieldset>';
                // I actually never use the <fieldset> html tag.
                // Feel free to use anything you like, if you do have to
                // make grouping certain elements stand out to the user

        return $html;

    public function renderElements($elements) {
        $html = '';
        foreach ($elements as $element) {
            $html .= $this->renderElement($element);
        return $html;

    public function renderElement($element) {
        // FORM ROW
        $html = '<div class="form-group">';

        // LABEL
        $html .= '<label class="form-label" for="' . $element->getAttribute('id') . '">' . $element->getLabel() . '</label>'; # add translation here

        // ELEMENT
         - Check if element has error messages
         - If it does, add my error-class to the element's existing one(s),
           to style the element differently on error
        if (count($element->getMessages()) > 0) {
            $classAttribute = ($element->hasAttribute('class') ? $element->getAttribute('class') . ' ' : '');
            $classAttribute .= 'input-error';

            $element->setAttribute('class', $classAttribute);
        $html .= $this->view->formElement($element);

        $html .= $this->view->FormElementErrors($element, array('class' => 'form-validation-error'));

        $html .= '</div>'; # /.row
        $html .= '<div class="clearfix" style="height: 15px;"></div>';

        return $html . PHP_EOL;


public function getViewHelperConfig() {
    return include __DIR__ . '/config/viewhelper.config.php';


'view_helpers' => array(
    'invokables' => array(
        'renderForm' => 'User\View\Helper\RenderForm',


<div class="form-group <?=($this->form->get('user_fieldset')->get('user_name')->getMessages())?'has-error':'';?>">

    元素的内容,我需要将class设置为该ul,以便使用css对其进行样式设置。我不想从表单的类(.frm class ul)或表单id进行级联,我想直接通过ul的属性进行。
    <div class="form-group <?=($this->form->get('user_fieldset')->get('user_name')->getMessages())?'has-error':'';?>">