Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/9/git/20.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
是否将文件和子文件夹的git历史导出到另一个现有git repo? 请考虑BASH脚本 TestGIT.SH < /C>,粘贴在这篇文章的末尾,这将重建库实例。_Git - Fatal编程技术网

是否将文件和子文件夹的git历史导出到另一个现有git repo? 请考虑BASH脚本 TestGIT.SH < /C>,粘贴在这篇文章的末尾,这将重建库实例。

是否将文件和子文件夹的git历史导出到另一个现有git repo? 请考虑BASH脚本 TestGIT.SH < /C>,粘贴在这篇文章的末尾,这将重建库实例。,git,Git,因此,我有oldrepo\u git存储库,它有一些文件和文件夹,然后是newrepo\u git存储库,它只有一个提交(用于自述)。这就是gitk在这些回购协议中看到的一切: 基本上,我想从oldrepo\u git存储库中导出文件a.txt和aa/aa.txt和aa/ab.txt文件的整个git历史,而不是README或b.txt文件,并将其导入到newrepo\u git存储库中-如果可能,使用正确的时间戳和分支/合并信息 由于oldrepo\u git中名为README的文件不是此操作

oldrepo\u git
newrepo\u git

oldrepo\u git
newrepo\u git

oldrepo\u git
newrepo\u git
oldrepo\u git
newrepo\u git

oldrepo\u git

$ git log --oneline --graph
*   7e26890 (HEAD -> master) Merge branch 'testbranch'
| * 56ef109 (testbranch) change 5 made
| * 1a78db3 change 4 made
| * d98b4cf change 3 made
| * e5e49af change 2 made
| * 8704c24 change 1 made
* f318d97 added a.txt
* 252bf7f Initial commit
newrepo\u git

$ git log --oneline --graph
*   XXXYYGG (HEAD -> master) Merge branch 'testbranch'
| * XXXYYFF (testbranch) change 5 made
| * XXXYYEE change 4 made
| * XXXYYDD change 3 made
| * XXXYYCC change 2 made
| * XXXYYBB change 1 made
* XXXYYAA added a.txt
* 8e99c2d Initial commit by Bob


#!/usr/bin/env bash

rm -rf oldrepo_git newrepo_git
mkdir oldrepo_git newrepo_git

cd oldrepo_git
git init
git config user.name tester
git config user.email tester@example.com
echo "# README" >> README
git add README
GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="1558960260" git commit --date "1558960260" -m "Initial commit"
echo "Testing" >> a.txt
git add a.txt
GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="1558960270" git commit --date "1558960270" -m "added a.txt"
git checkout -b testbranch
mkdir aa bb
for ix in 1 2 3 4 5; do
  echo $ix >> a.txt
  echo $ix >> b.txt
  echo $ix >> aa/aa.txt
  echo $ix >> aa/ab.txt
  git add .
  GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$newts" git commit --date "$newts" -m "change $ix made"
git checkout master
ix="$((ix+1))"; newts="$((1558960270+ix*10))"
GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$newts" GIT_AUTHOR_DATE="$newts" git merge --no-ff --no-edit testbranch

cd ../newrepo_git
git init
git config user.name bob
git config user.email bob@example.com
echo "# Bob's README" >> README
git add README
GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="1558960260" git commit --date "1558960260" -m "Initial commit by Bob"



cp -a oldrepo_git oldrepo_filt_git
git filter branch
git rm

注意,因为这里我们想告诉git rm要删除什么,所以我们想指定我们不想保留的内容,作为我们想保留的内容的倒数;这里我想保留

$ ls
a.txt  aa  b.txt  bb  README

$ bash -O extglob -c 'ls -xd !(a*)'
b.txt  bb  README
git filter branch

$ git filter-branch --index-filter "git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch -r $(bash -O extglob -c 'ls -xd !(a*)')" --prune-empty -- --all
Rewrite 252bf7ff5f385dad880240d5d80e68f24ae09b59 (1/8) (0 seconds passed, remaining 0 predicted)    rm 'README'
Rewrite f318d9712cd7aacdb5dd45febbcdbbce6b741e08 (2/8) (1 seconds passed, remaining 3 predicted)    rm 'README'
Rewrite 00b62e7da8784d45850d7483cbea88fdc4aa844c (2/8) (1 seconds passed, remaining 3 predicted)    rm 'README'
rm 'b.txt'
rm 'bb/bb.txt'
Rewrite c618eff47d38412c54a8381a5bacc921bddefe2d (2/8) (1 seconds passed, remaining 3 predicted)    rm 'README'
rm 'b.txt'
rm 'bb/bb.txt'
Rewrite 2cada8d822d83f37bdc4a37bcfb03047c1cc1ded (5/8) (3 seconds passed, remaining 1 predicted)    rm 'README'
rm 'b.txt'
rm 'bb/bb.txt'
Rewrite 7b296b70018f4105f190d06ed4d9c58e3f80532f (5/8) (3 seconds passed, remaining 1 predicted)    rm 'README'
rm 'b.txt'
rm 'bb/bb.txt'
Rewrite 18a1ad1d35cd8573c39485d0a29b630325f9727d (7/8) (5 seconds passed, remaining 0 predicted)    rm 'README'
rm 'b.txt'
rm 'bb/bb.txt'
Rewrite 2ffbbf03d51363f1ced3aaaf000d5921c9d8b919 (7/8) (5 seconds passed, remaining 0 predicted)    rm 'README'
rm 'b.txt'
rm 'bb/bb.txt'

Ref 'refs/heads/master' was rewritten
Ref 'refs/heads/testbranch' was rewritten

$ git log --oneline --graph --stat
*   31cd8b5 (HEAD -> master) Merge branch 'testbranch'
| * 42b153d (testbranch) change 5 made
| |  a.txt     | 1 +
| |  aa/aa.txt | 1 +
| |  aa/ab.txt | 1 +
| |  3 files changed, 3 insertions(+)
| * ff1be9d change 4 made
| |  a.txt     | 1 +
| |  aa/aa.txt | 1 +
| |  aa/ab.txt | 1 +
| |  3 files changed, 3 insertions(+)
| * 90f050c change 3 made
| |  a.txt     | 1 +
| |  aa/aa.txt | 1 +
| |  aa/ab.txt | 1 +
| |  3 files changed, 3 insertions(+)
| * d2d2136 change 2 made
| |  a.txt     | 1 +
| |  aa/aa.txt | 1 +
| |  aa/ab.txt | 1 +
| |  3 files changed, 3 insertions(+)
| * ab237ac change 1 made
|    a.txt     | 1 +
|    aa/aa.txt | 1 +
|    aa/ab.txt | 1 +
|    3 files changed, 3 insertions(+)
* ea0a32d added a.txt
   a.txt | 1 +
   1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
newrepo\u git

newrepo\u git


cd ../newrepo_git

git remote add oldrepo ../oldrepo_filt_git/
git pull oldrepo master --allow-unrelated-histories

$ git log --oneline --graph --stat
*   845c81e (HEAD -> master) Merge branch 'master' of ../oldrepo_filt_git
| *   31cd8b5 (oldrepo/master) Merge branch 'testbranch'
| |\
| | * 42b153d (oldrepo/testbranch) change 5 made
| | |  a.txt     | 1 +
| | |  aa/aa.txt | 1 +
| | |  aa/ab.txt | 1 +
| | |  3 files changed, 3 insertions(+)
| | * ff1be9d change 4 made
| | |  a.txt     | 1 +
| | |  aa/aa.txt | 1 +
| | |  aa/ab.txt | 1 +
| | |  3 files changed, 3 insertions(+)
| | * 90f050c change 3 made
| | |  a.txt     | 1 +
| | |  aa/aa.txt | 1 +
| | |  aa/ab.txt | 1 +
| | |  3 files changed, 3 insertions(+)
| | * d2d2136 change 2 made
| | |  a.txt     | 1 +
| | |  aa/aa.txt | 1 +
| | |  aa/ab.txt | 1 +
| | |  3 files changed, 3 insertions(+)
| | * ab237ac change 1 made
| |/
| |    a.txt     | 1 +
| |    aa/aa.txt | 1 +
| |    aa/ab.txt | 1 +
| |    3 files changed, 3 insertions(+)
| * ea0a32d added a.txt
|    a.txt | 1 +
|    1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
* 8e99c2d Initial commit by Bob
   README | 1 +
   1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

oldrepo\u git
for ix in../*.patch导入
newrepo\u git


$ git remote add old-repo ../oldrepo_filt_git

$ git fetch old-repo
warning: no common commits
remote: Enumerating objects: 29, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (29/29), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (17/17), done.
remote: Total 29 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (29/29), done.
From ../oldrepo_filt_git
 * [new branch]      master     -> old-repo/master
 * [new branch]      testbranch -> old-repo/testbranch

$ git branch oldrepo-head old-repo/master
Branch 'oldrepo-head' set up to track remote branch 'master' from 'old-repo'.

$ git branch oldrepo-root $(git log oldrepo-head --reverse --pretty=%H | head -n 1)

$ git log --pretty='%T %ct' ..oldrepo-head > /tmp/hashlist

$ git branch -m master new-master

$ git cherry-pick --strategy-option=theirs oldrepo-root
[new-master 427cf77] added a.txt
 Author: tester <tester@example.com>
 Date: Mon May 27 14:31:10 2019 +0200
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 a.txt

$ git rebase --preserve-merges --onto new-master --root oldrepo-head
Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/oldrepo-head.

$ git log --graph --pretty=fuller
*   commit 61fbe54721a9432e91e48917ed036f55da4105a4 (HEAD -> oldrepo-head)
|\  Merge: 427cf77 f8e8f8a
| | Author:     tester <tester@example.com>
| | AuthorDate: Mon May 27 14:32:10 2019 +0200
| | Commit:     bob <bob@example.com>
| | CommitDate: Tue May 28 12:57:00 2019 +0200
| |
| |     Merge branch 'testbranch'
| |
| * commit f8e8f8aedaa7bc999bdfdd49542c9ee04edb770c
| | Author:     tester <tester@example.com>
| | AuthorDate: Mon May 27 14:32:00 2019 +0200
| | Commit:     bob <bob@example.com>
| | CommitDate: Tue May 28 12:56:58 2019 +0200
| |
| |     change 5 made
| |
| * commit b084029040d6596e0795e7567b2684dc59c02241
| | Author:     tester <tester@example.com>
| | AuthorDate: Mon May 27 14:31:50 2019 +0200
| | Commit:     bob <bob@example.com>
| | CommitDate: Tue May 28 12:56:56 2019 +0200
| |
| |     change 4 made
| |
| * commit b62dabca3a46efbe76edb10591935db136f74aaa
| | Author:     tester <tester@example.com>
| | AuthorDate: Mon May 27 14:31:40 2019 +0200
| | Commit:     bob <bob@example.com>
| | CommitDate: Tue May 28 12:56:54 2019 +0200
| |
| |     change 3 made
| |
| * commit 252f3e9697b87b4f59cd0a74681ef25401340fcf
| | Author:     tester <tester@example.com>
| | AuthorDate: Mon May 27 14:31:30 2019 +0200
| | Commit:     bob <bob@example.com>
| | CommitDate: Tue May 28 12:56:51 2019 +0200
| |
| |     change 2 made
| |
| * commit c382c8a713489ca0e5dc106bed29fdce379952b0
|/  Author:     tester <tester@example.com>
|   AuthorDate: Mon May 27 14:31:20 2019 +0200
|   Commit:     bob <bob@example.com>
|   CommitDate: Tue May 28 12:56:49 2019 +0200
|       change 1 made
* commit 427cf77417a2406db5dd6a0e9bd4fb60542f2ee1 (new-master)
| Author:     tester <tester@example.com>
| AuthorDate: Mon May 27 14:31:10 2019 +0200
| Commit:     bob <bob@example.com>
| CommitDate: Tue May 28 12:55:43 2019 +0200
|     added a.txt
* commit 8e99c2d71048b4999d012b33d34386351d6d0fef
  Author:     bob <bob@example.com>
  AuthorDate: Mon May 27 14:31:00 2019 +0200
  Commit:     bob <bob@example.com>
  CommitDate: Mon May 27 14:31:00 2019 +0200

      Initial commit by Bob



sd@DESKTOP-RO11QOC MSYS /c/Users/sd/AppData/Local/Temp/newrepo_git
$ git filter-branch -f --env-filter 'export GIT_COMMITTER_DATE=$(git log -1 --pretty=%at $GIT_COMMIT)' 427cf77417a
You must specify a ref to rewrite.

sd@DESKTOP-RO11QOC MSYS /c/Users/sd/AppData/Local/Temp/newrepo_git
$ git filter-branch -f --env-filter 'export GIT_COMMITTER_DATE=$(git log -1 --pretty=%at $GIT_COMMIT)' new-master
Rewrite 427cf77417a2406db5dd6a0e9bd4fb60542f2ee1 (2/2) (0 seconds passed, remaining 0 predicted)
Ref 'refs/heads/new-master' was rewritten

$ git log --graph --stat --pretty=fuller
*   commit cdaa4b82f3833770a9051a2490487548603e3af8 (HEAD -> oldrepo-head)
|\  Merge: 427cf77 9bfc6cd
| | Author:     tester <tester@example.com>
| | AuthorDate: Mon May 27 14:32:10 2019 +0200
| | Commit:     bob <bob@example.com>
| | CommitDate: Mon May 27 14:32:10 2019 +0200
| |
| |     Merge branch 'testbranch'
| |
* commit 427cf77417a2406db5dd6a0e9bd4fb60542f2ee1 (refs/original/refs/heads/new-master)
| Author:     tester <tester@example.com>
| AuthorDate: Mon May 27 14:31:10 2019 +0200
| Commit:     bob <bob@example.com>
| CommitDate: Tue May 28 12:55:43 2019 +0200
|     added a.txt
|  a.txt | 1 +
|  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
最后,我成功地覆盖了commit 427cf774的提交时间戳,在那里添加了一个临时分支(因为filter branch需要一个ref,它似乎不能直接使用提交哈希),并使用它指定

$ git branch tmp 427cf774
$ git filter-branch -f --env-filter 'export GIT_COMMITTER_DATE=$(git log -1 --pretty=%at $GIT_COMMIT)' tmp^..tmp
Rewrite 427cf77417a2406db5dd6a0e9bd4fb60542f2ee1 (1/1) (0 seconds passed, remaining 0 predicted)
Ref 'refs/heads/tmp' was rewritten
$ git log --graph --stat --pretty=fuller tmp
* commit 4ac225e308e280e3a96be0168c6e9dece44d4979 (tmp)
| Author:     tester <tester@example.com>
| AuthorDate: Mon May 27 14:31:10 2019 +0200
| Commit:     bob <bob@example.com>
| CommitDate: Mon May 27 14:31:10 2019 +0200
|     added a.txt
|  a.txt | 1 +
|  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
$ git branch -D tmp
Deleted branch tmp (was 4ac225e).
$git branch tmp 427cf774
$git filter branch-f--env filter'export git\u COMMITTER\u DATE=$(git log-1--pretty=%at$git\u COMMIT)'tmp^..tmp
$git log--graph--stat--pretty=fuller tmp
$ git filter-branch -f --env-filter 'export GIT_COMMITTER_DATE=$(git log -1 --pretty=%at $GIT_COMMIT)' new-master..oldrepo-head
Rewrite f2b2385d85c74dbf0cbf8fabc02ec30cb50d8f2a (3/6) (1 seconds passed, remaining 1 predicted)
Ref 'refs/heads/oldrepo-head' was rewritten
sd@DESKTOP-RO11QOC MSYS /c/Users/sd/AppData/Local/Temp/newrepo_git
$ git filter-branch -f --env-filter 'export GIT_COMMITTER_DATE=$(git log -1 --pretty=%at $GIT_COMMIT)' 427cf77417a
You must specify a ref to rewrite.

sd@DESKTOP-RO11QOC MSYS /c/Users/sd/AppData/Local/Temp/newrepo_git
$ git filter-branch -f --env-filter 'export GIT_COMMITTER_DATE=$(git log -1 --pretty=%at $GIT_COMMIT)' new-master
Rewrite 427cf77417a2406db5dd6a0e9bd4fb60542f2ee1 (2/2) (0 seconds passed, remaining 0 predicted)
Ref 'refs/heads/new-master' was rewritten
$ git log --graph --stat --pretty=fuller
*   commit cdaa4b82f3833770a9051a2490487548603e3af8 (HEAD -> oldrepo-head)
|\  Merge: 427cf77 9bfc6cd
| | Author:     tester <tester@example.com>
| | AuthorDate: Mon May 27 14:32:10 2019 +0200
| | Commit:     bob <bob@example.com>
| | CommitDate: Mon May 27 14:32:10 2019 +0200
| |
| |     Merge branch 'testbranch'
| |
* commit 427cf77417a2406db5dd6a0e9bd4fb60542f2ee1 (refs/original/refs/heads/new-master)
| Author:     tester <tester@example.com>
| AuthorDate: Mon May 27 14:31:10 2019 +0200
| Commit:     bob <bob@example.com>
| CommitDate: Tue May 28 12:55:43 2019 +0200
|     added a.txt
|  a.txt | 1 +
|  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
$ git branch -m oldrepo-head master
$ git branch -D oldrepo-root
Deleted branch oldrepo-root (was ea0a32d).
$ git branch -D new-master
Deleted branch new-master (was 4ac225e).
$ rm .git/refs/original/refs/heads/new-master
$ git remote remove old-repo
$ git branch tmp 427cf774
$ git filter-branch -f --env-filter 'export GIT_COMMITTER_DATE=$(git log -1 --pretty=%at $GIT_COMMIT)' tmp^..tmp
Rewrite 427cf77417a2406db5dd6a0e9bd4fb60542f2ee1 (1/1) (0 seconds passed, remaining 0 predicted)
Ref 'refs/heads/tmp' was rewritten
$ git log --graph --stat --pretty=fuller tmp
* commit 4ac225e308e280e3a96be0168c6e9dece44d4979 (tmp)
| Author:     tester <tester@example.com>
| AuthorDate: Mon May 27 14:31:10 2019 +0200
| Commit:     bob <bob@example.com>
| CommitDate: Mon May 27 14:31:10 2019 +0200
|     added a.txt
|  a.txt | 1 +
|  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
$ git branch -D tmp
Deleted branch tmp (was 4ac225e).
$ git log --graph --stat --pretty=fuller
*   commit cdaa4b82f3833770a9051a2490487548603e3af8
|\  Merge: 427cf77 9bfc6cd
| | Author:     tester <tester@example.com>
| | AuthorDate: Mon May 27 14:32:10 2019 +0200
| | Commit:     bob <bob@example.com>
| | CommitDate: Mon May 27 14:32:10 2019 +0200
| | 
| |     Merge branch 'testbranch'
| | 
| * commit 9bfc6cde58be9102102f839e5cc0fe8f25f0f78c
| | Author:     tester <tester@example.com>
| | AuthorDate: Mon May 27 14:32:00 2019 +0200
| | Commit:     bob <bob@example.com>
| | CommitDate: Mon May 27 14:32:00 2019 +0200
| | 
| |     change 5 made
| | 
| |  a.txt     | 1 +
| |  aa/aa.txt | 1 +
| |  aa/ab.txt | 1 +
| |  3 files changed, 3 insertions(+)
| | 
| * commit 485ae0f50054610b6a41098fb695e59d194cc856
| | Author:     tester <tester@example.com>
| | AuthorDate: Mon May 27 14:31:50 2019 +0200
| | Commit:     bob <bob@example.com>
| | CommitDate: Mon May 27 14:31:50 2019 +0200
| | 
| |     change 4 made
| | 
| |  a.txt     | 1 +
| |  aa/aa.txt | 1 +
| |  aa/ab.txt | 1 +
| |  3 files changed, 3 insertions(+)
| | 
| * commit b6804b6e8e313b5c4766568a287f0785503e3a11
| | Author:     tester <tester@example.com>
| | AuthorDate: Mon May 27 14:31:40 2019 +0200
| | Commit:     bob <bob@example.com>
| | CommitDate: Mon May 27 14:31:40 2019 +0200
| | 
| |     change 3 made
| | 
| |  a.txt     | 1 +
| |  aa/aa.txt | 1 +
| |  aa/ab.txt | 1 +
| |  3 files changed, 3 insertions(+)
| | 
| * commit 8b463423d2a99929a6a248e38ba1368a56d3769d
| | Author:     tester <tester@example.com>
| | AuthorDate: Mon May 27 14:31:30 2019 +0200
| | Commit:     bob <bob@example.com>
| | CommitDate: Mon May 27 14:31:30 2019 +0200
| | 
| |     change 2 made
| | 
| |  a.txt     | 1 +
| |  aa/aa.txt | 1 +
| |  aa/ab.txt | 1 +
| |  3 files changed, 3 insertions(+)
| | 
| * commit 3bc0bed30ebea1498a15711825b2ea8347cc374d
|/  Author:     tester <tester@example.com>
|   AuthorDate: Mon May 27 14:31:20 2019 +0200
|   Commit:     bob <bob@example.com>
|   CommitDate: Mon May 27 14:31:20 2019 +0200
|       change 1 made
|    a.txt     | 1 +
|    aa/aa.txt | 1 +
|    aa/ab.txt | 1 +
|    3 files changed, 3 insertions(+)
* commit 427cf77417a2406db5dd6a0e9bd4fb60542f2ee1
| Author:     tester <tester@example.com>
| AuthorDate: Mon May 27 14:31:10 2019 +0200
| Commit:     bob <bob@example.com>
| CommitDate: Tue May 28 12:55:43 2019 +0200
|     added a.txt
|  a.txt | 1 +
|  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
* commit 8e99c2d71048b4999d012b33d34386351d6d0fef
  Author:     bob <bob@example.com>
  AuthorDate: Mon May 27 14:31:00 2019 +0200
  Commit:     bob <bob@example.com>
  CommitDate: Mon May 27 14:31:00 2019 +0200

      Initial commit by Bob

   README | 1 +
   1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)