Glsl 处理中点/笔划的景深着色器

Glsl 处理中点/笔划的景深着色器,glsl,processing,shader,depth-buffer,gaussianblur,Glsl,Processing,Shader,Depth Buffer,Gaussianblur,最近,我一直在使用下面的景深着色器(最初来自OpenFrameworks库)处理草图 深度.glsl uniform float maxDepth; void main() { float depth = gl_FragCoord.z / gl_FragCoord.w; gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(1.0 - depth/maxDepth), 1.0); } uniform sampler2D texture; varying vec4 vertexture;



uniform float maxDepth;

void main() {
  float depth = gl_FragCoord.z / gl_FragCoord.w;
  gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(1.0 - depth/maxDepth), 1.0);
uniform sampler2D texture;

varying vec4 vertexture;
varying vec4 vertTexCoord;

uniform sampler2D tDepth;

uniform float maxBlur; // max blur amount
uniform float aperture; // aperture - bigger values for shallower depth of field

uniform float focus;
uniform float aspect;

void main() {
    vec2 vUv =;

    vec2 aspectcorrect = vec2( 1.0, aspect );

    vec4 depth1 = texture2D( tDepth, vUv );

    float factor = depth1.x - focus;

    vec2 dofblur = vec2 ( clamp( factor * aperture, -maxBlur, maxBlur ) );

    vec2 dofblur9 = dofblur * 0.9;
    vec2 dofblur7 = dofblur * 0.7;
    vec2 dofblur4 = dofblur * 0.4;

    vec4 col = vec4( 0.0 );

    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.0, 0.4 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.15, 0.37 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.29, 0.29 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.37, 0.15 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.40, 0.0 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.37, -0.15 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.29, -0.29 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.15, -0.37 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.0, -0.4 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.15, 0.37 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.29, 0.29 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.37, 0.15 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.4, 0.0 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.37, -0.15 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.29, -0.29 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.15, -0.37 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );

    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.15, 0.37 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur9 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.37, 0.15 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur9 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.37, -0.15 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur9 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.15, -0.37 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur9 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.15, 0.37 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur9 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.37, 0.15 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur9 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.37, -0.15 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur9 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.15, -0.37 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur9 );

    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.29, 0.29 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur7 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.40, 0.0 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur7 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.29, -0.29 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur7 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.0, -0.4 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur7 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.29, 0.29 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur7 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.4, 0.0 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur7 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.29, -0.29 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur7 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.0, 0.4 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur7 );

    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.29, 0.29 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur4 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.4, 0.0 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur4 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.29, -0.29 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur4 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.0, -0.4 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur4 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.29, 0.29 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur4 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.4, 0.0 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur4 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.29, -0.29 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur4 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.0, 0.4 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur4 );

    gl_FragColor = col / 41.0;
    gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;

uniform float maxDepth;

void main() {
  float depth = gl_FragCoord.z / gl_FragCoord.w;
  gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(1.0 - depth/maxDepth), 1.0);
uniform sampler2D texture;

varying vec4 vertexture;
varying vec4 vertTexCoord;

uniform sampler2D tDepth;

uniform float maxBlur; // max blur amount
uniform float aperture; // aperture - bigger values for shallower depth of field

uniform float focus;
uniform float aspect;

void main() {
    vec2 vUv =;

    vec2 aspectcorrect = vec2( 1.0, aspect );

    vec4 depth1 = texture2D( tDepth, vUv );

    float factor = depth1.x - focus;

    vec2 dofblur = vec2 ( clamp( factor * aperture, -maxBlur, maxBlur ) );

    vec2 dofblur9 = dofblur * 0.9;
    vec2 dofblur7 = dofblur * 0.7;
    vec2 dofblur4 = dofblur * 0.4;

    vec4 col = vec4( 0.0 );

    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.0, 0.4 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.15, 0.37 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.29, 0.29 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.37, 0.15 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.40, 0.0 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.37, -0.15 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.29, -0.29 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.15, -0.37 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.0, -0.4 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.15, 0.37 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.29, 0.29 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.37, 0.15 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.4, 0.0 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.37, -0.15 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.29, -0.29 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.15, -0.37 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur );

    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.15, 0.37 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur9 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.37, 0.15 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur9 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.37, -0.15 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur9 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.15, -0.37 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur9 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.15, 0.37 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur9 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.37, 0.15 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur9 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.37, -0.15 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur9 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.15, -0.37 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur9 );

    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.29, 0.29 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur7 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.40, 0.0 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur7 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.29, -0.29 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur7 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.0, -0.4 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur7 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.29, 0.29 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur7 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.4, 0.0 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur7 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.29, -0.29 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur7 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.0, 0.4 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur7 );

    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.29, 0.29 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur4 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.4, 0.0 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur4 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.29, -0.29 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur4 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.0, -0.4 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur4 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.29, 0.29 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur4 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.4, 0.0 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur4 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( -0.29, -0.29 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur4 );
    col += texture2D( texture, vUv.xy + ( vec2( 0.0, 0.4 ) * aspectcorrect ) * dofblur4 );

    gl_FragColor = col / 41.0;
    gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;



  • 是否可以调整上面的着色器以使其与点/笔划一起工作,或者我是否必须为这些特定的基本体使用/编写完全不同的景深着色器
  • 如果一个简单的调整是可能的,你能帮我弄清楚我必须添加/修改什么,以使它与点一起工作吗


