Google apps script 使用googlesheet的googlescriptshift调度器

Google apps script 使用googlesheet的googlescriptshift调度器,google-apps-script,google-sheets,drive,Google Apps Script,Google Sheets,Drive,我还在学习谷歌脚本, 现在,我正在一个项目中工作,使用Google sheet自动创建轮班时间表 我设法找到了一些脚本,介绍了如何获得某个范围,并使用一些简单的条件和循环将其填充到特定的单元格中 var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet(); var rangeData = sheet.getDataRange(); var lastColumn = rangeData.getLas

我还在学习谷歌脚本, 现在,我正在一个项目中工作,使用Google sheet自动创建轮班时间表


var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
var rangeData = sheet.getDataRange();
var lastColumn = rangeData.getLastColumn();
var lastRow = rangeData.getLastRow();
var searchRange = sheet.getRange(2,2, lastRow-1, lastColumn-1);

function onOpen() {
  .addItem('Bad Way', 'badWay')
  .addItem('Good Way', 'goodWay')

BAD - Go to each cell and see if it contains a value
and then fill in the background if it contains a dash or 
function badWay() {
  //Loop through each column and each row in the sheet.
  for(i = 1; i < lastColumn; i++){
    for (j = 1; j < lastRow ; j++){
      var cell = searchRange.getCell(j,i).getValue();
      if (cell === "-"){
      }else if (cell === 0){


GOOD - Create a client-side array of the relevant data
search through the array and if there is a dash or zero,
then add the relevant background color. 
function goodWay() {
  // Get array of values in the search Range
  var rangeValues = searchRange.getValues();
  // Loop through array and if condition met, add relevant
  // background color.
  for ( i = 0; i < lastColumn - 1; i++){
    for ( j = 0 ; j < lastRow - 1; j++){
      if(rangeValues[j][i] === "-"){
      }else if (rangeValues[j][i] === 0){


每天每个班次必须有最少数量的员工。 每个员工每周工作不得超过5天,休息2天,但不一定按顺序排列 换班情况如下:



var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
var rangeData = sheet.getDataRange();
var lastColumn = rangeData.getLastColumn();
var lastRow = rangeData.getLastRow();
var searchRange = sheet.getRange(2, 2, lastRow-1, lastColumn-1);
var daysNotWorkedCounter = 0;
var numberEmpls = 0;
var emplWorkingDay = 0;
var emplWorkingNight = 0;

function onOpen() {
  var entries = [{
    name : "Good Way",
    functionName : "goodWay"
  ss.addMenu('Checker', entries);

GOOD - Create a client-side array of the relevant data
search through the array and if there is a dash or zero,
then add the relevant background color. 
function goodWay() {
  var rangeValues = searchRange.getValues();

  It checks for every user if he/she has worked more than two days
  It also sets to red the cells where are days off
function daysWorkedByWeek(rangeValues){
  // It checks all cols in a row
  for(row = 0 ; row < lastRow - 1; row++){
    daysNotWorkedCounter = 0;
    for (col = 0; col < lastColumn - 1; col++){
      // If there is a day off (empty cell), then set a color to that cell
      // and count the day the empl is not working
      if(!rangeValues[row][col] && col !== 0){
        // If there are more than two that week, Log a message 
        if(daysNotWorkedCounter > 2){
          Logger.log("This employee has worked more than two days in a week: " + sheet.getRange(row+2,1).getValues());
      // If 7 days passed (one week), restart the counter
      if(col % 7 === 0) daysNotWorkedCounter = 0;  

  For every day it checks how many employees are working in each shift 
function numbDailyEmp(rangeValues){
  // It checks all rows in a col
  for (col = 0; col < lastColumn - 1; col++){
    emplWorkingDay = 0;
    emplWorkingNight = 0;
    for(row = 0 ; row < lastRow - 1; row++){
      // Checks empls working that day
      if(rangeValues[row][col] && col !== 0){
        // Count the numbers of empls depending in the shift
        if(rangeValues[row][0] === "Morning") emplWorkingDay++;
        else if (rangeValues[row][0] === "Night") emplWorkingNight++; 
    // Log a message with the number of empls working in a shift that day
    if(col !== 0){
      Logger.log("Number of employees working at day " +  emplWorkingDay);
      Logger.log("Number of employees working at night " + emplWorkingNight);
      // if there are less than a min, then Log a message
      if(emplWorkingDay < 6 || emplWorkingNight < 6){
        Logger.log("Not enough working that day")

  For every day it checks how many employees are working in each shift 
function numbDailyEmp(rangeValues){
  // It checks all rows in a col
  for (col = 0; col < lastColumn - 1; col++){
    emplWorkingDay = 0;
    emplWorkingNight = 0;
    for(row = 0 ; row < lastRow - 1; row++){
      // Checks empls working that day
      if(rangeValues[row][col] && col !== 0){
        // Count the numbers of empls depending in the shift
        if(rangeValues[row][0] === "Morning") emplWorkingDay++;
        else if (rangeValues[row][0] === "Night") emplWorkingNight++; 
    // Log a message with the number of empls working in a shift that day
    if(col !== 0){
      Logger.log("Number of employees working at day " +  emplWorkingDay);
      Logger.log("Number of employees working at night " + emplWorkingNight);
      // if there are less than a min, then Log a message
      if(emplWorkingDay < 6 || emplWorkingNight < 6){
        Logger.log("Not enough working that day")
文件 有关最佳实践,我建议您检查:

  For every day it checks how many employees are working in each shift 
function numbDailyEmp(rangeValues){
  // It checks all rows in a col
  for (col = 0; col < lastColumn - 1; col++){
    emplWorkingDay = 0;
    emplWorkingNight = 0;
    for(row = 0 ; row < lastRow - 1; row++){
      // Checks empls working that day
      if(rangeValues[row][col] && col !== 0){
        // Count the numbers of empls depending in the shift
        if(rangeValues[row][0] === "Morning") emplWorkingDay++;
        else if (rangeValues[row][0] === "Night") emplWorkingNight++; 
    // Log a message with the number of empls working in a shift that day
    if(col !== 0){
      Logger.log("Number of employees working at day " +  emplWorkingDay);
      Logger.log("Number of employees working at night " + emplWorkingNight);
      // if there are less than a min, then Log a message
      if(emplWorkingDay < 6 || emplWorkingNight < 6){
        Logger.log("Not enough working that day")