Google cloud storage gsutil rsync在启动同步后退出

Google cloud storage gsutil rsync在启动同步后退出,google-cloud-storage,rsync,google-cloud-platform,gsutil,Google Cloud Storage,Rsync,Google Cloud Platform,Gsutil,我正在尝试将文件夹从Google compute engine实例同步到云存储,但它只是在没有任何指针的情况下退出。它表示开始同步,然后返回提示 gsutil -m rsync -r public/ gs://mybucket/public Building synchronization state... Starting synchronization 我的gsutil版本 gsutil version -l gsutil version: 4.6 checksum: 397d8391fd

我正在尝试将文件夹从Google compute engine实例同步到云存储,但它只是在没有任何指针的情况下退出。它表示开始同步,然后返回提示

gsutil -m rsync -r public/ gs://mybucket/public
Building synchronization state...
Starting synchronization

gsutil version -l
gsutil version: 4.6
checksum: 397d8391fddbf1c48cc31f9c2911be68 (!= 70858e3360112a908c76273e6c947098)
boto version: 2.30.0
python version: 2.7.6 (default, Jun 22 2015, 17:58:13) [GCC 4.8.2]
OS: Linux 3.16.0-62-generic
multiprocessing available: True
using cloud sdk: True
config path: /etc/boto.cfg
gsutil path: /usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/platform/gsutil/gsutil
compiled crcmod: False
installed via package manager: False
editable install: False

gcloud components update
You cannot perform this action because the component manager has been 
disabled for this installation.  If you would like get the latest 
version of the Google Cloud SDK, please see our main download page at:

ERROR: (gcloud.components.update) The component manager is disabled for this installation


当gsutil rsync只输出“开始同步”(没有“复制”输出)时,这意味着它没有发现需要在您指定的源和目标之间进行同步的内容。

4.6是gsutil的一个相当旧的版本,此后添加了许多可靠性修复程序。您可能希望从主下载页面安装Cloud SDK(或者查看运行组件更新为root是否有效),因此,如果我想删除bucket内容并上载新文件和dir,我应该怎么做?要删除bucket中的所有对象,可以运行gsutil-m rm gs://my bucket之类的命令/**