Grails 将对象插入Drools AbstractWorkingMemory时出现NullPointerException

Grails 将对象插入Drools AbstractWorkingMemory时出现NullPointerException,grails,drools,Grails,Drools,我有一个Grails应用程序,我正在从V1.3.7升级到2.3.4。我们有一些与Drools相关的功能,在1.3.7中可以使用,但在2.3.4中无法使用。我不太确定问题出在哪里,因为Drools依赖关系没有改变,我也不能很好地理解我所遇到的错误,所以我希望有人能解释一下可能导致这个错误的原因 下面是一段代码,它正在爆炸: def session = ruleBase.newStatefulSession() // put objects in session objList.each {



 def session = ruleBase.newStatefulSession()

 // put objects in session
 objList.each {obj ->

public class ConsumerPrequalificationComposite extends PrequalificationComposite {
InsuranceApplicationPerson insAppPerson
List<Person> applicants

public boolean isDisabled(String questionKey, String answer) {
    return getAnswerToQuestion(questionKey).equals(answer);

String getAnswerToQuestion(String questionTypeOrUserDefinedKey) {
    if (!person) {
        return null

    def answerList = person.answers ? person.answers : insAppPerson.answers

    if (answerList) {
        return getAnswerToQuestion(answerList, questionTypeOrUserDefinedKey)
    } else {
        return null

boolean benefitIncludesIndividualYoungerThanOnRequestedEffectiveDate(int years, int months, int days) {
    if (super.benefitIncludesIndividualYoungerThanOnRequestedEffectiveDate(years, months, days)) {
        return true

    for (Person applicant in applicants) {
        if (onDateWillBeYoungerThan(applicant, this.requestedEffectiveDate, years, months, days)) {
            return true

    return false

boolean isSingleApplicant() {
    return applicants?.size() == 1

abstract class PrequalificationComposite extends DroolsComposite {
List planRuleHandles = []
Map<InsuranceType, Date> requestedEffectiveDates = [:]
Map insTypeFailureReasons = [:]
List selectedInsuranceTypes = []
String agentId
boolean validLocation
List<PaymentDurationType> paymentDurationTypes = []

// Added these because grails adds a get for booleans and drools looks for a is
boolean isValidLocation() {
    return this.validLocation

boolean getValidLocation() {
    return this.validLocation

void setValidLocation(boolean isValid) {
    this.validLocation = isValid

void addPlan(String ruleHandle){
    planRuleHandles << ruleHandle

void addPaymentDurationType(PaymentDurationType paymentDurationType) {

void addFailureReason(InsuranceType insType, ContentKey contentKey) {
    insTypeFailureReasons.put(insType, contentKey)

boolean hasFailureReason(InsuranceType insuranceType) {
    return insTypeFailureReasons.get(insuranceType) != null

String getAnswerToQuestion(String questionTypeOrUserDefinedKey){
        return null

    return getAnswerToQuestion(person.answers, questionTypeOrUserDefinedKey)


Date getAnswerToQuestionAsDate(String questionTypeOrUserDefinedKey){
    def answer = getAnswerToQuestion(questionTypeOrUserDefinedKey)
    if (answer) {
        Date dateAvailable = DateUtil.parse(answer)
        return dateAvailable

    return null

boolean olderThanOnJanOneOfRequestedEffectiveDateForInsuranceType(InsuranceType insType, int years, int months, int days) {
    def requestedEffectiveDate = requestedEffectiveDates[insType] ?: new Date()
    def cal = Calendar.getInstance()
    cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, 0)
    cal.set(Calendar.DATE, 1)
    def janOne = cal.getTime()
    onDateWillBeOlderThan(janOne, years, months, days)  // have to add 1 to the year becuase needs to be "older than"

boolean youngerThanOnRequestedEffective(int years, int months, int days) {
    onDateWillBeYoungerThan(this.requestedEffectiveDate, years, months, days)

boolean olderThanOnRequestedEffective(int years, int months, int days) {
    onDateWillBeOlderThan(this.requestedEffectiveDate, years, months, days)

boolean olderThanOnRequestedEffectiveForInsuranceType(InsuranceType insType, int years, int months, int days) {
    onDateWillBeOlderThan(getEffectiveDate(insType), years, months, days)

boolean heightWeightAgeValid(int minYears, int minMonths, int maxYears, int maxMonths, int minHeight, int maxHeight, int minWeight, int maxWeight) {
    def result = false
    if (olderThanNow(minYears, minMonths, 0) && !olderThanNow(maxYears, maxMonths, 0)) {
        if (person.height > minHeight && person.height < maxHeight && person.weight > minWeight && person.weight < maxWeight) {
            result = true
    return result

public void setState(String state) {
    person.address.state = state

boolean checkEffectiveDates(InsuranceType insType, String dateAvailableString) {
    def requestedEffectiveDate = this.requestedEffectiveDates[insType] ?: new Date()
    def dateAvailable = DateUtil.parse(dateAvailableString)
    return (dateAvailable.equals(requestedEffectiveDate) || dateAvailable.before(requestedEffectiveDate)) 

public abstract boolean isDisabled( String questionKey, String answer );

boolean hasSelectedInsuranceType(InsuranceType insType) {
    return selectedInsuranceTypes.any { it == insType }

String getAgentId() {
    return agentId

Date getEffectiveDate(InsuranceType insType) {
    Date requestedEffectiveDate = this.requestedEffectiveDates[insType] ?: new Date()
    return requestedEffectiveDate

 * Checks all individuals to be covered on the benefit and returns true if any of them are/will be younger than the
 * specified age as of the requested effective date
boolean benefitIncludesIndividualYoungerThanOnRequestedEffectiveDate(int years, int months, int days) {
    if (person && onDateWillBeYoungerThan(person, this.requestedEffectiveDate, years, months, days)) {
        return true

    for (InsuranceApplicationPlanPerson planPerson in insuranceApplicationPlan?.insuranceApplicationPlanPersons) {
        if (onDateWillBeYoungerThan(planPerson.insuranceApplicationPerson.person, this.requestedEffectiveDate, years, months, days)) {
            return true
    return false

boolean isFfm() {
    return person.ffmEligibilityInfo != null

boolean isQhpEligibility() {
    return person.ffmEligibilityInfo ? person.ffmEligibilityInfo.qhpEligibilityIndicator : false

boolean isCsrEligibility() {
    return person.ffmEligibilityInfo ? person.ffmEligibilityInfo.csrEligibilityIndicator : false


abstract class DroolsComposite {

InsuranceApplicationPlan insuranceApplicationPlan
Person person
Date requestedEffectiveDate

String getAnswerToQuestion(Collection<Answer> answers, String questionTypeOrUserDefinedKey) {

    def answerString = null
    def answer = null
        def questionType = QuestionType.valueOf(QuestionType.class, questionTypeOrUserDefinedKey)
        answer = answers.find {
            it.question.questionType == questionType
    } catch (Exception e){
        Logger.getLogger(this.class).debug("QuestionType could not be determined for $questionTypeOrUserDefinedKey this is not an error.  The value could be referencing a question user defined key value")

    if (!answer){
        answer = answers.find {
            if (it.question == null) {
                println "OH MY GOLLY!"

    if (answer) {
        if (answer.question.multiListAnswerType == PossibleAnswerType.USER_CONFIGURED) {
            def possibleAnswer = answer.question.possibleAnswers.find {
            answerString = possibleAnswer.userDefinedKey
        } else {
            answerString = answer.toString()
    return answerString


boolean olderThanNow(int years, int months, int days) {
    onDateWillBeOlderThan(new Date(), years, months, days)

boolean onDateWillBeOlderThan(Date date, int years, int months, int days) {
    def result = false
    def target = Calendar.getInstance()
    target.add(Calendar.HOUR, 1)
    def ageCal = Calendar.getInstance()
    ageCal.add(Calendar.YEAR, years)
    ageCal.add(Calendar.MONTH, months)
    ageCal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, days)

    if (ageCal.before(target)) {
        result = true

    return result

boolean youngerThanNow(int years, int months, int days) {
    onDateWillBeYoungerThan(new Date(), years, months, days)

boolean onDateWillBeYoungerThan(Date date, int years, int months, int days) {
    def result = false
    def target = Calendar.getInstance()
    def ageCal = Calendar.getInstance()
    ageCal.add(Calendar.YEAR, years)
    ageCal.add(Calendar.MONTH, months)
    ageCal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, days)

    if (ageCal.after(target)) {
        result = true

    return result

boolean onDateWillBeYoungerThan(Person personToCheck, Date date, int years, int months, int days) {
    Calendar targetDate = Calendar.getInstance()

    Calendar dateAgeReached = Calendar.getInstance()
    dateAgeReached.add(Calendar.YEAR, years)
    dateAgeReached.add(Calendar.MONTH, months)

    return dateAgeReached.after(targetDate)

boolean olderThanOnJanOneOfRequestedEffective(int years, int months, int days) {
    def cal = Calendar.getInstance()
    cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, 0)
    cal.set(Calendar.DATE, 1)
    def janOne = cal.getTime()
    onDateWillBeOlderThan(janOne, years, months, days)  // have to add 1 to the year becuase needs to be "older than"

boolean getDisability() {
    return insuranceApplicationPlan != null ? insuranceApplicationPlan.policyOwner?.insuranceApplicationPerson?.disability : null

Relationship getRelationshipToOwner() {
    return person.relationshipToOwner

Date getRequestedEffectiveDate() {
    return requestedEffectiveDate

public InsuranceApplicationPlan getInsuranceApplicationPlan() {
    return insuranceApplicationPlan

public Date getDateOfBirth() {
    return person.dateOfBirth

public String getCsrLevel() {
    return person?.ffmEligibilityInfo?.csrLevel ?: null

public Integer getRequestedEffectiveDateYear() {
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance()
    if (getRequestedEffectiveDate() != null) {
        return 0
    return cal.get(Calendar.YEAR)


我使用的是Drools 6.0.0.Final

    at org.drools.core.rule.PredicateConstraint.isAllowed(
    at org.drools.core.reteoo.AlphaNode.assertObject(
    at org.drools.core.reteoo.CompositeObjectSinkAdapter.doPropagateAssertObject(
    at org.drools.core.reteoo.CompositeObjectSinkAdapter.propagateAssertObject(
    at org.drools.core.reteoo.ObjectTypeNode.assertObject(
    at org.drools.core.reteoo.EntryPointNode.assertObject(
    at org.drools.core.common.NamedEntryPoint.insert(
    at org.drools.core.common.NamedEntryPoint.insert(
    at org.drools.core.common.AbstractWorkingMemory.insert(
    at org.drools.core.common.AbstractWorkingMemory.insert(