Grails Spock测试没有保存对象,我怀疑它与静态映射有关?

Grails Spock测试没有保存对象,我怀疑它与静态映射有关?,grails,Grails,我对这种行为困惑了几个小时。我正在使用Grails2.4.2和spock进行测试。我有一个域对象,如下所示: class AccRegStrDb implements Serializable { BigInteger accountId String keyName BigInteger indexNumber String value static mapping = { version false keyName


class AccRegStrDb implements Serializable {

    BigInteger accountId
    String keyName
    BigInteger indexNumber
    String value

    static mapping = {
        version false
        keyName column: "`key`"
        indexNumber column: "`index`"
        id generator:'assigned',
                composite: ['accountId', 'keyName', 'indexNumber']

class AccountRecordServiceSpec extends Specification {

    def setup() {

    def cleanup() {

    void "saveValue() of String saves to AccRegStrDb"() {
            service.saveValue(2000000, "keyName", "string")

            1 == AccRegStrDb.count()

class AccountRecordService {
public void saveValue(Long accountId, String keyName, String value) {
        def test = new AccRegStrDb(
                    accountId: accountId,
                    keyName: keyName,
                    indexNumber: BigInteger.ZERO,
                    value: value
            ).save(flush: true, failOnError: true)
class AccRegStrDb implements Serializable {

    BigInteger accountId
    String keyName
    BigInteger indexNumber
    String value

    static mapping = {
        version false
        keyName column: "`key`"
        indexNumber column: "`index`"
        id composite: ['accountId', 'keyName', 'indexNumber']



class AccountRecordService {
public void saveValue(Long accountId, String keyName, String value) {
        def test = new AccRegStrDb(
                    accountId: accountId,
                    keyName: keyName,
                    indexNumber: BigInteger.ZERO,
                    value: value
            ).save(flush: true, failOnError: true)
class AccRegStrDb implements Serializable {

    BigInteger accountId
    String keyName
    BigInteger indexNumber
    String value

    static mapping = {
        version false
        keyName column: "`key`"
        indexNumber column: "`index`"
        id composite: ['accountId', 'keyName', 'indexNumber']