Gruntjs “运行”;“指南针手表”;基金会5退回警告声明

Gruntjs “运行”;“指南针手表”;基金会5退回警告声明,gruntjs,watch,compass,zurb-foundation-5,Gruntjs,Watch,Compass,Zurb Foundation 5,运行一个咕噜咕噜的指南针手表会给我警告 以下是我的终端中的错误日志: Running "watch" task Waiting... >> File "source/sass/layout/_navigation.scss" changed. Running "compass:dist" (compass) task DEPRECATION WARNING on line 275 of /Users/username/Sites/sitename/www/projectname/bo



Running "watch" task
>> File "source/sass/layout/_navigation.scss" changed.
Running "compass:dist" (compass) task
DEPRECATION WARNING on line 275 of /Users/username/Sites/sitename/www/projectname/bower_components/foundation/scss/foundation/components/_global.scss:
    Assigning to global variable "$default-float" by default is deprecated.
    In future versions of Sass, this will create a new local variable.
    If you want to assign to the global variable, use "$default-float: left !global" instead.
    Note that this will be incompatible with Sass 3.2.

    DEPRECATION WARNING on line 276 of /Users/username/Sites/sitename/www/projectname/bower_components/foundation/scss/foundation/components/_global.scss:
    Assigning to global variable "$opposite-direction" by default is deprecated.
    In future versions of Sass, this will create a new local variable.
    If you want to assign to the global variable, use "$opposite-direction: right !global" instead.
    Note that this will be incompatible with Sass 3.2.

    DEPRECATION WARNING: The return value of index() will change from "false" to
    "null" in future versions of Sass. For compatibility, avoid using "== false" on
    the return value. For example, instead of "@if index(...) == false", just write
    "@if not index(...)".
            on line  of /Users/username/Sites/sitename/www/projectname/bower_components/foundation/scss/foundation/_functions.scss, in `exports'
            from line 342 of /Users/username/Sites/sitename/www/projectname/bower_components/foundation/scss/foundation/components/_global.scss
            from line 5 of /Users/username/Sites/sitename/www/projectname/bower_components/foundation/scss/foundation/components/_grid.scss
            from line 103 of /Users/username/Sites/sitename/www/projectname/source/sass/style.scss
        write development/includes/css/mercutio.css (2.757s)

    Done, without errors.



→ compass -v
Compass 1.0.1 (Polaris)
Copyright (c) 2008-2015 Chris Eppstein
Released under the MIT License.
Compass is charityware.
Please make a tax deductable donation for a worthy cause:

发现了问题。看来我的无礼已经过时了。是在3.3(Maptastic Maple)上,应该是在3.4(选择Steve)



$sudo gem安装sass
