Hadoop 配置单元:分组依据上的子查询

Hadoop 配置单元:分组依据上的子查询,hadoop,hive,hiveql,Hadoop,Hive,Hiveql,需要配置单元查询的帮助 我编写了一个配置单元查询: select to_date(from_unixtime(epoch)) as date, count1 , count2, count3 from table1 where count3=168 结果如下: date count1 count2 count3 7-15-2015 168 3 7 7-15-2015 168 1 5 7-15-2



select to_date(from_unixtime(epoch)) as date, count1 , count2, count3 from table1 where count3=168

date       count1     count2     count3
7-15-2015  168        3           7
7-15-2015  168        1           5
7-15-2015  168        4           3
and similarly for other dates

最后,我需要编写一个查询,返回每个日期的count2和count3的中值。 例如:我需要输出为:

date       count1     count2     count3
7-15-2015  168        3           5
and similarly for other dates
我知道我需要使用GROUPBYDATE,然后在此基础上编写子查询。 但我不能写出正确的查询。

select to_date(from_unixtime(epoch)) as date
 , count1 
 , percentile(count2,0.5) as median_ct2
 , percentile(count3,0.5) as median_ct3
from table1 
where count1=168
group by to_date(from_unixtime(epoch)), count1;


select to_date(from_unixtime(epoch)) as date
 , count1 
 , percentile(count2,0.5) as median_ct2
 , percentile(count3,0.5) as median_ct3
from table1 
where count1=168
group by to_date(from_unixtime(epoch)), count1;
