Internationalization 精细上传器与i18n

Internationalization 精细上传器与i18n,internationalization,fine-uploader,Internationalization,Fine Uploader,虽然fineuploader发送给最终用户的大多数字符串(不是在嵌入fine uploader时修复bug的开发人员)都来自模板,因此在创建模板的服务器端很容易翻译,但我发现一些地方似乎没有这个来源 我在使用过程中遇到的地方: confirmMessage: "Are you sure you want to delete {filename}?", 在fineuploader-4.2.1.js中进行grepping时,可以找到几个其他字符串: qq.status = { SUBMITTING

虽然fineuploader发送给最终用户的大多数字符串(不是在嵌入fine uploader时修复bug的开发人员)都来自模板,因此在创建模板的服务器端很容易翻译,但我发现一些地方似乎没有这个来源


confirmMessage: "Are you sure you want to delete {filename}?",

qq.status = {
SUBMITTING: "submitting",
SUBMITTED: "submitted",
REJECTED: "rejected",
QUEUED: "queued",
CANCELED: "canceled",
PAUSED: "paused",
UPLOADING: "uploading",
UPLOAD_RETRYING: "retrying upload",
UPLOAD_SUCCESSFUL: "upload successful",
UPLOAD_FAILED: "upload failed",
DELETE_FAILED: "delete failed",
DELETING: "deleting",
DELETED: "deleted"
                return new qq.Promise().failure(imgOrCanvas, "File or URL not found.");
                "due to CORS on a user agent that does not support pre-flighting.", "warn");
                this._options.callbacks.onError(id, name, "Delete request failed", xhrOrXdr);
                this._options.callbacks.onError(id, name, "Delete request failed with response code " + xhrOrXdr.status, xhrOrXdr);
                this._options.callbacks.onError(id, name, "XHR returned response code " + xhr.status, xhr);
            typeError: "{file} has an invalid extension. Valid extension(s): {extensions}.",
            sizeError: "{file} is too large, maximum file size is {sizeLimit}.",
            minSizeError: "{file} is too small, minimum file size is {minSizeLimit}.",
            emptyError: "{file} is empty, please select files again without it.",
            noFilesError: "No files to upload.",
            tooManyItemsError: "Too many items ({netItems}) would be uploaded.  Item limit is {itemLimit}.",
            maxHeightImageError: "Image is too tall.",
            maxWidthImageError: "Image is too wide.",
            minHeightImageError: "Image is not tall enough.",
            minWidthImageError: "Image is not wide enough.",
            retryFailTooManyItems: "Retry failed - you have reached your file limit.",
            onLeave: "The files are being uploaded, if you leave now the upload will be canceled."
        responseProperty: "error",
        tooManyFilesError: "You may only drop one file",
        unsupportedBrowser: "Unrecoverable error - this browser does not permit file uploading of any kind."
        autoRetryNote: "Retrying {retryNum}/{maxAuto}..."
        confirmMessage: "Are you sure you want to delete {filename}?",
        deletingStatusText: "Deleting...",
        deletingFailedText: "Delete failed"
        namePromptMessage: "Please name this image"
            throw new Error("file with passed id was not added, or already uploaded or canceled");
        promise.failure(img, "Problem drawing thumbnail!");
            drawPreview.failure(container, "Browser cannot render image!");
            drawPreview.failure(container, "Not previewable");
            thePromise.failure("No EXIF header to be found!");
我在这里的文档中遗漏了什么吗? 蒂亚-干杯,

您上面提到的确认消息可以在Fine Uploader UI模式下更改


啊,太好了;很可能{filename}也会工作吗?当前的citadel版本将不得不在没有可翻译文件的情况下使用,我现在将改变这一点。{filename}将被具有实际文件名的Fine Uploader替换。这些文件在文档中是否交换?他们的名字意味着对我来说。。。deletingFailedText状态消息将显示在待删除的文件旁边。删除状态文本在删除失败的文件旁边显示的状态消息。@dothebart,好眼力!固定的。