Ios 如何获取.ipa文件路径

Ios 如何获取.ipa文件路径,ios,objective-c,ipa,Ios,Objective C,Ipa,我的应用程序包含敏感数据,因此我想为.ipa文件生成哈希键,可以这样做吗?如何获取.ipa文件路径以生成密钥 我已经为inside.app文件创建了几个文件。Windows中的.ipa文件位置 - Launch iTunes - Under Library menu, click on [Apps] menu. - The iTunes will display all installed app - Right-click on one of those apps - Then cl




 - Launch iTunes
 - Under Library menu, click on [Apps] menu.
 - The iTunes will display all installed app
 - Right-click on one of those apps
 - Then click “Show in Windows Explorer” option
 - A Windows Explorer will be opened navigating directly to the path of .ipa files.

 you can simply open a Windows Explorer and type this path in the address bar: C:\Users\User\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Mobile Applications`
way to do that is, by simply open the directory of .ipa files stored by using this path: User/Music/iTunes/Mobile Applications

Mac OS中的.ipa文件位置

 -  Launch iTunes
 -  Under Library menu, click on [Apps] menu.
 -  The iTunes will display all installed app
 -  Right-click on one of those apps
 -  Then click “Show in Finder” option

 you can simply open a Windows Explorer and type this path in the address bar: C:\Users\User\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Mobile Applications`
way to do that is, by simply open the directory of .ipa files stored by using this path: User/Music/iTunes/Mobile Applications




此外,.ipa文件在Mac OS中的位置

1- Launch iTunes
2- Under Library menu, click on [Apps] menu.
3- The iTunes will display all installed app
4- Right-click on one of those apps
5- Then click “Show in Finder” option
Alternative way to do that is, by simply open the directory of .ipa files stored by using this path:
User/Music/iTunes/Mobile Applications

我觉得你的问题有点无意义。。。如果您担心有人绕过应用程序对敏感数据进行非法访问,则应以编程方式加密这些数据。@holex,是的,您的权利。但我的是银行应用程序,所以我们希望采用分层安全方法。我已经在.app文件中完成了我想要的一切。在这一点上有什么帮助吗?到目前为止,我对配置文件是这样做的:NSString*certificatePath=[[NSBundle mainBundle]resourcePath]stringByAppendingPathComponent:@“embedded.mobileprovision”];您将从NSString*certificatePath=[[NSBundle mainBundle]excutablePath]获取.app路径;从iTunes 12.7.0开始,这种方法现在可能不起作用。相反,您可以使用。您必须使用USB电缆将手机插入Mac,然后导航到以下路径:
~/Library/Group Containers/