Java 梯度下降铰链损失最小化的正确实现

Java 梯度下降铰链损失最小化的正确实现,java,machine-learning,Java,Machine Learning,我复制了铰链损失函数(也是它所基于的LossC和LossFunc)。然后我将其包括在梯度下降算法中,如下所示: do { iteration++; error = 0.0; cost = 0.0; //loop through all instances (complete one epoch) for (p = 0; p < number_of_files__train; p++) { // 1. Calcula


    error = 0.0;
    cost = 0.0;

    //loop through all instances (complete one epoch)
    for (p = 0; p < number_of_files__train; p++) 

      // 1. Calculate the hypothesis h = X * theta
      hypothesis = calculateHypothesis( theta, feature_matrix__train, p, globo_dict_size );

      // 2. Calculate the loss = h - y and maybe the squared cost (loss^2)/2m
      //cost = hypothesis - outputs__train[p];
      cost = HingeLoss.loss(hypothesis, outputs__train[p]);
      System.out.println( "cost " + cost );

      // 3. Calculate the gradient = X' * loss / m
      gradient = calculateGradent( theta, feature_matrix__train, p, globo_dict_size, cost, number_of_files__train);

      // 4. Update the parameters theta = theta - alpha * gradient
      for (int i = 0; i < globo_dict_size; i++) 
          theta[i] = theta[i] - LEARNING_RATE * gradient[i];


    //summation of squared error (error value for all instances)
    error += (cost*cost);       

  /* Root Mean Squared Error */
  //System.out.println("Iteration " + iteration + " : RMSE = " + Math.sqrt( error/number_of_files__train ) );
  System.out.println("Iteration " + iteration + " : RMSE = " + Math.sqrt( error/number_of_files__train ) );

  while( error != 0 );


radient calculation,我刚刚对我的原始帖子进行了编辑,以显示损失函数代码,该代码确实与您在那里发布的代码类似。您认为我刚才所说的正确吗?每个损失函数的导数/梯度不同。您需要实现铰链损失[您提供的代码中的损失]和有效梯度[使用你提供的代码中的deriv]。@lejlot:我在评论中慢慢达到了目的。马修:梯度下降的要点是它通过遵循梯度来优化函数。因此,为了优化铰链损失函数,你需要遵循梯度(导数)但是,为了让铰链损失在第一时间起作用,您需要对类进行不同的编码:如果没有这种编码,GD仍然无法做任何有用的事情。
static double calculateHypothesis( double[] theta, double[][] feature_matrix, int file_index, int globo_dict_size )
    double hypothesis = 0.0;

     for (int i = 0; i < globo_dict_size; i++) 
         hypothesis += ( theta[i] * feature_matrix[file_index][i] );
     hypothesis += theta[ globo_dict_size ];

     return hypothesis;

static double[] calculateGradent( double theta[], double[][] feature_matrix, int file_index, int globo_dict_size, double cost, int number_of_files__train)
    double m = number_of_files__train;

    double[] gradient = new double[ globo_dict_size];//one for bias?

    for (int i = 0; i < gradient.length; i++) 
        gradient[i] = (1.0/m) * cost * feature_matrix[ file_index ][ i ] ;

    return gradient;
 * Computes the HingeLoss loss
 * @param pred the predicted value
 * @param y the target value
 * @return the HingeLoss loss
public static double loss(double pred, double y)
    return Math.max(0, 1 - y * pred);

 * Computes the first derivative of the HingeLoss loss
 * @param pred the predicted value
 * @param y the target value
 * @return the first derivative of the HingeLoss loss
public static double deriv(double pred, double y)
    if (pred * y > 1)
        return 0;
        return -y;