Java 为什么android studio中的for循环在第一次迭代后停止?

Java 为什么android studio中的for循环在第一次迭代后停止?,java,android-studio,for-loop,jdbc,android-asynctask,Java,Android Studio,For Loop,Jdbc,Android Asynctask,我创建了一个系统,在这个系统中,我可以在androidstudio中只使用一个异步任务类来运行所有postgresql查询。这真的(!!)具有挑战性,因为我必须面对大量的限制。但这真的很棒 //Used for connecting to database and executing queries. //Index 0 of input string must be the query, Index 1 must be the tablename we demand //We can only


//Used for connecting to database and executing queries.
//Index 0 of input string must be the query, Index 1 must be the tablename we demand
//We can only gather data from 1 table for each query, so if you need data from several tablecolumns, use multiple queries like:
//[0] = query, [1] = tablename, [2] = 2nd query, [3] = 2nd tablename, [4] = 3rd query, [5] = 3rd table name ... and so on (each query must come with a tablename)
public class DBHandler extends AsyncTask<String, Void, List<String>>
public AsyncResponse delegate;

protected List<String> doInBackground(String...query)
    List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
    String sql;
    String tableresult = null;
    Connection conn = null;
    Statement st = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;

    try {
        conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql://");
        st = conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); //necessary if you want to use rs.first() after, it makes the resultset scrollable

        for (int i = 0; i <= query.length-1; i = i+2) //queries are always stored in i=0 and/or in i+2, because i+1 contain the demanded tablenames for resultset handling
            System.out.println("I is: " +i);
            if (!query[i].isEmpty())
                sql = query[i];
                rs = st.executeQuery(sql);

                while (
                    if (!query[i + 1].isEmpty() || !rs.getString(query[i + 1]).isEmpty()) //if i+1 is empty, there is no demanded tablename. Used when we dont need any return values (ie. INSERT, UPDATE)
                    result.add(rs.getString(query[i + 1])); //demanded tablename is always stored in i+1

                //We add an empty entry if we demand multiple tablenames so we can keep them seperate
                //Might be replaced with any other char, but you will have to backtrack all usages of DBHandler and fix the filters there
                if(i+2 < query.length)
                result.add(" ");
            rs.first(); //reset pointer for

        System.out.println("End of AsyncTask");

    catch (SQLException ex)

    catch (Exception e)
    return result;

//onPostExecute returns query result in a List.
//We need to use interaces delegate feature to send the result to other classes, like "Auslieferung", which is implementing the interface
protected void onPostExecute(List<String> result)
    System.out.println("Result: " +result.toString());
    if (!result.isEmpty())


会发生什么情况,该更新不会返回单个结果集(Doc:“SQLException…给定的SQL语句会生成除单个ResultSet对象以外的任何内容…”不,就我所见,没有异常。当我回到办公室时,我会把日志发出去@Carlos Heuberger:好吧,我仔细看了一下。有一个W/IInputConnectionWrapper:finishComposingText在非活动InputConnection上W/System.err:org.postgresql.util.PSQLException:查询不返回任何结果(无异常?不确定如果调用带有更新的
会发生什么,该更新不会返回单个结果集(文档:“SQLException…给定的SQL语句生成除单个ResultSet对象以外的任何对象…”不,据我所知,没有例外。当我回到办公室时,我会发布日志@Carlos Heuberger:好的,我仔细看了一下。有一个W/IIInputConnectionWrapper:finishComposingText on inactive InputConnection W/System.err:org.postgresql.util.PSQLException:查询不返回任何结果(
for (int i = 0; i <= query.length-1; i = i+2)
String updatequeries[] = {UPDATE delivery SET contactperson = 'Jon Doe' WHERE officeid = 5, " ", UPDATE delivery SET contactemail = '' WHERE officeid = 5, " "};