Java 迷宫创造者跳过斑点?

Java 迷宫创造者跳过斑点?,java,arraylist,generator,multidimensional-array,maze,Java,Arraylist,Generator,Multidimensional Array,Maze,我的代码(如下所示)正在做它应该做的事情(生成一个从a点到b点的通道,中间有随机的停止点),它可以工作。嗯,不是所有的时候。我试着研究语法问题,花了几个小时寻找一些简单的数学问题,但我找不到 问题是它大部分时间都会生成有效路径,但从位置上看,从第一个点到第二个点有3个点。有人知道问题是什么吗 public static int[][] genLayer(int enterX, int enterY) { // Initiate Variables and arrays



    public static int[][] genLayer(int enterX, int enterY) {

    // Initiate Variables and arrays
    ArrayList<Integer> xPos = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // Array of x
                                                        // positions
    ArrayList<Integer> yPos = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // Array of y
                                                        // positions

    int[][] layer = new int[20][20]; // The 2D array of the layer to be
                                        // returned to the caller

    // Generates the points for the passageway to go thru.
    int point1X = rand.nextInt(20); // The first point's x
    int point1Y = rand.nextInt(20); // The first point's y
    int point2X = rand.nextInt(20); // The second point's x
    int point2Y = rand.nextInt(20); // The second point's y
    int point3X = rand.nextInt(20); // The third point's x
    int point3Y = rand.nextInt(20); // The third point's y

    layer[enterX][enterY] = 4; // Set the cords of enter X and Y to 4, the
                                // number representing the up stairs

    // Enter To Point 1:

    // Generate the first set of x points for the layer's passages
    if (enterX > point1X) {

        for (int x = enterX - 1; x > point1X; x--) {

    } else if (enterX < point1X) {

        for (int x = enterX + 1; x < point1X; x++) {


    // Generate the first set of y points for the layer's passages
    if (enterY > point1Y) {

        for (int y = enterY - 1; y > point1Y; y--) {

    } else if (enterY < point1Y) {

        for (int y = enterY + 1; y < point1Y; y++) {


    // Make Passages
    if (yPos.size() > 0) {
        if (rand.nextBoolean() & xPos.size() > 0) { // Chose randomly
                                                    // whether to
                                                    // make the passage up
                                                    // then
                                                    // sideways or sideways
                                                    // then
                                                    // up.
                                                    // Then, decide if there
                                                    // is
                                                    // any horizontal or
                                                    // vertical passages to
                                                    // generate
            // x then y

            for (int i = 0; i < xPos.size(); i++) {

                layer[xPos.get(i)][enterY] = 1; // make the horizontal
                                                // passage


            for (int i = 0; i < yPos.size(); i++) {

                layer[xPos.get(xPos.size() - 1)][yPos.get(i)] = 1; // make
                                                                    // the
                                                                    // vertical
                                                                    // passage


        } else {

            // y then x

            for (int i = 0; i < yPos.size(); i++) {

                layer[enterX][yPos.get(i)] = 1; // make the vertical passage


            for (int i = 0; i < xPos.size(); i++) {

                layer[xPos.get(i)][yPos.get(yPos.size() - 1)] = 1; // make
                                                                    // the
                                                                    // horizontal
                                                                    // passage


    // Set point 1 to the last xPos and yPos to make up for unknown
    // calculation errors
    if (xPos.size() > 0)
        point1X = xPos.get(xPos.size() - 1);
    if (yPos.size() > 0)
        point1Y = yPos.get(yPos.size() - 1);

    // Flush the values of xPos and yPos

    // Point 1 To Point 2:

    // Generate the second set of x points for the layer's passages
    if (point1X > point2X) {

        for (int x = point1X - 1; x > point2X; x--) {

    } else if (point1X < point2X) {

        for (int x = point1X + 1; x < point2X; x++) {


    // Generate the second set of y points for the layer's passages
    if (point1Y > point2Y) {

        for (int y = point1Y - 1; y > point2Y; y--) {

    } else if (point1Y < point2Y) {

        for (int y = point1Y + 1; y < point2Y; y++) {


    // Make Passages
    if (yPos.size() > 0) {
        if (rand.nextBoolean() & xPos.size() > 0) { // Chose randomly
                                                    // whether to
                                                    // make the passage up
                                                    // then
                                                    // sideways or sideways
                                                    // then
                                                    // up.
                                                    // Then, decide if there
                                                    // is
                                                    // any horizontal or
                                                    // vertical passages to
                                                    // generate
            // x then y

            for (int i = 0; i < xPos.size(); i++) {

                layer[xPos.get(i)][point1Y] = 1; // make the horizontal
                                                    // passage


            for (int i = 0; i < yPos.size(); i++) {

                layer[xPos.get(xPos.size() - 1)][yPos.get(i)] = 1; // make
                                                                    // the
                                                                    // vertical
                                                                    // passage


        } else {

            // y then x

            for (int i = 0; i < yPos.size(); i++) {

                layer[point1X][yPos.get(i)] = 1; // make the vertical
                                                    // passage


            for (int i = 0; i < xPos.size(); i++) {

                layer[xPos.get(i)][yPos.get(yPos.size() - 1)] = 1; // make
                                                                    // the
                                                                    // horizontal
                                                                    // passage


    // Set point 2 to the last xPos and yPos to make up for unknown
    // calculation errors
    if (xPos.size() > 0)
        point2X = xPos.get(xPos.size() - 1);
    if (yPos.size() > 0)
        point2Y = yPos.get(yPos.size() - 1);

    // Flush the values of xPos and yPos

    // Point 2 To Point 3:

    // Generate the third set of x points for the layer's passages
    if (point2X > point3X) {

        for (int x = point2X - 1; x > point3X; x--) {

    } else if (point2X < point3X) {

        for (int x = point2X + 1; x < point3X; x++) {


    // Generate the third set of y points for the layer's passages
    if (point2Y > point3Y) {

        for (int y = point2Y - 1; y > point3Y; y--) {

    } else if (point2Y < point3Y) {

        for (int y = point2Y + 1; y < point3Y; y++) {


    // Make Passages
    if (yPos.size() > 0) {
        if (rand.nextBoolean() & xPos.size() > 0) { // Chose randomly
                                                    // whether to
                                                    // make the passage up
                                                    // then
                                                    // sideways or sideways
                                                    // then
                                                    // up.
                                                    // Then, decide if there
                                                    // is
                                                    // any horizontal or
                                                    // vertical passages to
                                                    // generate
            // x then y

            for (int i = 0; i < xPos.size(); i++) {

                layer[xPos.get(i)][point2Y] = 1; // make the horizontal
                                                    // passage


            for (int i = 0; i < yPos.size(); i++) {

                layer[xPos.get(xPos.size() - 1)][yPos.get(i)] = 1; // make
                                                                    // the
                                                                    // vertical
                                                                    // passage


        } else {

            // y then x

            for (int i = 0; i < yPos.size(); i++) {

                layer[point2X][yPos.get(i)] = 1; // make the vertical
                                                    // passage


            for (int i = 0; i < xPos.size(); i++) {

                layer[xPos.get(i)][yPos.get(yPos.size() - 1)] = 1; // make
                                                                    // the
                                                                    // horizontal
                                                                    // passage


    // Set point 3 to the last xPos and yPos to make up for unknown
    // calculation errors
    if (xPos.size() > 0)
        point3X = xPos.get(xPos.size() - 1);
    if (yPos.size() > 0)
        point3Y = yPos.get(yPos.size() - 1);

    // Flush the values of xPos and yPos

    for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
            System.out.print(" " + layer[i][j]);
    return layer;
ArrayList xPos=new ArrayList();//x的数组
ArrayList yPos=新的ArrayList();//y的数组
int[][]layer=new int[20][20];//要创建的层的2D数组
int point1X=rand.nextInt(20);//第一个点的x
int point1Y=rand.nextInt(20);//第一个点的y
int point2X=rand.nextInt(20);//第二个点的x
int point2Y=rand.nextInt(20);//第二个点的y
int point3X=rand.nextInt(20);//第三个点的x
int point3Y=rand.nextInt(20);//第三个点的y
层[enterX][enterY]=4;//将enter X和Y的跳线设置为4,则
对于(int x=enterX-1;x>point1X;x--){
对于(int y=entry-1;y>point1Y;y--){
对于(int y=entry+1;y0){
对于(int i=0;i0)
对于(int x=point1X-1;x>point2X;x--){
对于(int x=point1X+1;x点2Y){
对于(int y=point1Y-1;y>point2Y;y--){
}else if(点1y<点2y){
对于(int y=point1Y+1;y0){
p2    p3

1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0

1  0
1  0
0  0
0  4
for (int x = enterX - 1; x > point1X; x--)
for (int x = enterX - 1; x >= point1X; x--)
0  0 0 P2
1  1 1 0
1  0 0 0
P1 0 0 0
// Generate the first set of x points for the layer's passages
if (enterX > point1X) {

    for (int x = enterX - 1; x >= point1X; x--) { // > becomes >=

} else if (enterX < point1X) {

    for (int x = enterX + 1; x <= point1X; x++) { // < becomes <=
