
如何在Java游戏库(Slick2D)中同时使用运动和动画,java,slick2d,Java,Slick2d,有人请帮帮我,我卡住了。我想按向上、右、左、下,然后朝那个方向移动我的动画,使它看起来像我的播放器正在行走。但这是我的问题,我提出了一个解决方案,但是Java会打开程序,然后很快关闭它。我知道这意味着有一个错误,但我不能阅读编译器错误消息,因为它没有说什么,它只是告诉我我的错误所在的行号。有人请帮帮我,我对此很失望 package test; import org.newdawn.slick.*; import org.newdawn.slick.state.*; public class


package test;
import org.newdawn.slick.*;
import org.newdawn.slick.state.*;

public class Play extends BasicGameState
    private SpriteSheet MoveRight; // initate a SprtieSheet
    private Animation MoveRightAni; // initate a Animation

    private SpriteSheet MoveLeft; // initate a SprtieSheet
    private Animation MoveLeftAni; // initate a Animation

    private SpriteSheet MoveUp; // initate a SprtieSheet
    private Animation MoveUpAni; // initate a Animation

    private SpriteSheet MoveDown; // initate a SprtieSheet
    private Animation MoveDownAni; // initate a Animation

    private Animation currentImage = MoveRightAni;

    private Image map; 
    public float x = 0;
    public float y = 0;

    public Play( int state){


    public void init(GameContainer gc, StateBasedGame sbg) throws SlickException{
        MoveRight = new SpriteSheet("test/MoveRight.png",21,24); // declare a SpriteSheet and load it into java with its dimentions
        MoveRightAni = new Animation(MoveRight, 400); // declare a Animation, loading the SpriteSheet and inputing the Animation Speed

        MoveLeft = new SpriteSheet("test/MoveLeft.png",21,24); // declare a SpriteSheet and load it into java with its dimentions
        MoveLeftAni = new Animation(MoveLeft, 400); // declare a Animation, loading the SpriteSheet and inputing the Animation Speed

        MoveUp = new SpriteSheet("test/MoveUp.png",21,24); // declare a SpriteSheet and load it into java with its dimentions
        MoveUpAni = new Animation(MoveUp, 400); // declare a Animation, loading the SpriteSheet and inputing the Animation Speed

        MoveDown = new SpriteSheet("test/MoveDown.png",21,24); // declare a SpriteSheet and load it into java with its dimentions
        MoveDownAni = new Animation(MoveDown, 400); // declare a Animation, loading the SpriteSheet and inputing the Animation Speed

        map = new Image("test/map.png");


    public void render(GameContainer gc, StateBasedGame sbg, Graphics g) throws SlickException{
        g.drawImage(map, 0, 0);


    public void update (GameContainer gc, StateBasedGame sbg, int delta) throws SlickException
        MoveRightAni.update(delta); // this line makes sure the speed of the Animation is true
        MoveUpAni.update(delta); // this line makes sure the speed of the Animation is true
        MoveLeftAni.update(delta); // this line makes sure the speed of the Animation is true
        MoveDownAni.update(delta); // this line makes sure the speed of the Animation is true
        Input input = gc.getInput();

        if (input.isKeyDown(Input.KEY_W))
            y -= 0.1 * delta;
            currentImage = MoveUpAni;

        if (input.isKeyDown(Input.KEY_A))
            x -= 0.1 * delta;
            currentImage = MoveLeftAni;
        if (input.isKeyDown(Input.KEY_D))
            x += 0.1 * delta;
            currentImage = MoveRightAni;
        if (input.isKeyDown(Input.KEY_S))
            y += 0.1 * delta;
            currentImage = MoveDownAni;

    public int getID(){
        return 0;



private Animation currentImage = MoveRightAni;


currentImage = MoveRightAni;

这可能有助于发布错误所指的行。发布堆栈跟踪提供给您的所有内容。从我所看到的来看,您的代码看起来足够好,可以按预期运行。org.newdawn.slick.SlickException:Game.render failure-检查游戏代码。java.lang.nullpointerException非常感谢,我不知道我怎么会错过它:我真的很感谢,谢谢,没问题。别忘了接受答案:
currentImage = MoveRightAni;