Java 不确定如何正确使用该方法

Java 不确定如何正确使用该方法,java,Java,我想使用.nextInt从扫描仪获取输入并将其发送到下面的方法,但我不确定如何进行 // Method to check the user has enter an integer static int checkValidInput ( Scanner scan) { while (!scan.hasNextInt()) // {; // if the input is not an integer it is discarded.


// Method to check the user has enter an integer
 static int checkValidInput ( Scanner scan)
    while (!scan.hasNextInt()) // 
    {; // if the input is not an integer it is discarded.

        System.out.println("You did not enter a integer"); // the question is asked again until the right value is entered

    return scan.nextInt(); // the integer entered is returned to the statement that called the method

int age = checkValidInput(scan);