Java 应为BEGIN_对象,但为自定义TypeAdapter的字符串

Java 应为BEGIN_对象,但为自定义TypeAdapter的字符串,java,android,gson,retrofit,Java,Android,Gson,Retrofit,因此,我正试图解决一个问题,我与我的自定义类型适配器与Gson和改装。我不断得到一个预期的BEGIN\u对象,但它是字符串错误,但我不确定如何解决它。以前我得到了一个预期的BEGIN\u数组,但出现了STRING错误,我解决了这个问题。我不确定是否需要与此新错误相同。我在下面列出了我的课程,非常感谢您的帮助。这就是我的json在这里的样子:主要问题是json中的多媒体字段。如果没有值,则为空字符串;如果有值,则返回包含JSONObject的jsonarray


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;


public class ArrayAdapter<T> extends TypeAdapter<List<T>> {
    private Class<T> adapterclass;

    public ArrayAdapter(Class<T> adapterclass) {
        this.adapterclass = adapterclass;

    public List<T> read(JsonReader reader) throws IOException {

        List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>();

        Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
                .registerTypeAdapterFactory(new ArrayAdapterFactory())

        if (reader.peek() == JsonToken.STRING) {
            T inning = gson.fromJson(reader, adapterclass);
        } else if (reader.peek() == JsonToken.BEGIN_ARRAY) {

            while (reader.hasNext()) {
                T inning = gson.fromJson(reader, adapterclass);

        } else if (reader.peek() == JsonToken.BEGIN_OBJECT) {
            while(reader.hasNext()) {

        return list;

    public void write(JsonWriter writer, List<T> value) throws IOException {


public class NYTimes {

    // uses the new york times api
    // gets the top stores on the nytimes homepage
    private static final String API_URL = "";

    static Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapterFactory(new ArrayAdapterFactory()).create();

    private static final RestAdapter REST_ADAPTER = new RestAdapter.Builder()
            .setConverter(new GsonConverter(gson))

    private static final NYTimesService SERVICE = REST_ADAPTER.create(NYTimesService.class);

    public static NYTimesService getService() {
        return SERVICE;
public class News {

    private String status;
    private String copyright;
    private Integer numResults;
    private List<Result> results = new ArrayList<Result>();

     * @return
     * The status
    public String getStatus() {
        return status;

     * @param status
     * The status
    public void setStatus(String status) {
        this.status = status;

     * @return
     * The copyright
    public String getCopyright() {
        return copyright;

     * @param copyright
     * The copyright
    public void setCopyright(String copyright) {
        this.copyright = copyright;

     * @return
     * The numResults
    public Integer getNumResults() {
        return numResults;

     * @param numResults
     * The num_results
    public void setNumResults(Integer numResults) {
        this.numResults = numResults;

     * @return
     * The results
    public List<Result> getResults() {
        return results;

     * @param results
     * The results
    public void setResults(List<Result> results) {
        this.results = results;

public class Result {
    private String section;
    private String subsection;
    private String title;
    private String _abstract;
    private String url;
    private String byline;
    private String thumbnailStandard;
    private String itemType;
    private String source;
    private String updatedDate;
    private String createdDate;
    private String publishedDate;
    private String materialTypeFacet;
    private String kicker;
    private String subheadline;
    private List<String> desFacet = new ArrayList<>();
    private List<String> orgFacet = new ArrayList<>();
    private List<String> perFacet = new ArrayList<>();
    private List<String> geoFacet = new ArrayList<>();
    private Object relatedUrls;
    private List<Multimedium> multimedia;

     * @return
     * The section
    public String getSection() {
        return section;

     * @param section
     * The section
    public void setSection(String section) {
        this.section = section;

     * @return
     * The subsection
    public String getSubsection() {
        return subsection;

     * @param subsection
     * The subsection
    public void setSubsection(String subsection) {
        this.subsection = subsection;

     * @return
     * The title
    public String getTitle() {
        return title;

     * @param title
     * The title
    public void setTitle(String title) {
        this.title = title;

     * @return
     * The _abstract
    public String getAbstract() {
        return _abstract;

     * @param _abstract
     * The abstract
    public void setAbstract(String _abstract) {
        this._abstract = _abstract;

     * @return
     * The url
    public String getUrl() {
        return url;

     * @param url
     * The url
    public void setUrl(String url) {
        this.url = url;

     * @return
     * The byline
    public String getByline() {
        return byline;

     * @param byline
     * The byline
    public void setByline(String byline) {
        this.byline = byline;

     * @return
     * The thumbnailStandard
    public String getThumbnailStandard() {
        return thumbnailStandard;

     * @param thumbnailStandard
     * The thumbnail_standard
    public void setThumbnailStandard(String thumbnailStandard) {
        this.thumbnailStandard = thumbnailStandard;

     * @return
     * The itemType
    public String getItemType() {
        return itemType;

     * @param itemType
     * The item_type
    public void setItemType(String itemType) {
        this.itemType = itemType;

     * @return
     * The source
    public String getSource() {
        return source;

     * @param source
     * The source
    public void setSource(String source) {
        this.source = source;

     * @return
     * The updatedDate
    public String getUpdatedDate() {
        return updatedDate;

     * @param updatedDate
     * The updated_date
    public void setUpdatedDate(String updatedDate) {
        this.updatedDate = updatedDate;

     * @return
     * The createdDate
    public String getCreatedDate() {
        return createdDate;

     * @param createdDate
     * The created_date
    public void setCreatedDate(String createdDate) {
        this.createdDate = createdDate;

     * @return
     * The publishedDate
    public String getPublishedDate() {
        return publishedDate;

     * @param publishedDate
     * The published_date
    public void setPublishedDate(String publishedDate) {
        this.publishedDate = publishedDate;

     * @return
     * The materialTypeFacet
    public String getMaterialTypeFacet() {
        return materialTypeFacet;

     * @param materialTypeFacet
     * The material_type_facet
    public void setMaterialTypeFacet(String materialTypeFacet) {
        this.materialTypeFacet = materialTypeFacet;

     * @return
     * The kicker
    public String getKicker() {
        return kicker;

     * @param kicker
     * The kicker
    public void setKicker(String kicker) {
        this.kicker = kicker;

     * @return
     * The subheadline
    public String getSubheadline() {
        return subheadline;

     * @param subheadline
     * The subheadline
    public void setSubheadline(String subheadline) {
        this.subheadline = subheadline;

     * @return
     * The desFacet
    public List<String> getDesFacet() {
        return desFacet;

     * @param desFacet
     * The des_facet
    public void setDesFacet(List<String> desFacet) {
        this.desFacet = desFacet;

     * @return
     * The orgFacet
    public List<String> getOrgFacet() {
        return orgFacet;

     * @param orgFacet
     * The org_facet
    public void setOrgFacet(List<String> orgFacet) {
        this.orgFacet = orgFacet;

     * @return
     * The perFacet
    public List<String> getPerFacet() {
        return perFacet;

     * @param perFacet
     * The per_facet
    public void setPerFacet(List<String> perFacet) {
        this.perFacet = perFacet;

     * @return
     * The geoFacet
    public List<String> getGeoFacet() {
        return geoFacet;

     * @param geoFacet
     * The geo_facet
    public void setGeoFacet(List<String> geoFacet) {
        this.geoFacet = geoFacet;

     * @return
     * The relatedUrls
    public Object getRelatedUrls() {
        return relatedUrls;

     * @param relatedUrls
     * The related_urls
    public void setRelatedUrls(Object relatedUrls) {
        this.relatedUrls = relatedUrls;

     * @return
     * The multimedia
    public List<Multimedium> getMultimedia() {
        return multimedia;

     * @param multimedia
     * The multimedia
    public void setMultimedia(List<Multimedium> multimedia) {
        this.multimedia = multimedia;
public class Multimedium {
    private String url;
    private String format;
    private Integer height;
    private Integer width;
    private String type;
    private String subtype;
    private Object caption;
    private Object copyright;

     * @return
     * The url
    public String getUrl() {
        return url;

     * @param url
     * The url
    public void setUrl(String url) {
        this.url = url;

     * @return
     * The format
    public String getFormat() {
        return format;

     * @param format
     * The format
    public void setFormat(String format) {
        this.format = format;

     * @return
     * The height
    public Integer getHeight() {
        return height;

     * @param height
     * The height
    public void setHeight(Integer height) {
        this.height = height;

     * @return
     * The width
    public Integer getWidth() {
        return width;

     * @param width
     * The width
    public void setWidth(Integer width) {
        this.width = width;

     * @return
     * The type
    public String getType() {
        return type;

     * @param type
     * The type
    public void setType(String type) {
        this.type = type;

     * @return
     * The subtype
    public String getSubtype() {
        return subtype;

     * @param subtype
     * The subtype
    public void setSubtype(String subtype) {
        this.subtype = subtype;

     * @return
     * The caption
    public Object getCaption() {
        return caption;

     * @param caption
     * The caption
    public void setCaption(Object caption) {
        this.caption = caption;

     * @return
     * The copyright
    public Object getCopyright() {
        return copyright;

     * @param copyright
     * The copyright
    public void setCopyright(Object copyright) {
        this.copyright = copyright;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;


public class ArrayAdapter<T> extends TypeAdapter<List<T>> {
    private Class<T> adapterclass;

    public ArrayAdapter(Class<T> adapterclass) {
        this.adapterclass = adapterclass;

    public List<T> read(JsonReader reader) throws IOException {

        List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>();

        Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
                .registerTypeAdapterFactory(new ArrayAdapterFactory())

        if (reader.peek() == JsonToken.STRING) {
            T inning = gson.fromJson(reader, adapterclass);
        } else if (reader.peek() == JsonToken.BEGIN_ARRAY) {

            while (reader.hasNext()) {
                T inning = gson.fromJson(reader, adapterclass);

        } else if (reader.peek() == JsonToken.BEGIN_OBJECT) {
            while(reader.hasNext()) {

        return list;

    public void write(JsonWriter writer, List<T> value) throws IOException {


public class NYTimes {

    // uses the new york times api
    // gets the top stores on the nytimes homepage
    private static final String API_URL = "";

    static Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapterFactory(new ArrayAdapterFactory()).create();

    private static final RestAdapter REST_ADAPTER = new RestAdapter.Builder()
            .setConverter(new GsonConverter(gson))

    private static final NYTimesService SERVICE = REST_ADAPTER.create(NYTimesService.class);

    public static NYTimesService getService() {
        return SERVICE;
public class News {

    private String status;
    private String copyright;
    private Integer numResults;
    private List<Result> results = new ArrayList<Result>();

     * @return
     * The status
    public String getStatus() {
        return status;

     * @param status
     * The status
    public void setStatus(String status) {
        this.status = status;

     * @return
     * The copyright
    public String getCopyright() {
        return copyright;

     * @param copyright
     * The copyright
    public void setCopyright(String copyright) {
        this.copyright = copyright;

     * @return
     * The numResults
    public Integer getNumResults() {
        return numResults;

     * @param numResults
     * The num_results
    public void setNumResults(Integer numResults) {
        this.numResults = numResults;

     * @return
     * The results
    public List<Result> getResults() {
        return results;

     * @param results
     * The results
    public void setResults(List<Result> results) {
        this.results = results;

public class Result {
    private String section;
    private String subsection;
    private String title;
    private String _abstract;
    private String url;
    private String byline;
    private String thumbnailStandard;
    private String itemType;
    private String source;
    private String updatedDate;
    private String createdDate;
    private String publishedDate;
    private String materialTypeFacet;
    private String kicker;
    private String subheadline;
    private List<String> desFacet = new ArrayList<>();
    private List<String> orgFacet = new ArrayList<>();
    private List<String> perFacet = new ArrayList<>();
    private List<String> geoFacet = new ArrayList<>();
    private Object relatedUrls;
    private List<Multimedium> multimedia;

     * @return
     * The section
    public String getSection() {
        return section;

     * @param section
     * The section
    public void setSection(String section) {
        this.section = section;

     * @return
     * The subsection
    public String getSubsection() {
        return subsection;

     * @param subsection
     * The subsection
    public void setSubsection(String subsection) {
        this.subsection = subsection;

     * @return
     * The title
    public String getTitle() {
        return title;

     * @param title
     * The title
    public void setTitle(String title) {
        this.title = title;

     * @return
     * The _abstract
    public String getAbstract() {
        return _abstract;

     * @param _abstract
     * The abstract
    public void setAbstract(String _abstract) {
        this._abstract = _abstract;

     * @return
     * The url
    public String getUrl() {
        return url;

     * @param url
     * The url
    public void setUrl(String url) {
        this.url = url;

     * @return
     * The byline
    public String getByline() {
        return byline;

     * @param byline
     * The byline
    public void setByline(String byline) {
        this.byline = byline;

     * @return
     * The thumbnailStandard
    public String getThumbnailStandard() {
        return thumbnailStandard;

     * @param thumbnailStandard
     * The thumbnail_standard
    public void setThumbnailStandard(String thumbnailStandard) {
        this.thumbnailStandard = thumbnailStandard;

     * @return
     * The itemType
    public String getItemType() {
        return itemType;

     * @param itemType
     * The item_type
    public void setItemType(String itemType) {
        this.itemType = itemType;

     * @return
     * The source
    public String getSource() {
        return source;

     * @param source
     * The source
    public void setSource(String source) {
        this.source = source;

     * @return
     * The updatedDate
    public String getUpdatedDate() {
        return updatedDate;

     * @param updatedDate
     * The updated_date
    public void setUpdatedDate(String updatedDate) {
        this.updatedDate = updatedDate;

     * @return
     * The createdDate
    public String getCreatedDate() {
        return createdDate;

     * @param createdDate
     * The created_date
    public void setCreatedDate(String createdDate) {
        this.createdDate = createdDate;

     * @return
     * The publishedDate
    public String getPublishedDate() {
        return publishedDate;

     * @param publishedDate
     * The published_date
    public void setPublishedDate(String publishedDate) {
        this.publishedDate = publishedDate;

     * @return
     * The materialTypeFacet
    public String getMaterialTypeFacet() {
        return materialTypeFacet;

     * @param materialTypeFacet
     * The material_type_facet
    public void setMaterialTypeFacet(String materialTypeFacet) {
        this.materialTypeFacet = materialTypeFacet;

     * @return
     * The kicker
    public String getKicker() {
        return kicker;

     * @param kicker
     * The kicker
    public void setKicker(String kicker) {
        this.kicker = kicker;

     * @return
     * The subheadline
    public String getSubheadline() {
        return subheadline;

     * @param subheadline
     * The subheadline
    public void setSubheadline(String subheadline) {
        this.subheadline = subheadline;

     * @return
     * The desFacet
    public List<String> getDesFacet() {
        return desFacet;

     * @param desFacet
     * The des_facet
    public void setDesFacet(List<String> desFacet) {
        this.desFacet = desFacet;

     * @return
     * The orgFacet
    public List<String> getOrgFacet() {
        return orgFacet;

     * @param orgFacet
     * The org_facet
    public void setOrgFacet(List<String> orgFacet) {
        this.orgFacet = orgFacet;

     * @return
     * The perFacet
    public List<String> getPerFacet() {
        return perFacet;

     * @param perFacet
     * The per_facet
    public void setPerFacet(List<String> perFacet) {
        this.perFacet = perFacet;

     * @return
     * The geoFacet
    public List<String> getGeoFacet() {
        return geoFacet;

     * @param geoFacet
     * The geo_facet
    public void setGeoFacet(List<String> geoFacet) {
        this.geoFacet = geoFacet;

     * @return
     * The relatedUrls
    public Object getRelatedUrls() {
        return relatedUrls;

     * @param relatedUrls
     * The related_urls
    public void setRelatedUrls(Object relatedUrls) {
        this.relatedUrls = relatedUrls;

     * @return
     * The multimedia
    public List<Multimedium> getMultimedia() {
        return multimedia;

     * @param multimedia
     * The multimedia
    public void setMultimedia(List<Multimedium> multimedia) {
        this.multimedia = multimedia;
public class Multimedium {
    private String url;
    private String format;
    private Integer height;
    private Integer width;
    private String type;
    private String subtype;
    private Object caption;
    private Object copyright;

     * @return
     * The url
    public String getUrl() {
        return url;

     * @param url
     * The url
    public void setUrl(String url) {
        this.url = url;

     * @return
     * The format
    public String getFormat() {
        return format;

     * @param format
     * The format
    public void setFormat(String format) {
        this.format = format;

     * @return
     * The height
    public Integer getHeight() {
        return height;

     * @param height
     * The height
    public void setHeight(Integer height) {
        this.height = height;

     * @return
     * The width
    public Integer getWidth() {
        return width;

     * @param width
     * The width
    public void setWidth(Integer width) {
        this.width = width;

     * @return
     * The type
    public String getType() {
        return type;

     * @param type
     * The type
    public void setType(String type) {
        this.type = type;

     * @return
     * The subtype
    public String getSubtype() {
        return subtype;

     * @param subtype
     * The subtype
    public void setSubtype(String subtype) {
        this.subtype = subtype;

     * @return
     * The caption
    public Object getCaption() {
        return caption;

     * @param caption
     * The caption
    public void setCaption(Object caption) {
        this.caption = caption;

     * @return
     * The copyright
    public Object getCopyright() {
        return copyright;

     * @param copyright
     * The copyright
    public void setCopyright(Object copyright) {
        this.copyright = copyright;



public class ResultsDeserializerJson implements JsonDeserializer<Result> {

    public Result deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {

        JsonElement titleElement = json.getAsJsonObject().get("title");
        JsonElement multimediaElement = json.getAsJsonObject().get("multimedia");
        if (multimediaElement.isJsonArray()) {
            return new Result(
                (Multimedia[]) context.deserialize(multimediaElement.getAsJsonArray(), Multimedia[].class));
        } else if (multimediaElement.getAsString().equals("")) {
            Multimedia multimedia = new Multimedia();
            return new Result(titleElement.toString(), multimedia);
        } else {
            Log.d("ResultsDeserializerJson", multimediaElement.toString());
            throw new JsonParseException("Unsupported type of multimedia element");

private NYTimesService() {

    Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
            .registerTypeAdapter(Result.class, new ResultsDeserializerJson()).create();

    mAsyncRestAdapter = new RestAdapter.Builder()
            .setConverter(new GsonConverter(gson))
            .setRequestInterceptor(new RequestInterceptor() {
                public void intercept(RequestFacade request) {
                    request.addEncodedQueryParam("api-key", API_KEY);


您的JSON看起来像什么?@Onheiron这是一个JSON示例,api在返回的内容中是动态的。我遇到的问题是“多媒体”领域。如果它是空的,它将作为字符串返回。如您所见,如果已填充,它将作为jsonarray返回,其中包含JSONObject。json有一个jsonobject,但您正试图将其解析为字符串。如果你发布你的json,我可以帮助你更高效。@savepopulation我在文章的开头添加了一个链接作为编辑。问题在于api是动态的。我试图解析的元素在为空时作为字符串返回,但在填充时作为jsonarray返回,其中包含JSONObject。该链接显示了填充元素时的json示例。我特别谈论的是“multimedia”元素。您可以检查它是否是JSONObject category=JSONObject.optJSONObject(“category”)的json对象;如果您的对象不是空的,您可以得到它是一个对象,如果它是空的,您可以将它用作json数组。但要小心,不要将字符串作为空json对象发送。发送“”