Java 拆分IP八位字节

Java 拆分IP八位字节,java,ip,byte,Java,Ip,Byte,我必须拆分IP地址字节并将它们保存在树中。这里是我已经实现的,但我觉得有一种更快的方法来实现同样的目标。因此,如果您有任何想法,请让我知道:) private static final int MAX_IP_BITS_SIZE=16*Byte.SIZE; /** *根据拆分器大小拆分新字节数组中的八位字节。 * *要拆分的IPv4或IPv6的@param bytes地址表示形式。 *@param splitSize是要拆分的位数。它可以是1到7,否则返回未拆分的字节。 *@return byte


private static final int MAX_IP_BITS_SIZE=16*Byte.SIZE;
*要拆分的IPv4或IPv6的@param bytes地址表示形式。
*@param splitSize是要拆分的位数。它可以是1到7,否则返回未拆分的字节。
*@return byte[]地址字节的拆分版本。
如果(拆分大小<1 | |拆分大小>7)
int byteIndex=0;
int changeByteIndex=0;
对于(int i=0;i5=0000 0100,我们需要添加所需的字节
*已存在。例如,当前字节为0000 0000,我们希望在正确位置添加1,0000 0000 | 0x80(即
*128或1000 0000)>>>5,其中5是在拆分器大小为3的情况下从5槽7开始的位位置。例如0000 0000 | 0000
* 0100 = 0000 0100.
八位字节[byteIndex]=(字节)(八位字节[byteIndex]&0xFF |(0x80>>>(byte.SIZE-splitSize)+(inputBitIndex%splitSize));

private static final int MAX_IP_BITS_SIZE = 16 * Byte.SIZE;

 * Splits octet bytes in new byte array based on the splitter size.
 * @param bytes address representation of IPv4 or IPv6 to be split.
 * @param splitSize is the amount of bit to split on. It could be from 1 to 7, otherwise returns unsplit bytes.
 * @return byte[] split version of the address bytes.
private byte[] splitAddressBytes(byte[] bytes, final int splitSize)
    if (splitSize < 1 || splitSize > 7)
        return bytes;

    int byteIndex = 0;
    int changeByteIndex = 0;
    byte[] octetBytes = new byte[MAX_IP_BITS_SIZE];

    for (int i = 0; i < Byte.SIZE * bytes.length; i++)
         * Get byte index based on the splitter size, e.g. if the splitter size is 3, which mean that 'i % Byte.SIZE / splitSize' will
         * vary from 0 to 2, i.e. on each change between those value means we can move to the next index.
        int inputBitIndex = i % Byte.SIZE;
        if (changeByteIndex != inputBitIndex / splitSize)
            changeByteIndex = inputBitIndex / splitSize;

         * Traverse all bits one by one and check if it is set to 1, if so add it to the result byte. Get the bit at the position
         * "i / Byte.SIZE", then shift each bit at the first position and check if it is 1 or 0, i.e. i % Byte.SIZE is the position of
         * the bit that we want to check (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7), e.g. 128 is 1000 0000 and i % Byte.SIZE when i=0 is 0, as and i % Byte.SIZE
         * is 0, then do not shift, just AND 1000 0000 and 0x80 (which is 128 or 1000 0000). In that case the result is 128, which is
         * not 0 so the bit at that position is 1. Second attempt i=1, so i / Byte.SIZE = 0 and i % Byte.SIZE = 1. In that case we want
         * to check second bit which is 1000 0000 << 1 = 0000 0000, from where 0000 0000 & 1000 0000 = 0, so the bit at that position is
         * 0.
        if ((bytes[i / Byte.SIZE] << inputBitIndex & 0x80) != 0)
             * Now when we know that bit at that position (i) is set to 1 we have to place it to the particular byte at the desired
             * position based on the splitter size, i.e. 'octetBytes[byteIndex] & 0xFF' - get current value of the bit based on the
             * index (which also take into account split size) and apply bitwise OR with the bit that is set to 1 based on the bit
             * shift. So to determine the index position of the bit: '(Byte.SIZE - splitSize)' - get offset or the starting point from
             * the byte based on the splitter size. 'inputBitIndex % splitSize' - get which bit has to be set to 1, i.e. in case of
             * splitter set to 3 the block size is 3 and that will result in 0,1, or 2. '(Byte.SIZE - splitSize) + (inputBitIndex %
             * splitSize))' - combining offset and bit position we have the final bit position where we have to place the bit with value
             * 1. So with bit shift of 0x80 at that position, e.g. 1000 0000 >>> 5 = 0000 0100 we have the desired byte to add to
             * already existing. e.g. current byte is 0000 0000 and we want to add 1 at the correct position, 0000 0000 | 0x80 (which is
             * 128 or 1000 0000) >>> 5, where 5 is the bit position from 5 trough 7 in case of splitter size 3. e.g. 0000 0000 | 0000
             * 0100 = 0000 0100.
            octetBytes[byteIndex] = (byte)(octetBytes[byteIndex] & 0xFF | (0x80 >>> (Byte.SIZE - splitSize) + (inputBitIndex % splitSize)));