Java 如何在sqlite中解析和更改值

Java 如何在sqlite中解析和更改值,java,sqlite,Java,Sqlite,我有sqlite dbaround 10k条目,其时间以以下格式存储:hh:mmam/pm,例如12:40pm、6:50am,我需要以毫秒为单位,以便对它们进行比较。有没有办法让它发生?我正在使用Java 编辑:对不起,我的问题模棱两可。我想获取值,将其转换为毫秒,然后重写它,这样所有值都将以毫秒而不是当前格式存储 下面的python代码解决了这个问题,请发布它,以防其他人需要执行类似的操作。编程完成后,必须手动将列的类型从文本更改为数字 import sqlite3 from datetime

我有sqlite dbaround 10k条目,其时间以以下格式存储:hh:mmam/pm,例如12:40pm、6:50am,我需要以毫秒为单位,以便对它们进行比较。有没有办法让它发生?我正在使用Java



import sqlite3
from datetime import datetime

def unix_time(dt):
    """Takes datetime object and returns its unix time since epoch"""
    epoch = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)  #January 1st 1970
    delta = dt - epoch
    return delta.total_seconds()

def unix_time_millis(dt):
    return unix_time(dt) * 1000 #milliseconds

db = sqlite3.connect("your_db.sqlite")#connect to initial database
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("select * from fancy_table")
all_entries = cursor.fetchall() #get our stuff

#new database. Make a copy of initial to prevent serious damage
db_new = sqlite3.connect("your_db_new.sqlite")
for entry in all_entries:
    entry = str(entry[0].strip())#cursor returns tuple
    #since it is time not a date, get milliseconds of the epoch
    date_object = datetime.strptime("Jan 1 1970 " + entry, '%b %d %Y %I:%M%p')
    new_time = unix_time_millis(date_object)
    #print(entry + " to " + str(new_time))

    cursor_update = db_new.cursor()#new cursor
        cursor_update.execute("UPDATE fancy_table SET time = '" + str(new_time) + "' WHERE arr_time = '" + entry + "'")
    except Exception as error:

db_new.commit()#needs to be commited to take affect
