Java 如果当前行包含太多文本,是否在Stringlist中创建新行?

Java 如果当前行包含太多文本,是否在Stringlist中创建新行?,java,api,minecraft,bukkit,Java,Api,Minecraft,Bukkit,所以我现在有我的stringlist,用户可以在其中编辑输入的内容,只要它是一个字符串。因此,对于较短的文本,这很好,但是当文本开始变得越来越长时,我使用stringlist的工具提示将占用屏幕太多的空间,使事情看起来很难看。所以我想为每一个特定数量的字符创建一个新的字符串列表,这样它就不会变得混乱。以下是我目前正在进行的测试: 'Salamander specializes in disguising in the green woods, mainly in oak forests sala


'Salamander specializes in disguising in the green woods, mainly in oak forests salamanders will hide and lure to wait for your loot, they will then jump out and do a sneak attack. Be prepared!'

lore.add(kitConfig.getString("kits." + kitName + ".description"));


public static ArrayList<String> splitLore(String text, int characters) {
    ArrayList<String> lore = new ArrayList<String>(); // Create the ArrayList that will contain the lore lines
    if (text.length() <= characters) { // If the line of text is short enough (doesn't need to be split)...
        lore.add(text); // Add the entire line to the list and return it
    } else { // If the line is longer and needs to be split into at least two lines...
        int beginIndex = 0; // A "begin index" where each substring or segment will begin
        while (beginIndex <= text.length() - 1) { // If the index is not larger than the last character index in the line of text...
            lore.add(text.substring(beginIndex, Math.min(beginIndex + characters, text.length()))); // Add the segment
            beginIndex += characters;
            // This will also add any trailing segments at the end of the line that are shorter than the character limit
    return lore;


public static ArrayList<String> splitLoreNicely(String text, int characters) {
    ArrayList<String> lore = new ArrayList<>();
    String[] words = text.split(" "); // Get the "words" in the line of text by splitting the space characters
    int wordsUsed = 0; // A counter for how many words have been placed in lines so far
    while (wordsUsed < words.length) { // Repeat this process until all words have been placed into separate lines
        String line = ""; // The line that will be added to the lore list
        for (int i = wordsUsed; i < words.length; i++) { // For each remaining word in the array
            if (line.length() + words[i].length() >= characters) { // If adding the next word exceeds or matches the character limit...
                line += words[i]; // Add the last word in the line without a space character
                break; // Break out of this inner loop, since we have reached/exceeded the character limit for this line
            } else { // If adding this word does not exceed or match the character limit... 
                line += words[i] + " "; // Add the word with a space character, continue for loop
        lore.add(line); // Add the line of text to the list
    return lore;
ArrayList lore=新的ArrayList();
int wordsUsed=0;//一个计数器,用于计算到目前为止已在行中放置了多少个单词

public static ArrayList<String> splitLoreNicely(String text, int characters) {
    ArrayList<String> lore = new ArrayList<>();
    String[] words = text.split(" "); // Get the "words" in the line of text by splitting the space characters
    int wordsUsed = 0; // A counter for how many words have been placed in lines so far
    while (wordsUsed < words.length) { // Repeat this process until all words have been placed into separate lines
        String line = ""; // The line that will be added to the lore list
        for (int i = wordsUsed; i < words.length; i++) { // For each remaining word in the array
            if (line.length() + words[i].length() >= characters) { // If adding the next word exceeds or matches the character limit...
                line += words[i]; // Add the last word in the line without a space character
                break; // Break out of this inner loop, since we have reached/exceeded the character limit for this line
            } else { // If adding this word does not exceed or match the character limit... 
                line += words[i] + " "; // Add the word with a space character, continue for loop
        lore.add(line); // Add the line of text to the list
    return lore;