Java 获取空指针异常以使用Gson解析Json数据

Java 获取空指针异常以使用Gson解析Json数据,java,android,json,gson,Java,Android,Json,Gson,我只是使用Gson.com解析json数据,但它给出了一个NullPointerException 这是我的json文件 这是我的CustomAdapter,它处理操作并将数据添加到listview MyCustomAdapter package com.vap.gsonexample; import android.content.Context; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import and

我只是使用Gson.com解析json数据,但它给出了一个NullPointerException 这是我的json文件

这是我的CustomAdapter,它处理操作并将数据添加到listview MyCustomAdapter

package com.vap.gsonexample;

import android.content.Context;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.BaseAdapter;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.TextView;

import com.squareup.picasso.Picasso;

import java.util.List;

 * Created by Virat Puar on 14-11-2015.
public class CustomAdapter extends BaseAdapter {
    private List<Response.DataEntity> weatheritem;
    private Context mcontext;
    private LayoutInflater inflater;

    public CustomAdapter(Context mcontext, List<Response.DataEntity> weatheritem) {
        this.mcontext = mcontext;
        this.weatheritem = weatheritem;

    public int getCount() {
        return weatheritem.size();

    public Object getItem(int position) {
        return weatheritem.get(position);

    public long getItemId(int position) {
        return 0;

    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
        inflater = (LayoutInflater)mcontext
        View view =inflater.inflate(R.layout.each_item,parent,false);
        Response.DataEntity dataEntity = (Response.DataEntity) getItem(position);
        ImageView thumbnial = (ImageView) view.findViewById(;
        TextView date = (TextView) view.findViewById(;
        TextView weathercode = (TextView) view.findViewById(;
        String imageUrl = dataEntity.getWeather().get(position).getWeatherIconUrl().get(position).getValue();
        return view;
请帮助某人查找此错误。 这是我的反应模型

package com.vap.gsonexample;

import java.util.List;

 * Created by Virat Puar on 14-11-2015.
public class Response {

    private DataEntity data;

    public void setData(DataEntity data) { = data;

    public DataEntity getData() {
        return data;

    public class DataEntity {

        private List<RequestEntity> request;
        private List<Current_conditionEntity> current_condition;
        private List<WeatherEntity> weather;

        public void setRequest(List<RequestEntity> request) {
            this.request = request;

        public void setCurrent_condition(List<Current_conditionEntity> current_condition) {
            this.current_condition = current_condition;

        public void setWeather(List<WeatherEntity> weather) {
   = weather;

        public List<RequestEntity> getRequest() {
            return request;

        public List<Current_conditionEntity> getCurrent_condition() {
            return current_condition;

        public List<WeatherEntity> getWeather() {
            return weather;

        public class RequestEntity {
             * query : Rajkot, India
             * type : City
            private String query;
            private String type;

            public void setQuery(String query) {
                this.query = query;

            public void setType(String type) {
                this.type = type;

            public String getQuery() {
                return query;

            public String getType() {
                return type;

        public class Current_conditionEntity {
            private String precipMM;
            private String observation_time;
            private List<WeatherDescEntity> weatherDesc;
            private String visibility;
            private String weatherCode;
            private String pressure;
            private String temp_C;
            private String cloudcover;
            private String temp_F;
            private String winddirDegree;
            private String windspeedMiles;
            private String windspeedKmph;
            private String humidity;
            private String winddir16Point;
            private List<WeatherIconUrlEntity> weatherIconUrl;

            public void setPrecipMM(String precipMM) {
                this.precipMM = precipMM;

            public void setObservation_time(String observation_time) {
                this.observation_time = observation_time;

            public void setWeatherDesc(List<WeatherDescEntity> weatherDesc) {
                this.weatherDesc = weatherDesc;

            public void setVisibility(String visibility) {
                this.visibility = visibility;

            public void setWeatherCode(String weatherCode) {
                this.weatherCode = weatherCode;

            public void setPressure(String pressure) {
                this.pressure = pressure;

            public void setTemp_C(String temp_C) {
                this.temp_C = temp_C;

            public void setCloudcover(String cloudcover) {
                this.cloudcover = cloudcover;

            public void setTemp_F(String temp_F) {
                this.temp_F = temp_F;

            public void setWinddirDegree(String winddirDegree) {
                this.winddirDegree = winddirDegree;

            public void setWindspeedMiles(String windspeedMiles) {
                this.windspeedMiles = windspeedMiles;

            public void setWindspeedKmph(String windspeedKmph) {
                this.windspeedKmph = windspeedKmph;

            public void setHumidity(String humidity) {
                this.humidity = humidity;

            public void setWinddir16Point(String winddir16Point) {
                this.winddir16Point = winddir16Point;

            public void setWeatherIconUrl(List<WeatherIconUrlEntity> weatherIconUrl) {
                this.weatherIconUrl = weatherIconUrl;

            public String getPrecipMM() {
                return precipMM;

            public String getObservation_time() {
                return observation_time;

            public List<WeatherDescEntity> getWeatherDesc() {
                return weatherDesc;

            public String getVisibility() {
                return visibility;

            public String getWeatherCode() {
                return weatherCode;

            public String getPressure() {
                return pressure;

            public String getTemp_C() {
                return temp_C;

            public String getCloudcover() {
                return cloudcover;

            public String getTemp_F() {
                return temp_F;

            public String getWinddirDegree() {
                return winddirDegree;

            public String getWindspeedMiles() {
                return windspeedMiles;

            public String getWindspeedKmph() {
                return windspeedKmph;

            public String getHumidity() {
                return humidity;

            public String getWinddir16Point() {
                return winddir16Point;

            public List<WeatherIconUrlEntity> getWeatherIconUrl() {
                return weatherIconUrl;

            public class WeatherDescEntity {
                 * value : Sunny
                private String value;

                public void setValue(String value) {
                    this.value = value;

                public String getValue() {
                    return value;

            public class WeatherIconUrlEntity {
                 * value :
                private String value;

                public void setValue(String value) {
                    this.value = value;

                public String getValue() {
                    return value;

        public class WeatherEntity {
            private String date;
            private String precipMM;
            private List<WeatherDescEntity> weatherDesc;
            private String tempMinF;
            private String weatherCode;
            private String tempMinC;
            private String winddirection;
            private String winddirDegree;
            private String windspeedMiles;
            private String windspeedKmph;
            private String tempMaxF;
            private String winddir16Point;
            private List<WeatherIconUrlEntity> weatherIconUrl;
            private String tempMaxC;

            public void setDate(String date) {
       = date;

            public void setPrecipMM(String precipMM) {
                this.precipMM = precipMM;

            public void setWeatherDesc(List<WeatherDescEntity> weatherDesc) {
                this.weatherDesc = weatherDesc;

            public void setTempMinF(String tempMinF) {
                this.tempMinF = tempMinF;

            public void setWeatherCode(String weatherCode) {
                this.weatherCode = weatherCode;

            public void setTempMinC(String tempMinC) {
                this.tempMinC = tempMinC;

            public void setWinddirection(String winddirection) {
                this.winddirection = winddirection;

            public void setWinddirDegree(String winddirDegree) {
                this.winddirDegree = winddirDegree;

            public void setWindspeedMiles(String windspeedMiles) {
                this.windspeedMiles = windspeedMiles;

            public void setWindspeedKmph(String windspeedKmph) {
                this.windspeedKmph = windspeedKmph;

            public void setTempMaxF(String tempMaxF) {
                this.tempMaxF = tempMaxF;

            public void setWinddir16Point(String winddir16Point) {
                this.winddir16Point = winddir16Point;

            public void setWeatherIconUrl(List<WeatherIconUrlEntity> weatherIconUrl) {
                this.weatherIconUrl = weatherIconUrl;

            public void setTempMaxC(String tempMaxC) {
                this.tempMaxC = tempMaxC;

            public String getDate() {
                return date;

            public String getPrecipMM() {
                return precipMM;

            public List<WeatherDescEntity> getWeatherDesc() {
                return weatherDesc;

            public String getTempMinF() {
                return tempMinF;

            public String getWeatherCode() {
                return weatherCode;

            public String getTempMinC() {
                return tempMinC;

            public String getWinddirection() {
                return winddirection;

            public String getWinddirDegree() {
                return winddirDegree;

            public String getWindspeedMiles() {
                return windspeedMiles;

            public String getWindspeedKmph() {
                return windspeedKmph;

            public String getTempMaxF() {
                return tempMaxF;

            public String getWinddir16Point() {
                return winddir16Point;

            public List<WeatherIconUrlEntity> getWeatherIconUrl() {
                return weatherIconUrl;

            public String getTempMaxC() {
                return tempMaxC;

            public class WeatherDescEntity {
                 * value : Sunny
                private String value;

                public void setValue(String value) {
                    this.value = value;

                public String getValue() {
                    return value;

            public class WeatherIconUrlEntity {
                 * value :
                private String value;

                public void setValue(String value) {
                    this.value = value;

                public String getValue() {
                    return value;


    E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
11-14 07:25:32.366 1412-1412/? E/AndroidRuntime: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassCastException: com.vap.gsonexample.Response$DataEntity cannot be cast to java.util.List
11-14 07:25:32.366 1412-1412/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at
11-14 07:25:32.366 1412-1412/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at
11-14 07:25:32.366 1412-1412/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at$ResponderHandler.handleMessage(
11-14 07:25:32.366 1412-1412/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
11-14 07:25:32.366 1412-1412/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at android.os.Looper.loop(
11-14 07:25:32.366 1412-1412/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at
11-14 07:25:32.366 1412-1412/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
11-14 07:25:32.366 1412-1412/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
11-14 07:25:32.366 1412-1412/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at$
11-14 07:25:32.366 1412-1412/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at
11-14 07:25:32.366 1412-1412/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
11-14 07:25:32.366 1412-1412/? E/AndroidRuntime:  Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: com.vap.gsonexample.Response$DataEntity cannot be cast to java.util.List
11-14 07:25:32.366 1412-1412/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at com.vap.gsonexample.MainActivity$1.onSuccess(
11-14 07:25:32.366 1412-1412/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at
11-14 07:25:32.366 1412-1412/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at$ResponderHandler.handleMessage( 
11-14 07:25:32.366 1412-1412/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 
11-14 07:25:32.366 1412-1412/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at android.os.Looper.loop( 
11-14 07:25:32.366 1412-1412/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at 
11-14 07:25:32.366 1412-1412/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) 
11-14 07:25:32.366 1412-1412/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( 
11-14 07:25:32.366 1412-1412/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at$ 
11-14 07:25:32.366 1412-1412/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at 
11-14 07:25:32.366 1412-1412/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method) 
11-14 07:25:32.394 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 403440 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:25:32.394 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 387248 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:25:32.394 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 371056 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:25:32.398 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 354864 bytes, got 15664 
11-14 07:25:32.398 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 339200 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:25:32.398 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 323008 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:25:32.398 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 306816 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:25:32.398 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 290624 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:25:32.398 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 274432 bytes, got 8232 
11-14 07:25:32.402 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 266200 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:25:32.402 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 250008 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:25:32.402 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 233816 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:25:32.402 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 217624 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:25:32.402 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 201432 bytes, got 8232 
11-14 07:25:32.402 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 193200 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:25:32.406 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 177008 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:25:32.406 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 160816 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:25:32.406 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 144624 bytes, got 15664 
11-14 07:25:32.406 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 128960 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:25:32.406 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 112768 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:25:32.406 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 96576 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:25:32.406 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 80384 bytes, got 15664 
11-14 07:25:32.406 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 64720 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:25:32.410 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 48528 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:25:32.410 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 32336 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:33:23.734 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 403440 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:33:23.734 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 387248 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:33:23.738 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 371056 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:33:23.738 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 354864 bytes, got 15664 
11-14 07:33:23.738 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 339200 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:33:23.738 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 323008 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:33:23.738 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 306816 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:33:23.738 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 290624 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:33:23.738 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 274432 bytes, got 8232 
11-14 07:33:23.742 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 266200 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:33:23.746 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 250008 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:33:23.746 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 233816 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:33:23.746 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 217624 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:33:23.746 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 201432 bytes, got 8232 
11-14 07:33:23.746 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 193200 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:33:23.746 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 177008 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:33:23.746 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 160816 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:33:23.746 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 144624 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:33:23.750 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 128432 bytes, got 8232 
11-14 07:33:23.750 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 120200 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:33:23.754 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 104008 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:33:23.754 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 87816 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:33:23.754 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 71624 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:33:23.754 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 55432 bytes, got 8232 
11-14 07:33:23.754 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 47200 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:33:23.754 119-173/? E/SocketStream: readFully was waiting for 31008 bytes, got 16192 
11-14 07:33:26.842 1489-1489/? E/AsyncHttpRH: User-space exception detected!
11-14 07:33:26.842 1489-1489/? E/AsyncHttpRH: java.lang.NullPointerException
11-14 07:33:26.842 1489-1489/? E/AsyncHttpRH:     at com.vap.gsonexample.MainActivity$1.onSuccess(
11-14 07:33:26.842 1489-1489/? E/AsyncHttpRH:     at
11-14 07:33:26.842 1489-1489/? E/AsyncHttpRH:     at$ResponderHandler.handleMessage(
11-14 07:33:26.842 1489-1489/? E/AsyncHttpRH:     at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
11-14 07:33:26.842 1489-1489/? E/AsyncHttpRH:     at android.os.Looper.loop(
11-14 07:33:26.842 1489-1489/? E/AsyncHttpRH:     at
11-14 07:33:26.842 1489-1489/? E/AsyncHttpRH:     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
11-14 07:33:26.842 1489-1489/? E/AsyncHttpRH:     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
11-14 07:33:26.842 1489-1489/? E/AsyncHttpRH:     at$
11-14 07:33:26.842 1489-1489/? E/AsyncHttpRH:     at
11-14 07:33:26.842 1489-1489/? E/AsyncHttpRH:     at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
11-14 07:33:26.846 1489-1489/? E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
11-14 07:33:26.846 1489-1489/? E/AndroidRuntime: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NullPointerException
11-14 07:33:26.846 1489-1489/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at
11-14 07:33:26.846 1489-1489/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at
11-14 07:33:26.846 1489-1489/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at$ResponderHandler.handleMessage(
11-14 07:33:26.846 1489-1489/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
11-14 07:33:26.846 1489-1489/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at android.os.Looper.loop(
11-14 07:33:26.846 1489-1489/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at
11-14 07:33:26.846 1489-1489/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
11-14 07:33:26.846 1489-1489/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
11-14 07:33:26.846 1489-1489/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at$
11-14 07:33:26.846 1489-1489/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at
11-14 07:33:26.846 1489-1489/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
11-14 07:33:26.846 1489-1489/? E/AndroidRuntime:  Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
11-14 07:33:26.846 1489-1489/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at com.vap.gsonexample.MainActivity$1.onSuccess(
11-14 07:33:26.846 1489-1489/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at
11-14 07:33:26.846 1489-1489/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at$ResponderHandler.handleMessage( 
package com.vap.gsonexample;

import java.util.List;

 * Created by Virat Puar on 14-11-2015.
public class Response {

    private DataEntity data;

    public void setData(DataEntity data) { = data;

    public DataEntity getData() {
        return data;

    public class DataEntity {

        private List<RequestEntity> request;
        private List<Current_conditionEntity> current_condition;
        private List<WeatherEntity> weather;

        public void setRequest(List<RequestEntity> request) {
            this.request = request;

        public void setCurrent_condition(List<Current_conditionEntity> current_condition) {
            this.current_condition = current_condition;

        public void setWeather(List<WeatherEntity> weather) {
   = weather;

        public List<RequestEntity> getRequest() {
            return request;

        public List<Current_conditionEntity> getCurrent_condition() {
            return current_condition;

        public List<WeatherEntity> getWeather() {
            return weather;

        public class RequestEntity {
             * query : Rajkot, India
             * type : City
            private String query;
            private String type;

            public void setQuery(String query) {
                this.query = query;

            public void setType(String type) {
                this.type = type;

            public String getQuery() {
                return query;

            public String getType() {
                return type;

        public class Current_conditionEntity {
            private String precipMM;
            private String observation_time;
            private List<WeatherDescEntity> weatherDesc;
            private String visibility;
            private String weatherCode;
            private String pressure;
            private String temp_C;
            private String cloudcover;
            private String temp_F;
            private String winddirDegree;
            private String windspeedMiles;
            private String windspeedKmph;
            private String humidity;
            private String winddir16Point;
            private List<WeatherIconUrlEntity> weatherIconUrl;

            public void setPrecipMM(String precipMM) {
                this.precipMM = precipMM;

            public void setObservation_time(String observation_time) {
                this.observation_time = observation_time;

            public void setWeatherDesc(List<WeatherDescEntity> weatherDesc) {
                this.weatherDesc = weatherDesc;

            public void setVisibility(String visibility) {
                this.visibility = visibility;

            public void setWeatherCode(String weatherCode) {
                this.weatherCode = weatherCode;

            public void setPressure(String pressure) {
                this.pressure = pressure;

            public void setTemp_C(String temp_C) {
                this.temp_C = temp_C;

            public void setCloudcover(String cloudcover) {
                this.cloudcover = cloudcover;

            public void setTemp_F(String temp_F) {
                this.temp_F = temp_F;

            public void setWinddirDegree(String winddirDegree) {
                this.winddirDegree = winddirDegree;

            public void setWindspeedMiles(String windspeedMiles) {
                this.windspeedMiles = windspeedMiles;

            public void setWindspeedKmph(String windspeedKmph) {
                this.windspeedKmph = windspeedKmph;

            public void setHumidity(String humidity) {
                this.humidity = humidity;

            public void setWinddir16Point(String winddir16Point) {
                this.winddir16Point = winddir16Point;

            public void setWeatherIconUrl(List<WeatherIconUrlEntity> weatherIconUrl) {
                this.weatherIconUrl = weatherIconUrl;

            public String getPrecipMM() {
                return precipMM;

            public String getObservation_time() {
                return observation_time;

            public List<WeatherDescEntity> getWeatherDesc() {
                return weatherDesc;

            public String getVisibility() {
                return visibility;

            public String getWeatherCode() {
                return weatherCode;

            public String getPressure() {
                return pressure;

            public String getTemp_C() {
                return temp_C;

            public String getCloudcover() {
                return cloudcover;

            public String getTemp_F() {
                return temp_F;

            public String getWinddirDegree() {
                return winddirDegree;

            public String getWindspeedMiles() {
                return windspeedMiles;

            public String getWindspeedKmph() {
                return windspeedKmph;

            public String getHumidity() {
                return humidity;

            public String getWinddir16Point() {
                return winddir16Point;

            public List<WeatherIconUrlEntity> getWeatherIconUrl() {
                return weatherIconUrl;

            public class WeatherDescEntity {
                 * value : Sunny
                private String value;

                public void setValue(String value) {
                    this.value = value;

                public String getValue() {
                    return value;

            public class WeatherIconUrlEntity {
                 * value :
                private String value;

                public void setValue(String value) {
                    this.value = value;

                public String getValue() {
                    return value;

        public class WeatherEntity {
            private String date;
            private String precipMM;
            private List<WeatherDescEntity> weatherDesc;
            private String tempMinF;
            private String weatherCode;
            private String tempMinC;
            private String winddirection;
            private String winddirDegree;
            private String windspeedMiles;
            private String windspeedKmph;
            private String tempMaxF;
            private String winddir16Point;
            private List<WeatherIconUrlEntity> weatherIconUrl;
            private String tempMaxC;

            public void setDate(String date) {
       = date;

            public void setPrecipMM(String precipMM) {
                this.precipMM = precipMM;

            public void setWeatherDesc(List<WeatherDescEntity> weatherDesc) {
                this.weatherDesc = weatherDesc;

            public void setTempMinF(String tempMinF) {
                this.tempMinF = tempMinF;

            public void setWeatherCode(String weatherCode) {
                this.weatherCode = weatherCode;

            public void setTempMinC(String tempMinC) {
                this.tempMinC = tempMinC;

            public void setWinddirection(String winddirection) {
                this.winddirection = winddirection;

            public void setWinddirDegree(String winddirDegree) {
                this.winddirDegree = winddirDegree;

            public void setWindspeedMiles(String windspeedMiles) {
                this.windspeedMiles = windspeedMiles;

            public void setWindspeedKmph(String windspeedKmph) {
                this.windspeedKmph = windspeedKmph;

            public void setTempMaxF(String tempMaxF) {
                this.tempMaxF = tempMaxF;

            public void setWinddir16Point(String winddir16Point) {
                this.winddir16Point = winddir16Point;

            public void setWeatherIconUrl(List<WeatherIconUrlEntity> weatherIconUrl) {
                this.weatherIconUrl = weatherIconUrl;

            public void setTempMaxC(String tempMaxC) {
                this.tempMaxC = tempMaxC;

            public String getDate() {
                return date;

            public String getPrecipMM() {
                return precipMM;

            public List<WeatherDescEntity> getWeatherDesc() {
                return weatherDesc;

            public String getTempMinF() {
                return tempMinF;

            public String getWeatherCode() {
                return weatherCode;

            public String getTempMinC() {
                return tempMinC;

            public String getWinddirection() {
                return winddirection;

            public String getWinddirDegree() {
                return winddirDegree;

            public String getWindspeedMiles() {
                return windspeedMiles;

            public String getWindspeedKmph() {
                return windspeedKmph;

            public String getTempMaxF() {
                return tempMaxF;

            public String getWinddir16Point() {
                return winddir16Point;

            public List<WeatherIconUrlEntity> getWeatherIconUrl() {
                return weatherIconUrl;

            public String getTempMaxC() {
                return tempMaxC;

            public class WeatherDescEntity {
                 * value : Sunny
                private String value;

                public void setValue(String value) {
                    this.value = value;

                public String getValue() {
                    return value;

            public class WeatherIconUrlEntity {
                 * value :
                private String value;

                public void setValue(String value) {
                    this.value = value;

                public String getValue() {
                    return value;