Java 向搜索程序添加循环

Java 向搜索程序添加循环,java,Java,我有一个程序,其中一个用户输入他的社会保险号码,并被分配一个与之对应的位置 有一件事我不知道,我如何添加一个循环来搜索我的数组,直到它找到正确的区域号和它对应的区域,例如3对应于新罕布什尔州。我在程序中尝试了一个循环,但我不确定如何使它工作 import jpb.*; public class SSNInfo { public static void main(String[] args) { SimpleIO.prompt("Enter a Social



import jpb.*;

public class SSNInfo
    public static void main(String[] args)
        SimpleIO.prompt("Enter a Social Security number: ");

        String ssn = SimpleIO.readLine().trim();

        while (true)
            if (ssn.length() != 11)
                System.out.println("Error: Number must have 11 " +
            else if (ssn.charAt(3) != '-' || 
                     ssn.charAt(6) != '-')
                    "Error: Number must have the form ddd-dd-dddd");

            SimpleIO.prompt("\nPlease re-enter number: ");
            ssn = SimpleIO.readLine().trim();

        // Get the area number (the first 3 digits of the SSN)
        int area = Integer.parseInt(ssn.substring(0, 3));

        int[] areaNumbers =
           {  3,   7,   9,  34,  39,  49, 134, 158, 211, 220,
            222, 231, 236, 246, 251, 260, 267, 302, 317, 361,
            386, 399, 407, 415, 424, 428, 432, 439, 448, 467,
            477, 485, 500, 502, 504, 508, 515, 517, 519, 520,
            524, 525, 527, 529, 530, 539, 544, 573, 574, 576,
            579, 580, 584, 585, 586, 588, 595, 599, 601, 626,
            645, 647, 649, 653, 658, 665, 675, 679, 680};

        String[] locations =
          {"New Hampshire",   "Maine",          "Vermont",
           "Massachusetts",   "Rhode Island",   "Connecticut",
           "New York",        "New Jersey",     "Pennsylvania",
           "Maryland",        "Delaware",       "Virginia",
           "West Virginia",   "North Carolina", "South Carolina",
           "Georgia",         "Florida",        "Ohio",
           "Indiana",         "Illinois",       "Michigan",
           "Wisconsin",       "Kentucky",       "Tennessee",
           "Alabama",         "Mississippi",    "Arkansas",
           "Louisiana",       "Oklahoma",       "Texas",
           "Minnesota",       "Iowa",           "Missouri",
           "North Dakota",    "South Dakota",   "Nebraska",
           "Kansas",          "Montana",        "Idaho",
           "Wyoming",         "Colorado",       "New Mexico",
           "Arizona",         "Utah",           "Nevada",
           "Washington",      "Oregon",         "California",
           "Alaska",          "Hawaii",         "District of Columbia",
           "Virgin Islands",  "Puerto Rico",    "New Mexico",
           "Pacific Islands", "Mississippi",    "Florida",
           "Puerto Rico",     "Arizona",        "California",
           "Texas",           "Utah",           "New Mexico",
           "Colorado",        "South Carolina", "Louisiana",
           "Georgia",         "Arkansas",       "Nevada"};

    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < areaNumbers.length; i++)    
        if areanumbers[i] == int area;



编辑: 如果要使用循环,请使用该循环:

for(int i = 0;i<areaNumbers.length;i++){
  if(areaNumbers[i] == area){
     String location = locations[i];
     // you found the right location, do what you want with it ;-)


Map<Integer, String> areaMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); 
areaMap.put(new Integer(3), "New Hampshire"); 
areaMap.put(new Integer(7), "Maine"); 
areaMap.put(new Integer(9), "Vermont"); 
// and so on...

String originArea = "";
for(int i=0; i<areaNumbers.length; i++) {
    int compareMe = areaNumbers[i];
    if( compareMe == area) { 
        originArea = locations[i];

System.out.println("You are from: " + originArea);
不要将数据存储在数组中,您肯定在使用键值,所以请使用映射,例如HashMap,甚至是来自Guava的ImmutableMap。 然后,让映射使用containsKeyObject o方法检查它是否存在,或者简单地获取它并检查它是否不是null。 您可以格式化字符串,无需自己检查。

String location = null;

for (i=0; i < areaNumbers.length; i++)
    if areanumbers[i] == area;
        location = locations[i];
int i;

for (i = 0; i < areaNumbers.length; i++)
    if (areaNumbers[i] == area)
        // do something with location[i]



首先,areanumbers[]与areanumbers[]不同,因此底部if语句中的内容并不引用上面构造的整数数组。 第二,您的支票底部缺少一些代码。您可能需要以下内容:

String location = null;

for (i=0; i < areaNumbers.length; i++)
    if areanumbers[i] == area;
        location = locations[i];
int i;

for (i = 0; i < areaNumbers.length; i++)
    if (areaNumbers[i] == area)
        // do something with location[i]

第三,我会研究L Butz提到的其他结构,当然,如果你不必使用循环的话!可能更容易
