Java 强制ByteBuddy MethodDelegation中的显式方法解析以允许使用lambda

Java 强制ByteBuddy MethodDelegation中的显式方法解析以允许使用lambda,java,byte-buddy,Java,Byte Buddy,我正在使用ByteBuddy在运行时实现一个标记接口和任意数量的访问器,如无参数值方法,由标记注释标识,如: interface Foo { // marker interface } // this is the kind of thing we're generating implementations of interface MyFoo extends Foo { @Value SomeClass bar(); } interface Implementation<


interface Foo {
  // marker interface

// this is the kind of thing we're generating implementations of
interface MyFoo extends Foo {
  SomeClass bar();
interface Implementation<F extends Foo, V> {
  V apply(@This F foo);

interface Foo {
  // marker interface

// this is the kind of thing we're generating implementations of
interface MyFoo extends Foo {
  SomeClass bar();
interface Implementation<F extends Foo, V> {
  V apply(@This F foo);

class SomeFactory implements ImplFactory<?XYZ> {
  <F extends Foo> Implementation<F, ?XYZ> implFor(Method m) {
      return new Implementation<F, ?XYZ>() {
          ?XYZ apply(@This F foo) {
              /* ...shenanigans... */

class SomeFactory实现ImplFactory方法重写在运行时并不真正存在。由于许多原因,方法、字段或接口上的注释不会被继承,并且Byte Buddy不会扫描继承层次结构以完成任务


class SomeFactory implements ImplFactory<?XYZ> {
  <F extends Foo> Implementation<F, ?XYZ> implFor(Method m) {
      return new Implementation<F, ?XYZ>() {
          ?XYZ apply(@This F foo) {
              /* ...shenanigans... */