Java 战略设计模式

Java 战略设计模式,java,strategy-pattern,Java,Strategy Pattern,大家好,我正在尝试实现策略模式,但是我不能在具体的类中设置数量,我的意思是数量与helper类中与接口有关系的数量相同。我试着用构造函数、setter和getter方法设置值,但是如果你能看一看并给出一些反馈,它就不起作用了。下面是代码 public interface InvoicingAlgorithm { public void getInvoice(String name, double amount); } public class AmericanInvoice imp


public interface InvoicingAlgorithm 
    public void getInvoice(String name, double amount);

public class AmericanInvoice implements InvoicingAlgorithm


    //Uk: america 1 : 1.57
    public void getInvoice(String name, double amount) 
        Customer customer = new Customer(name , amount * 1.57);
        customer.setAmount(amount * 1.57);


public class Customer 

     * @param name represent the name of the Customer
    private String name;

     * @param amount represent the amount of money
    private double amount;

     * @param i represents object of InvoicingAlgorithm
    private InvoicingAlgorithm i;

    Customer(String name, double amount)
    { = name;
        this.amount = amount;


     public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public double getAmount() {
        return amount;

    public void setAmount(double amount) {
        this.amount = amount;

    public InvoicingAlgorithm getI() {
        return i;

    public void setInvoicingAlgorithm(InvoicingAlgorithm i)
        this.i = i;

    public String getInvoice()
        DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.00");
        String total = "--------------------------------------TO:   "
              + name + "FROM: Easyflap (UK) AMOUNT"  + ":$" + 
              + "--------------------------------------";

        return total;


public class AmericanInvoiceTest {

     * Test of getInvoice method, of class AmericanInvoice.
    public void testGetInvoice() {
        System.out.println("Producing American invoice");
        final int invoiceAmount = 500;
        final Customer c = new Customer("Oracle", invoiceAmount);
        c.setInvoicingAlgorithm(new AmericanInvoice());
        String actualOutput = c.getInvoice();
        final File f = new File("actual-american.txt");
        FileUtility.writeFile(f, actualOutput);
        String expectedOutput = FileUtility.readFile(new File("expected-american.txt"));
        actualOutput = actualOutput.replaceAll("\\s", "");
        expectedOutput = expectedOutput.replaceAll("\\s", "");
        assertEquals(actualOutput, expectedOutput);




public interface InvoicingAlgorithm {
    public double adjustInvoice(double amount);

public class AmericanInvoice implements InvoicingAlgorithm {    
    //Uk: america 1 : 1.57
    public double adjustInvoice(double amount) {
        return amount * 1.57;

public class Customer {

     * @param name represent the name of the Customer
    private String name;

     * @param amount represent the amount of money
    private double amount;

     * @param i represents object of InvoicingAlgorithm
    private InvoicingAlgorithm i;

    Customer(String name, double amount) { = name;
        this.amount = amount;


     public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public double getAmount() {
        return amount;

    public void setAmount(double amount) {
        this.amount = amount;

    public InvoicingAlgorithm getI() {
        return i;

    public void setInvoicingAlgorithm(InvoicingAlgorithm i) {
        this.i = i;

    public String getInvoice() {
        DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.00");
        String total = "--------------------------------------TO:   "
              + name + "FROM: Easyflap (UK) AMOUNT"  + ":$" + 
              + "--------------------------------------";

        return total;


public interface InvoicingAlgorithm {
    public double adjustInvoice(double amount);

public class AmericanInvoice implements InvoicingAlgorithm {    
    //Uk: america 1 : 1.57
    public double adjustInvoice(double amount) {
        return amount * 1.57;

public class Customer {

     * @param name represent the name of the Customer
    private String name;

     * @param amount represent the amount of money
    private double amount;

     * @param i represents object of InvoicingAlgorithm
    private InvoicingAlgorithm i;

    Customer(String name, double amount) { = name;
        this.amount = amount;


     public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public double getAmount() {
        return amount;

    public void setAmount(double amount) {
        this.amount = amount;

    public InvoicingAlgorithm getI() {
        return i;

    public void setInvoicingAlgorithm(InvoicingAlgorithm i) {
        this.i = i;

    public String getInvoice() {
        DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.00");
        String total = "--------------------------------------TO:   "
              + name + "FROM: Easyflap (UK) AMOUNT"  + ":$" + 
              + "--------------------------------------";

        return total;

为什么在InvoicingAlgorithm接口中更改方法的signature@Doesn“t之所以如此,是因为发票名称与汇率无关。发票的名称似乎附在客户身上。看起来你的策略所要做的就是转换货币。如果您需要它“打印”您的调用,那么将所有打印语句从客户移动到美国战略。它仍然返回相同的结果,因此无法传递新的amount@Doesn“tMatter你能用你正在使用的所有实际代码更新你的问题吗?这些只是碎片。其中是创建Customer对象并调用getInvoice的代码。为什么在InvoicingAlgorithm接口中更改方法的signature@Doesn“t之所以如此,是因为发票名称与汇率无关。发票的名称似乎附在客户身上。看起来你的策略所要做的就是转换货币。如果您需要它“打印”您的调用,那么将所有打印语句从客户移动到美国战略。它仍然返回相同的结果,因此无法传递新的amount@Doesn“tMatter你能用你正在使用的所有实际代码更新你的问题吗?这些只是碎片。其中是创建Customer对象并调用getInvoice的代码。因此,在本例中,strategy对象的类型是Customer,不是吗?不,是invoice。您可以在Customer Dynamicly下用一种发票类型替换另一种发票类型,因此本例中的策略对象的类型为Customer,不是吗?不,是发票。您可以在“客户”下动态替换一种发票类型