
I';我有一些错误-Java程序,java,class,compiler-errors,cannot-find-symbol,Java,Class,Compiler Errors,Cannot Find Symbol,这真的很奇怪,我为这个程序编写了一个类,并准备测试它如何从文件中读取数据,但我得到了一个“找不到符号”错误,它指的是第一个扫描器中的“新”。第二个Scanner变量中的“=”也会出现同样的错误,并且稍后会有一组无法找到所有“候选信息[i]”对象的符号。我不知道我的错误在哪里。顺便说一下,我正在使用记事本+,也在使用记事本++编译和运行它 import java.util.Scanner; //I'm only gonna need scanner for this project I think


import java.util.Scanner; //I'm only gonna need scanner for this project I think
import java.io.*;

public class HuntowskiSamuel //This is what the file name should be as well as the class name
    public static void main (String [] args) throws IOException
    File CFile = new File("cipcs115.txt"); //This will be the file and scanner variable used to pull the data for the candidates
    Scanner scan = new Scanner(Cfile);

    File CfileReadIn = new File("cipcs115.txt"); //While this file and scanner will be used to pull the number of candidates from the same file...hopefully
    Scanner scanReadIn = new Scanner(CFileReadIn);

    String StateName = "No name yet"; //This is where the state value will be held, that controls the input of the file
    int NumberOfCandidates = 0; // This will pull the number of candidates for the array size
    String garbage = "Empty"; //This is where the ReadIn scanner can dump excess stuff

    StateName = scanReadIn.next(); //The prime read for the while loop

    int NumberOfLettersEntered [] = new int [8]; //Since we only have the letters L, C, V, S, D, P, Q, and X (others/errors) that were entered, IN THAT ORDER. Its not graceful but it works

    while(StateName != "END_OF_FILE") //While we haven't reached the end of the file
        for(int i = scanReadIn.nextInt(); i > 0; i--) //Read in the number of candidates, then run the loop that number of times
            NumberOfCandidates++; //Every time this loop runs, it means there is one more candidate for the total amount
            garbage = scanReadIn.nextLine(); //This will take all the important info and dump it, seeing as we only need the number of candidates and the state name
        StateName = scanReadIn.next(); //Pull the next state name

    Candidate_Info Candidates [] = new Candidate_Info [NumberOfCandidates]; //This creates an array of the exact size of the number of candidates in the file

    for(int i = 0; i < NumberOfCandidates; i++) //Running the constructor for each and every candidate created
        Candidate_Info [i] = Candidate_Info();

    StateName = scan.next(); //Prime read for the data taking loop

    while(StateName != "END_OF_FILE") //The same as the other loop, only using the real file and scanner variables
        int CandidateNumber = 0; //This will keep the array number straight from 0 to however many candidates - 1

        for(int i = 0; i < scan.nextInt(); i++) //This will loop for each of the candidates in ONE STATE, it pulls the number of candidates as an int
            Candidate_Info[CandidateNumber].setParty(scan.next().charAt(0)); //This might not work because it is just a single character versus the string that it would be passed
        StateName = scan.next();
import java.util.Scanner//我想这个项目只需要扫描仪
公共静态void main(字符串[]args)引发IOException
File CFile=new File(“cipcs115.txt”);//这将是用于提取候选数据的文件和扫描变量
File CfileReadIn=new File(“cipcs115.txt”);//而此文件和扫描程序将用于从同一文件中提取候选文件的数量……希望如此
Scanner scanReadIn=新扫描仪(CFileReadIn);
String StateName=“还没有名字”;//这是保存状态值的位置,用于控制文件的输入
int NumberOfCandidates=0;//这将提取数组大小的候选数量
String garbage=“Empty”//这是ReadIn扫描程序可以转储多余内容的地方
int NumberOfLettersEntered[]=new int[8];//因为我们只有按顺序输入的字母L、C、V、S、D、P、Q和X(其他/错误)。这并不优雅,但它可以工作
for(int i=scanReadIn.nextInt();i>0;i--)//读取候选数量,然后运行该数量的循环
Candidate_Info Candidates[]=new Candidate_Info[NumberOfCandidates];//这将创建一个数组,其中包含文件中候选数量的精确大小
for(int i=0;i

//Samuel James Huntowski
// started: 11-18-2014
// last modified: 11-18-2014

public class Candidate_Info
private String State; //All the variables that were given to me in the specification
private String Name_of_Candidate; 
private String Election_Office;
private char Party;
private int Number_of_Votes;
private double Dollars_Spent;
private String Motto;

private final double DOLLARS_SPENT_MIN = 0.0; //Mutator method for Dollars_Spent must check to see if greater then this value

private final int NUMBER_OF_ATTRIBUTES = 7; //for use in the equals method

public Candidate_Info()
    State = "No state assigned"; //Giving empty values to all of the variables
    Name_of_Candidate = "No name yet"; 
    Election_Office = "No office assigned";
    Party = 'X';
    Number_of_Votes = 0;
    Dollars_Spent = 0.0;
    Motto = "No motto yet";

//These are all of the Accessor Methods 

public String getState()
    return State;

public String getName()
    return Name_of_Candidate;

public String getOffice()
    return Election_Office;

public char getParty()
    return Party;

public int getVotes()
    return Number_of_Votes;

public double getSpent()
    return Dollars_Spent;

public String getMotto()
    return Motto;

//Mutator methods will go here

public void setState(String newState)
    State = newState;
    System.out.println("The candidate's state is now set to " + newState + ".");

public void setName(String newName)
    Name_of_Candidate = newName;
    System.out.println("The candidate's name is now set to " + newName + ".");

public void setOffice(String newOffice)
    Election_Office = newOffice;
    System.out.println("The candidate's office is now set to " + newOffice + ".");

public void setParty(char newParty)
    if(!((newParty == 'd') || (newParty == 'r') || (newParty == 'i') || (newParty == 'o'))) //If the value of newParty DOES NOT EQUAL 'o', 'd', 'r', or 'i' then do the next set of code
        System.out.println("Invalid party input. Candidate's party remains unchanged. Please try again.");
        Party = newParty;
        System.out.println("The candidate's party is now set to " + newParty + ".");

public void setVotes(int newNumberOfVotes)
    Number_of_Votes = newNumberOfVotes;
    System.out.println("The candidate's number of votes is now set to " + newNumberOfVotes + ".");

public void setSpent(double newDollarsSpent)
    if(newDollarsSpent < DOLLARS_SPENT_MIN) //If the amount of money spent is less then zero (Which just wouldn't make sense, so that's why I set the variable to zero)
        System.out.println("New amount of dollars spent is invalid. Candidate's dollars spent remains unchanged. Please try again.");
        Dollars_Spent = newDollarsSpent;
        System.out.println("The candidate's dollars spent is now set to " + newDollarsSpent + ".");

public  void setMotto(String newMotto)
    Motto = newMotto;
    System.out.println("The candidate's motto is now set to \"" + newMotto + "\"");

public void displayAll()
    System.out.println(State + "\t" + Name_of_Candidate + "\t" 
    + Election_Office + "\t" + 
    Party + "\t" + Number_of_Votes + 
    "\t" + Dollars_Spent + "\t" + Motto); //Display all info separated by tabs

public String toString()
    String ReturnThis = (State + "\t" + Name_of_Candidate + "\t" + 
    Election_Office + "\t" + Party + 
    "\t" + Number_of_Votes + "\t" + 
    Dollars_Spent + "\t" + Motto); //same as displayAll() just in one string

    return ReturnThis;

public boolean equals(Candidate_Info PassedCandidate)
    boolean TF [] = new boolean [NUMBER_OF_ATTRIBUTES]; //An array of booleans that match the number of attributes above

    boolean finalResult; //This will hold the final boolean result of all the below calculations

    if(State.equals(PassedCandidate.getState())) TF[0] = true; //This isn't the most graceful method of doing this, but it works
    else TF[0] = false;

    if(Name_of_Candidate.equals(PassedCandidate.getName())) TF[1] = true;
    else TF[1] = false;

    if(Election_Office.equals(PassedCandidate.getOffice())) TF[2] = true;
    else TF[2] = false;

    if(Party == PassedCandidate.getParty()) TF[3] = true;
    else TF[3] = false;

    if(Number_of_Votes == PassedCandidate.getVotes()) TF[4] = true;
    else TF[4] = false;

    if(Dollars_Spent == PassedCandidate.getSpent()) TF[5] = true;
    else TF[5] = false;

    if(Motto.equals(PassedCandidate.getMotto())) TF[6] = true;
    else TF[6] = false;

    if(TF[0] && TF[1] && TF[2] && TF[3] && TF[4] && TF[5] && TF[6]) finalResult = true; //If ALL OF THE ATTRIBUTES equal the attributes of the passed candidate, therefore making all the TF variables true, then they are equal
    else finalResult = false;

    return finalResult;
private final double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double doub
私有final int NUMBER_OF_ATTRIBUTES=7;//用于equals方法
State=“No State assigned”;//为所有变量提供空值
Name\u of_Candidate=“还没有名字”;
public void setName(字符串newName)
公共无效设置方(char newParty)
if(!((newParty=='d')| |(newParty=='r')| |(newParty=='i')| |(newParty=='o'))//如果newParty的值不等于'o'、'd'、'r'或'i',则执行下一组代码
import java.util.Scanner; //I'm only gonna need scanner for this project I think
import java.io.*;

public class HuntowskiSamuel //This is what the file name should be as well as the class name
    public static void main (String [] args) throws IOException
    File cFile = new File("cipcs115.txt"); //This will be the file and scanner variable used to pull the data for the candidates
    Scanner scan = new Scanner(cFile);

    File cFileReadIn = new File("cipcs115.txt"); //While this file and scanner will be used to pull the number of candidates from the same file...hopefully
    Scanner scanReadIn = new Scanner(cFileReadIn);

    String stateName = "No name yet"; //This is where the state value will be held, that controls the input of the file
    int numberOfCandidates = 0; // This will pull the number of candidates for the array size
    String garbage = "Empty"; //This is where the ReadIn scanner can dump excess stuff

    stateName = scanReadIn.next(); //The prime read for the while loop

    int numberOfLettersEntered [] = new int [8]; //Since we only have the letters L, C, V, S, D, P, Q, and X (others/errors) that were entered, IN THAT ORDER. Its not graceful but it works

    while(stateName != "END_OF_FILE") //While we haven't reached the end of the file
        for(int i = scanReadIn.nextInt(); i > 0; i--) //Read in the number of candidates, then run the loop that number of times
            numberOfCandidates++; //Every time this loop runs, it means there is one more candidate for the total amount
            garbage = scanReadIn.nextLine(); //This will take all the important info and dump it, seeing as we only need the number of candidates and the state name
        stateName = scanReadIn.next(); //Pull the next state name

    Candidate_Info candidates [] = new Candidate_Info [numberOfCandidates]; //This creates an array of the exact size of the number of candidates in the file

    for(int i = 0; i < numberOfCandidates; i++) //Running the constructor for each and every candidate created
        candidates[i] = new Candidate_Info();

    stateName = scan.next(); //Prime read for the data taking loop

    while(stateName != "END_OF_FILE") //The same as the other loop, only using the real file and scanner variables
        int candidateNumber = 0; //This will keep the array number straight from 0 to however many candidates - 1

        for(int i = 0; i < scan.nextInt(); i++) //This will loop for each of the candidates in ONE STATE, it pulls the number of candidates as an int
            candidates[candidateNumber].setParty(scan.next().charAt(0)); //This might not work because it is just a single character versus the string that it would be passed
        stateName = scan.next();