Java 在较大的图像中查找已知的子图像

Java 在较大的图像中查找已知的子图像,java,algorithm,image-processing,image-manipulation,Java,Algorithm,Image Processing,Image Manipulation,有人知道在较大图像中定位已知图像的算法(或搜索词/描述)吗? e、 g 我有一个单一桌面窗口的图像,其中包含各种按钮和区域(目标)。我也有代码来捕获当前桌面的屏幕截图。我想一个算法,将帮助我找到在更大的桌面图像目标图像(什么确切的x和y坐标窗口位于)。目标图像可能位于较大图像中的任何位置,并且可能不是100%完全相同(非常相似但不完全相同,可能是操作系统显示差异的b/c) 有人知道这样的算法或算法类吗 我发现了各种图像分割和计算机视觉算法,但它们似乎适合于区域的“模糊”分类,而不是在另一个区域中


e、 g







// look for all (x,y) positions where target appears in desktop
List<Loc> findMatches(Image desktop, Image target, float threshold) {
  List<Loc> locs;
  for (int y=0; y<desktop.height()-target.height(); y++) {
      for (int x=0; x<desktop.width()-target.width(); x++) {
          if (imageDistance(desktop, x, y, target) < threshold) {
   return locs;

// computes the root mean squared error between a rectangular window in 
// bigImg and target.
float imageDistance(Image bigImg, int bx, int by, Image target) {
    float dist = 0.0;
    for (int y=0; y<target.height(); y++) {
        for (int x=0; x<target.width(); x++) {
            // assume RGB images...
            for (int colorChannel=0; colorChannel<3; colorChannel++) {
                dist += Math.pow(target.getPixel(x,y) - bigImg.getPixel(bx+x,by+y), 2);
    return Math.sqrt(dist) / target.width() / target.height();

对于(int y=0;y请看我写的论文:。这篇文章非常详细,似乎是唯一一篇讨论如何将傅里叶变换应用于子图像查找问题的文章



您不需要像“神经网络”中那样的模糊操作,因为(据我所知)您没有旋转、倾斜或类似功能。如果操作系统显示差异是唯一的修改,那么差异应该最小。 因此,WernerVanBelle的论文很好,但并不是真正必要的,MrFooz的代码可以工作,但效率非常低(





我考虑了Werner Van Belle的解决方案(因为所有其他方法都非常缓慢-根本不可行):

用于子图像正确定位的自适应滤波器:FFT 基于图像的子图像定位需要图像归一化才能工作 恰当地

我用C#编写了代码,我需要我的解决方案,但是我得到了非常不准确的结果。它是否真的工作得不好,与Van Belle的说法相反,或者我做错了什么?我用它作为FFTW的C#包装器


*Werner Van Belle;用于正确定位的自适应滤波器
using System.Diagnostics;
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;

using FFTWSharp;

using unsigned1 = System.Byte;
using signed2 = System.Int16;
using signed8 = System.Int64;

public class Subimage
     * This program finds a subimage in a larger image. It expects two arguments.
     * The first is the image in which it must look. The secon dimage is the
     * image that is to be found. The program relies on a number of different
     * steps to perform the calculation.
     * It will first normalize the input images in order to improve the
     * crosscorrelation matching. Once the best crosscorrelation is found
     * a sad-matchers is applied in a grid over the larger image.
     * The following two article explains the details:
     *   Werner Van Belle; An Adaptive Filter for the Correct Localization
     *   of Subimages: FFT based Subimage Localization Requires Image
     *   Normalization to work properly; 11 pages; October 2007.
     *   Werner Van Belle; Correlation between the inproduct and the sum
     *   of absolute differences is -0.8485 for uniform sampled signals on
     *   [-1:1]; November 2006
    unsafe public static Point FindSubimage_fftw(string[] args)
        if (args == null || args.Length != 2)
            Console.Write("Usage: subimg\n" + "\n" + "  subimg is an image matcher. It requires two arguments. The first\n" + "  image should be the larger of the two. The program will search\n" + "  for the best position to superimpose the needle image over the\n" + "  haystack image. The output of the the program are the X and Y\n" + "  coordinates.\n\n" + "\n");
            return new Point();

         * The larger image will be called A. The smaller image will be called B.
         * The code below relies heavily upon fftw. The indices necessary for the
         * fast r2c and c2r transforms are at best confusing. Especially regarding
         * the number of rows and colums (watch our for Asx vs Asx2 !).
         * After obtaining all the crosscorrelations we will scan through the image
         * to find the best sad match. As such we make a backup of the original data
         * in advance
        int Asx = 0, Asy = 0;
        signed2[] A = read_image(args[0], ref Asx, ref Asy);
        int Asx2 = Asx / 2 + 1;

        int Bsx = 0, Bsy = 0;
        signed2[] B = read_image(args[1], ref Bsx, ref Bsy);

        unsigned1[] Asad = new unsigned1[Asx * Asy];
        unsigned1[] Bsad = new unsigned1[Bsx * Bsy];

        for (int i = 0; i < Bsx * Bsy; i++)
            Bsad[i] = (unsigned1)B[i];
            Asad[i] = (unsigned1)A[i];
        for (int i = Bsx * Bsy; i < Asx * Asy; i++)
            Asad[i] = (unsigned1)A[i];

         * Normalization and windowing of the images.
         * The window size (wx,wy) is half the size of the smaller subimage. This
         * is useful to have as much good information from the subimg.
        int wx = Bsx / 2;
        int wy = Bsy / 2;
        normalize(ref B, Bsx, Bsy, wx, wy);
        normalize(ref A, Asx, Asy, wx, wy);

         * Preparation of the fourier transforms.
         * Aa is the amplitude of image A. Af is the frequence of image A
         * Similar for B. crosscors will hold the crosscorrelations.
        IntPtr Aa = fftw.malloc(sizeof(double) * Asx * Asy);
        IntPtr Af = fftw.malloc(sizeof(double) * 2 * Asx2 * Asy);
        IntPtr Ba = fftw.malloc(sizeof(double) * Asx * Asy);
        IntPtr Bf = fftw.malloc(sizeof(double) * 2 * Asx2 * Asy);

         * The forward transform of A goes from Aa to Af
         * The forward tansform of B goes from Ba to Bf
         * In Bf we will also calculate the inproduct of Af and Bf
         * The backward transform then goes from Bf to Aa again. That
         * variable is aliased as crosscors;
        //#original: fftw_plan_dft_r2c_2d
        //IntPtr forwardA = fftwf.dft(2, new int[] { Asy, Asx }, Aa, Af, fftw_direction.Forward, fftw_flags.Estimate);//equal results
        IntPtr forwardA = fftwf.dft_r2c_2d(Asy, Asx, Aa, Af, fftw_flags.Estimate);
        //#original: fftw_plan_dft_r2c_2d
        //IntPtr forwardB = fftwf.dft(2, new int[] { Asy, Asx }, Ba, Bf, fftw_direction.Forward, fftw_flags.Estimate);//equal results
        IntPtr forwardB = fftwf.dft_r2c_2d(Asy, Asx, Ba, Bf, fftw_flags.Estimate);
        double* crosscorrs = (double*)Aa;
        //#original: fftw_plan_dft_c2r_2d
        //IntPtr backward = fftwf.dft(2, new int[] { Asy, Asx }, Bf, Aa, fftw_direction.Backward, fftw_flags.Estimate);//equal results
        IntPtr backward = fftwf.dft_c2r_2d(Asy, Asx, Bf, Aa, fftw_flags.Estimate);

         * The two forward transforms of A and B. Before we do so we copy the normalized
         * data into the double array. For B we also pad the data with 0
        for (int row = 0; row < Asy; row++)
            for (int col = 0; col < Asx; col++)
                ((double*)Aa)[col + Asx * row] = A[col + Asx * row];

        for (int j = 0; j < Asx * Asy; j++)
            ((double*)Ba)[j] = 0;
        for (int row = 0; row < Bsy; row++)
            for (int col = 0; col < Bsx; col++)
                ((double*)Ba)[col + Asx * row] = B[col + Bsx * row];

         * The inproduct of the two frequency domains and calculation
         * of the crosscorrelations
        double norm = Asx * Asy;
        for (int j = 0; j < Asx2 * Asy; j++)
            double a = ((double*)Af)[j * 2];//#Af[j][0];
            double b = ((double*)Af)[j * 2 + 1];//#Af[j][1];
            double c = ((double*)Bf)[j * 2];//#Bf[j][0];
            double d = ((double*)Bf)[j * 2 + 1];//#-Bf[j][1];
            double e = a * c - b * d;
            double f = a * d + b * c;
            ((double*)Bf)[j * 2] = (double)(e / norm);//#Bf[j][0] = (fftw_real)(e / norm);
            ((double*)Bf)[j * 2 + 1] = (double)(f / norm);//Bf[j][1] = (fftw_real)(f / norm);

         * We now have a correlation map. We can spent one more pass
         * over the entire image to actually find the best matching images
         * as defined by the SAD.
         * We calculate this by gridding the entire image according to the
         * size of the subimage. In each cel we want to know what the best
         * match is.
        int sa = 1 + Asx / Bsx;
        int sb = 1 + Asy / Bsy;
        int sadx = 0;
        int sady = 0;
        signed8 minsad = Bsx * Bsy * 256L;
        for (int a = 0; a < sa; a++)
            int xl = a * Bsx;
            int xr = xl + Bsx;
            if (xr > Asx) continue;
            for (int b = 0; b < sb; b++)
                int yl = b * Bsy;
                int yr = yl + Bsy;
                if (yr > Asy) continue;

                // find the maximum correlation in this cell
                int cormxat = xl + yl * Asx;
                double cormx = crosscorrs[cormxat];
                for (int x = xl; x < xr; x++)
                    for (int y = yl; y < yr; y++)
                        int j = x + y * Asx;
                        if (crosscorrs[j] > cormx)
                            cormx = crosscorrs[cormxat = j];
                int corx = cormxat % Asx;
                int cory = cormxat / Asx;

                // We dont want subimages that fall of the larger image
                if (corx + Bsx > Asx) continue;
                if (cory + Bsy > Asy) continue;

                signed8 sad = 0;
                for (int x = 0; sad < minsad && x < Bsx; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < Bsy; y++)
                        int j = (x + corx) + (y + cory) * Asx;
                        int i = x + y * Bsx;
                        sad += Math.Abs((int)Bsad[i] - (int)Asad[j]);

                if (sad < minsad)
                    minsad = sad;
                    sadx = corx;
                    sady = cory;
                    // printf("* ");
                // printf("Grid (%d,%d) (%d,%d) Sip=%g Sad=%lld\n",a,b,corx,cory,cormx,sad);
        //Console.Write("{0:D}\t{1:D}\n", sadx, sady);
         * Aa, Ba, Af and Bf were allocated in this function
         * crosscorrs was an alias for Aa and does not require deletion.
        return new Point(sadx, sady);

    private static void normalize(ref signed2[] img, int sx, int sy, int wx, int wy)
         * Calculate the mean background. We will subtract this
         * from img to make sure that it has a mean of zero
         * over a window size of wx x wy. Afterwards we calculate
         * the square of the difference, which will then be used
         * to normalize the local variance of img.
        signed2[] mean = boxaverage(img, sx, sy, wx, wy);
        signed2[] sqr = new signed2[sx * sy];
        for (int j = 0; j < sx * sy; j++)
            img[j] -= mean[j];
            signed2 v = img[j];
            sqr[j] = (signed2)(v * v);
        signed2[] var = boxaverage(sqr, sx, sy, wx, wy);
         * The normalization process. Currenlty still
         * calculated as doubles. Could probably be fixed
         * to integers too. The only problem is the sqrt
        for (int j = 0; j < sx * sy; j++)
            double v = Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs((double)var[j]));//#double v = sqrt(fabs(var[j])); <- ambigous
            Debug.Assert(!double.IsInfinity(v) && v >= 0);
            if (v < 0.0001) v = 0.0001;
            img[j] = (signed2)(img[j] * (32 / v));
            if (img[j] > 127) img[j] = 127;
            if (img[j] < -127) img[j] = -127;
         * As a last step in the normalization we
         * window the sub image around the borders
         * to become 0
        window(ref img, sx, sy, wx, wy);

    private static signed2[] boxaverage(signed2[] input, int sx, int sy, int wx, int wy)
        signed2[] horizontalmean = new signed2[sx * sy];

        Debug.Assert(horizontalmean != null);
        int wx2 = wx / 2;
        int wy2 = wy / 2;
        int from = (sy - 1) * sx;
        int to = (sy - 1) * sx;
        int initcount = wx - wx2;
        if (sx < initcount) initcount = sx;
        int xli = -wx2;
        int xri = wx - wx2;
        for (; from >= 0; from -= sx, to -= sx)
            signed8 sum = 0;
            int count = initcount;
            for (int c = 0; c < count; c++)
                sum += (signed8)input[c + from];
            horizontalmean[to] = (signed2)(sum / count);
            int xl = xli, x = 1, xr = xri;
             * The area where the window is slightly outside the
             * left boundary. Beware: the right bnoundary could be
             * outside on the other side already
            for (; x < sx; x++, xl++, xr++)
                if (xl >= 0) break;
                if (xr < sx)
                    sum += (signed8)input[xr + from];
                horizontalmean[x + to] = (signed2)(sum / count);
             * both bounds of the sliding window
             * are fully inside the images
            for (; xr < sx; x++, xl++, xr++)
                sum -= (signed8)input[xl + from];
                sum += (signed8)input[xr + from];
                horizontalmean[x + to] = (signed2)(sum / count);
             * the right bound is falling of the page
            for (; x < sx; x++, xl++)
                sum -= (signed8)input[xl + from];
                horizontalmean[x + to] = (signed2)(sum / count);

         * The same process as aboe but for the vertical dimension now
        int ssy = (sy - 1) * sx + 1;
        from = sx - 1;
        signed2[] verticalmean = new signed2[sx * sy];
        Debug.Assert(verticalmean != null);
        to = sx - 1;
        initcount = wy - wy2;
        if (sy < initcount) initcount = sy;
        int initstopat = initcount * sx;
        int yli = -wy2 * sx;
        int yri = (wy - wy2) * sx;
        for (; from >= 0; from--, to--)
            signed8 sum = 0;
            int count = initcount;
            for (int d = 0; d < initstopat; d += sx)
                sum += (signed8)horizontalmean[d + from];
            verticalmean[to] = (signed2)(sum / count);
            int yl = yli, y = 1, yr = yri;
            for (; y < ssy; y += sx, yl += sx, yr += sx)
                if (yl >= 0) break;
                if (yr < ssy)
                    sum += (signed8)horizontalmean[yr + from];
                verticalmean[y + to] = (signed2)(sum / count);
            for (; yr < ssy; y += sx, yl += sx, yr += sx)
                sum -= (signed8)horizontalmean[yl + from];
                sum += (signed8)horizontalmean[yr + from];
                verticalmean[y + to] = (signed2)(sum / count);
            for (; y < ssy; y += sx, yl += sx)
                sum -= (signed8)horizontalmean[yl + from];
                verticalmean[y + to] = (signed2)(sum / count);
        return verticalmean;

    private static void window(ref signed2[] img, int sx, int sy, int wx, int wy)
        int wx2 = wx / 2;
        int sxsy = sx * sy;
        int sx1 = sx - 1;
        for (int x = 0; x < wx2; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < sxsy; y += sx)
                img[x + y] = (signed2)(img[x + y] * x / wx2);
                img[sx1 - x + y] = (signed2)(img[sx1 - x + y] * x / wx2);

        int wy2 = wy / 2;
        int syb = (sy - 1) * sx;
        int syt = 0;
        for (int y = 0; y < wy2; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < sx; x++)
                 * here we need to recalculate the stuff (*y/wy2)
                 * to preserve the discrete nature of integers.
                img[x + syt] = (signed2)(img[x + syt] * y / wy2);
                img[x + syb] = (signed2)(img[x + syb] * y / wy2);
             * The next row for the top rows
             * The previous row for the bottom rows
            syt += sx;
            syb -= sx;

    private static signed2[] read_image(string filename, ref int sx, ref int sy)
        Bitmap image = new Bitmap(filename);
        sx = image.Width;
        sy = image.Height;
        signed2[] GreyImage = new signed2[sx * sy];
        BitmapData bitmapData1 = image.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
            byte* imagePointer = (byte*)bitmapData1.Scan0;

            for (int y = 0; y < bitmapData1.Height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < bitmapData1.Width; x++)
                    GreyImage[x + y * sx] = (signed2)((imagePointer[0] + imagePointer[1] + imagePointer[2]) / 3.0);
                    //4 bytes per pixel
                    imagePointer += 4;
                }//end for x
                //4 bytes per pixel
                imagePointer += bitmapData1.Stride - (bitmapData1.Width * 4);
            }//end for y
        }//end unsafe
        return GreyImage;
import static marvin.MarvinPluginCollection.*;

public class FindSubimageWindow {
    public FindSubimageWindow(){
        MarvinImage window = MarvinImageIO.loadImage("./res/window.png");
        MarvinImage eclipse = MarvinImageIO.loadImage("./res/eclipse_icon.png");
        MarvinImage progress = MarvinImageIO.loadImage("./res/progress_icon.png");

        MarvinSegment seg1, seg2;
        seg1 = findSubimage(eclipse, window, 0, 0);
        drawRect(window, seg1.x1, seg1.y1, seg1.x2-seg1.x1, seg1.y2-seg1.y1);

        seg2 = findSubimage(progress, window, 0, 0);
        drawRect(window, seg2.x1, seg2.y1, seg2.x2-seg2.x1, seg2.y2-seg2.y1);

        drawRect(window, seg1.x1-10, seg1.y1-10, (seg2.x2-seg1.x1)+25, (seg2.y2-seg1.y1)+20);

        MarvinImageIO.saveImage(window, "./res/window_out.png");
    private void drawRect(MarvinImage image, int x, int y, int width, int height){
        x-=4; y-=4; width+=8; height+=8;
        image.drawRect(x, y, width, height,;
        image.drawRect(x+1, y+1, width-2, height-2,;
        image.drawRect(x+2, y+2, width-4, height-4,;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new FindSubimageWindow();