Java 忽略/清除用户输入中的额外整数

Java 忽略/清除用户输入中的额外整数,java,input,integer,Java,Input,Integer,我被困在程序的这一部分,用户输入多个整数,只选择第一个整数。在我当前的代码中,输出如下 There are 10 sticks on the board. Jerry: How many sticks do you take (1-3)? *1 3 4 2* There are 9 sticks on the board. Sherry: How many sticks do you take (1-3)? There are 6 sticks on the board. Jerry: How


There are 10 sticks on the board.
Jerry: How many sticks do you take (1-3)? *1 3 4 2*
There are 9 sticks on the board.
Sherry: How many sticks do you take (1-3)? There are 6 sticks on the board.
Jerry: How many sticks do you take (1-3)? Please enter a number between 1 and 3.
Jerry: How many sticks do you take (1-3)? There are 4 sticks on the board.
Sherry: How many sticks do you take (1-3)? 
Jerry: How many sticks do you take (1-3)? *1 3 4 2*
There are 8 sticks on the board.
Pat: How many sticks do you take (1-3)? *3*
There are 5 sticks on the board.

There are 10 sticks on the board.
Jerry: How many sticks do you take (1-3)? *1 3 4 2*
There are 9 sticks on the board.
Sherry: How many sticks do you take (1-3)? There are 6 sticks on the board.
Jerry: How many sticks do you take (1-3)? Please enter a number between 1 and 3.
Jerry: How many sticks do you take (1-3)? There are 4 sticks on the board.
Sherry: How many sticks do you take (1-3)? 
Jerry: How many sticks do you take (1-3)? *1 3 4 2*
There are 8 sticks on the board.
Pat: How many sticks do you take (1-3)? *3*
There are 5 sticks on the board.



Scanner s = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("How many?: ");
int many = Integer.parseInt(s.nextLine().trim().split(" ")[0]);
这甚至可以处理输入,如2 5 6 5以及您的示例,方法是获取整个输入字符串,修剪任何前导和尾随的s,将字符串拆分为围绕s的字符串数组,然后返回第一个,即您希望在索引0处返回的字符串

