Java 在ArrayList上,比较许可证,或使用该许可证创建一个新人,然后直接从ArrayList中删除。但是由于op没有发布Person类,我不能假设哪一个是最好的。你试过这个代码吗?我不确定,但我认为在迭代时从列表中删除它会引发异常(我认为Concurren

Java 在ArrayList上,比较许可证,或使用该许可证创建一个新人,然后直接从ArrayList中删除。但是由于op没有发布Person类,我不能假设哪一个是最好的。你试过这个代码吗?我不确定,但我认为在迭代时从列表中删除它会引发异常(我认为Concurren,java,arrays,string,oop,arraylist,Java,Arrays,String,Oop,Arraylist,在ArrayList上,比较许可证,或使用该许可证创建一个新人,然后直接从ArrayList中删除。但是由于op没有发布Person类,我不能假设哪一个是最好的。你试过这个代码吗?我不确定,但我认为在迭代时从列表中删除它会引发异常(我认为ConcurrentModificationException但我不确定),因为for-each循环在后台使用迭代器。我已经尝试过,效果很好。可能是因为一旦我们找到了拥有该许可证的人,我们将删除该人并立即关闭该方法,这样它就不会进入下一次迭代 public cl

public class PersonLogImpl {

private boolean remove;
private boolean isLicenseUnique;
private boolean add;
private final ArrayList<Person> person;

public PersonLogImpl() {
    this.person = new ArrayList<>();

public ArrayList<Person> getPersonLog(){
    return Person;

public boolean add(Person obj){  //add person object to ordered list 

   return add;

public boolean remove (String license){ //remove person with specific license from list

            remove = true;
   return remove;
public class Person{
private String licenseNumber;

public Person(){


public Person(String licenseNumber){
    this.licenseNumber = licenseNumber;

public String getLicenseNumber(){
    return licenseNumber;

public void setLicenseNumber(String licenseNumber){
    this.licenseNumber = licenseNumber;

public int hashCode(){
    int hash = 7;
    return hash;

public boolean equals(Object obj){
    if (this == obj){
        return true;
    if (obj == null){
        return false;
    if (getClass() != obj.getClass()){
        return false;
    final Person other = (Person) obj;
    if (!Objects.equals(this.licenseNumber, other.licenseNumber)){
        return false;
    return true;

public String toString(){
    return "Person{" + "licenseNumber=" + licenseNumber + '}';

public boolean validateLicense(){
    boolean retValue = false;
    if ((this.licenseNumber.matches("^[a-zA-Z]{2}\\d{7}$")))
        retValue = true;
    return retValue;
public boolean remove (String license){ //remove person with specific license from list
    Iterator<Person> personIterator = person.iterator();
    boolean remove = false;

        Person personInstance =;  
            remove = true;

   return remove;
public boolean remove(String license) {
   for (Person individual : person) { // go through each Person on the ArrayList
       if (individual.getLicenseNumber().equals(license)) // check if that Person's license is equal to the license we're looking for
           return person.remove(individual); // if so, remove that person and return true (remove will return true if the element is found)

   return false; // if we never removed any element we never found a person with that license. In that case, return false
public boolean remove(String license) {
    int listsize = person.size(); // size before removing any
    for(int i=0; i<person.size(); i++) {
        if (person.get(i).getLicenseNumber().equals(license))
            person.remove(i--); // i-- is required because the list size will change if we remove from it, so we need to decrement i

    return !(listsize == person.size()); // if the size before is equal to the size now, we never removed any and thus return false
public class PersonLogImpl {
    private boolean remove;
    private boolean isLicenseUnique;
    private boolean add;
    private final ArrayList<Person> person;

    public PersonLogImpl() {
        this.person = new ArrayList<>();

    public ArrayList<Person> getPersonLog() {

        return Person; // What's going on here?
        // You're returning the actual Person class when you should be returning
        // an ArrayList of type Person (I think you meant for the P to be lowercase)

    public boolean add(Person obj){  //add person object to ordered list 

       return add; // You never assign true or false to 'add' (I believe 
       // it defaults to true) so this method will always return true (maybe 
       // false, not sure). you should instead use 'return person.add(obj);'

    public boolean remove (String license){ //remove person with specific license from list

        // The code below makes no sense (no offence).
                remove = true;
       return remove;

        // Since I don't know the make up of the 'Person' class I can't 
        // tell you how this method should function. I'll make a guess though:
       for(int i = 0; i < person.size(); ++i) {
           if(person.get(i).getLicenseNumber().equals(license)) {
               return person.remove(i);

       // OR a shorter alternative
       return person.remove(new Person(license));

package practice;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;

public class Personator {
  private final List<Person> persons = new ArrayList<>();

  public List<Person> getPersons() {
    return new ArrayList<>(persons);

  public boolean add(Person person) {
    return persons.add(person);

  public boolean remove(String license) {
    return remove(new Person(license));

  public boolean remove(Person removal) {
    boolean wasRemoved = false;
    for (ListIterator<Person> iterator = persons.listIterator(persons.size());
       ) {
      final Person person = iterator.previous();
      if (removal.equals(person)) {
        wasRemoved = true;
    return wasRemoved;
public class Person {
  private final String license;

  public Person(String license) {
    if (license == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("null license not allowed");
    this.license = license;

  public String getLicense() {
    return license;

  public String toString() {
    return "Person " + getLicense();

  public int hashCode() {
    return getLicense().hashCode();

  @Override public boolean equals(Object oth) {
    if (this == oth) {
      return true;
    if (! (oth instanceof Person)) {
      return false;
    Person other = (Person) oth;
    return this.getLicense().equals(other.getLicense());