Java 如何将带“[]”的字符串转换为整数数组

Java 如何将带“[]”的字符串转换为整数数组,java,string,get,Java,String,Get,我有两条线: String s1 = "[143, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 157, 158, 159, 162, 163, 164]"; String s2 = "[20, 35, 74, 78, 124, 125, 126, 127, 131, 132, 143, 144, 145, 146]"; 我只想在这两个字符串中找到最小的公共数。所以我首先替换[]符号,并将数字从字符串中提取为整数。然后使用循环


String s1 = "[143, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 157, 158, 159, 162, 163, 164]";

String s2 = "[20, 35, 74, 78, 124, 125, 126, 127, 131, 132, 143, 144, 145, 146]";

s1 = s1.replace("[",""); 
s1 = s1.replace("]","");
String [] band = s1.split(",");     
s2 = s2.replace("[",""); 
s2 = s2.replace("]","");
String [] hotel = s1.split(",");    
System.out.println( EarliestCommonSlot(hotel,band) );
public static int EarliestCommonSlot(String [] a1, String [] b1){
    int i=0,j=0;
    int common = -1;
    int [] a = new int [a1.length];
    int [] b = new int [b1.length];

    for(i = 0;i < a1.length;i++)
        a[i] = Integer.parseInt( a1[i]);
    for(i = 0;i < b1.length;i++)
        b[i] = Integer.parseInt( b1[i]);
    i = 0; j=0;
    while ( i< a.length && j < b.length){
        if ( a[i] == b[j] ){
            common = a[i]; break;
        if ( a[i] < b[j] ){
        else j++;
    return common;

s1 = s1.replace("[",""); 
s1 = s1.replace("]","");
String [] band = s1.split(",");     
s2 = s2.replace("[",""); 
s2 = s2.replace("]","");
String [] hotel = s1.split(",");    
System.out.println( EarliestCommonSlot(hotel,band) );
public static int EarliestCommonSlot(String [] a1, String [] b1){
    int i=0,j=0;
    int common = -1;
    int [] a = new int [a1.length];
    int [] b = new int [b1.length];

    for(i = 0;i < a1.length;i++)
        a[i] = Integer.parseInt( a1[i]);
    for(i = 0;i < b1.length;i++)
        b[i] = Integer.parseInt( b1[i]);
    i = 0; j=0;
    while ( i< a.length && j < b.length){
        if ( a[i] == b[j] ){
            common = a[i]; break;
        if ( a[i] < b[j] ){
        else j++;
    return common;


s1.replace("]"," "); // This replaces the bracket with a space.
                     // The number with the space will emit the error


s1 = s1.replace("[",""); 
s1 = s1.replace("]","");
String [] band = s1.split(", ");     
s2 = s2.replace("[",""); 
s2 = s2.replace("]","");
String [] hotel = s1.split(", ");    //Comma and a space. Thanks to SaviourSelf
System.out.println( EarliestCommonSlot(hotel,band) );



错误本身表明143在前缀中有空格。 线程main java.lang.NumberFormatException中的异常:对于输入字符串:143使用修剪方法

public class Test {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

String s1 = "[143, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 157, 158, 159, 162, 163, 164]";

String s2 = "[20, 35, 74, 78, 124, 125, 126, 127, 131, 132, 143, 144, 145, 146]";
      s1 = s1.replace("[",""); 
      s1 = s1.replace("]","");
      s1 = s1.replace(" ","");
      String [] band = s1.split(",");     
      s2 = s2.replace("[",""); 
      s2 = s2.replace("]","");

      String [] hotel = s1.split(",");    
      System.out.println( EarliestCommonSlot(hotel,band) );
  public static int EarliestCommonSlot(String [] a1, String [] b1){
        int i=0,j=0;
        int common = -1;
        int [] a = new int [a1.length];
        int [] b = new int [b1.length];

        for(i = 0;i < a1.length;i++)
            a[i] = Integer.parseInt( a1[i]);
        for(i = 0;i < b1.length;i++)
            b[i] = Integer.parseInt( b1[i]);
        i = 0; j=0;
        while ( i< a.length && j < b.length){
            if ( a[i] == b[j] ){
                common = a[i]; break;
            if ( a[i] < b[j] ){
            else j++;
        return common;
String s1 = "[143, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 157, 158, 159, 162, 163, 164]";

    String s2 = "[20, 35, 74, 78, 124, 125, 126, 127, 131, 132, 143, 144, 145, 146]";
    s1 = s1.replace("[",""); 
    s1 = s1.replace("]","");
    String [] band = s1.split(",");     
    s2 = s2.replace("[",""); 
    s2 = s2.replace("]","");
    String [] hotel = s1.split(",");    
    System.out.println( EarliestCommonSlot(hotel,band) );

 public static int EarliestCommonSlot(String [] a1, String [] b1){
        int i=0,j=0;
        int common = -1;
        int [] a = new int [a1.length];
        int [] b = new int [b1.length];

        for(i = 0;i < a1.length;i++)
            a[i] = Integer.parseInt( a1[i].trim());
        for(i = 0;i < b1.length;i++)
            b[i] = Integer.parseInt( b1[i].trim());
        i = 0; j=0;
        while ( i< a.length && j < b.length){
            if ( a[i] == b[j] ){
                common = a[i]; break;
            if ( a[i] < b[j] ){
            else j++;
        return common;


前导空间就是问题所在。尝试Integer.parseInt a1[i].trim;或者确保分割的字符串不包含任何空格。@NUO使用.trim删除字符串的前导空格和尾随空格。@NUO必须使用replace],;用于字符串s1和s2以及两个括号。数字由逗号和空格分隔。所有整数前面都会有一个空格,而不仅仅是第一个。@SaviourSelf谢谢。我没注意到。编辑它。