Java 如何检查数据库表中是否存在字符串

Java 如何检查数据库表中是否存在字符串,java,jdbc,Java,Jdbc,但生成的结果为空,其他用户的详细信息也被排除。尝试修改后的查询,并动态传递参数,如下所述 String s="abcd"; // The user that needs to be excluded in the table, the string can be dynamic. String sql="SELECT Username,Email FROM login where not Username=userName"; //here I use the query not



 String s="abcd";  // The user that needs to be excluded in the table, 
 the string can be dynamic.

 String sql="SELECT Username,Email FROM login where not 
 Username=userName"; //here I use the query not to exclude the particular user.

 PreparedStatement pst = con.prepareStatement(sql);
 ResultSet rs = pst.executeQuery();
   model.addRow(new Object[{rs.getString("Username"),rs.getString("Email"),false});


// The user that needs to be excluded in the table, the string can be dynamic.
String s="abcd";  

//here I use the query not to exclude the particular user.
String sql="SELECT Username,Email FROM login where Username != ?"; 

PreparedStatement pst = con.prepareStatement(sql);
pstatement.setString(1, s);
ResultSet rs = pst.executeQuery();