
Java,对象编程:获取返回0值的方法,java,object,Java,Object,主类 import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class Shapes { static String shape; static String circleInput; static String c; static String r; static String t; static double radius; publi


    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

    public class Shapes {

        static String shape;
        static String circleInput;
        static String c;
        static String r;
        static String t;
        static double radius;

        public static void main(String[] args) {
            // Creation of all three shape objects
            Circle circleSolution = new Circle();
            Rectangle solution2 = new Rectangle(shape, r);
            Triangle solution3 = new Triangle(shape, t);

            String choice = "y";
                // Creation of a while loop which continues when 'choice' is 'y'
            while (choice.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) {
                // Prompts user for a shape or the interger 1 to end the program.
                JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter one of the following shapes:"
                    + " circle, rectangle or triangle.");
                    // Converts the String 'shape' into an interger
                if (shape.equalsIgnoreCase("circle")) {
                    shape = c;
                    circleInput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter the radius.");
                    radius = Math.abs(Integer.parseInt(circleInput));

                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog ( 
                    null, "The area of the circle is " + circleSolution.getCircleArea(), "Results", 

                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog ( 
                    null, "The perimeter of the circle is " + circleSolution.getCirclePerimeter(), "Results", 
                else if (shape.equalsIgnoreCase("rectangle")) {
                    shape = r;
                    // Prompts user for pertinent data
                else if(shape.equalsIgnoreCase("triangle")) {
                    shape = t;
public class Circle { 
    // Circle object created
    Shapes circle = new Shapes();
    // Defines variables used in class
    private static String shape;
    private static double radius;
    private static String circleInput;
    private static String c;
    // Constructor for circles, with arguments
    Circle() {
        shape = Shapes.shape;
        radius = Shapes.radius;
        circleInput = Shapes.circleInput;
        c = Shapes.c;
     // Instance method used to return the shape
    public String getShape() {
        return shape;
     // Instance method used to return the value of the circle's radius
    public double getRadius() {
        return radius;
    // Instance method used return the string, circleInput
    public String getCircleInput() {
        return circleInput;
     // Instance method used to return the specific shape
    public String getC() {
       return c;
    double getCircleArea() {
        double circleArea = Math.PI * radius * radius;
        return circleArea;
    double getCirclePerimeter() {
        double circlePerimeter = 2 * Math.PI * radius;
        return circlePerimeter; 

    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

    public class Shapes {

        static String shape;
        static String circleInput;
        static String c;
        static String r;
        static String t;
        static double radius;

        public static void main(String[] args) {
            // Creation of all three shape objects
            Circle circleSolution = new Circle();
            Rectangle solution2 = new Rectangle(shape, r);
            Triangle solution3 = new Triangle(shape, t);

            String choice = "y";
                // Creation of a while loop which continues when 'choice' is 'y'
            while (choice.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) {
                // Prompts user for a shape or the interger 1 to end the program.
                JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter one of the following shapes:"
                    + " circle, rectangle or triangle.");
                    // Converts the String 'shape' into an interger
                if (shape.equalsIgnoreCase("circle")) {
                    shape = c;
                    circleInput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter the radius.");
                    radius = Math.abs(Integer.parseInt(circleInput));

                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog ( 
                    null, "The area of the circle is " + circleSolution.getCircleArea(), "Results", 

                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog ( 
                    null, "The perimeter of the circle is " + circleSolution.getCirclePerimeter(), "Results", 
                else if (shape.equalsIgnoreCase("rectangle")) {
                    shape = r;
                    // Prompts user for pertinent data
                else if(shape.equalsIgnoreCase("triangle")) {
                    shape = t;
public class Circle { 
    // Circle object created
    Shapes circle = new Shapes();
    // Defines variables used in class
    private static String shape;
    private static double radius;
    private static String circleInput;
    private static String c;
    // Constructor for circles, with arguments
    Circle() {
        shape = Shapes.shape;
        radius = Shapes.radius;
        circleInput = Shapes.circleInput;
        c = Shapes.c;
     // Instance method used to return the shape
    public String getShape() {
        return shape;
     // Instance method used to return the value of the circle's radius
    public double getRadius() {
        return radius;
    // Instance method used return the string, circleInput
    public String getCircleInput() {
        return circleInput;
     // Instance method used to return the specific shape
    public String getC() {
       return c;
    double getCircleArea() {
        double circleArea = Math.PI * radius * radius;
        return circleArea;
    double getCirclePerimeter() {
        double circlePerimeter = 2 * Math.PI * radius;
        return circlePerimeter; 






 if (shape.equalsIgnoreCase("circle")) {
                    shape = c;
                    circleInput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter the radius.");
                    radius = Math.abs(Integer.parseInt(circleInput));
                    circleInput.setRadius(radius); //DO THIS                        

                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog ( 
                    null, "The area of the circle is " + circleSolution.getCircleArea(), "Results", 


static double radius;



  • 您的构造函数为空。当您只有一个默认构造函数时,如何期望实例化的对象具有不同的属性
  • 参数化构造函数:

    class Circle{
        private double radius;
    public class Shapes {
        private double radius;
    class Circle extends Shapes{
        //radius inherited from Shapes now
    public class Shapes {
        private double radius;
    class ShapesRunner(){  //Have a designated class for testing
        public static void main(String[] args){
            String circleInput, c, r, t;
            //Your testing for the created shapes.
    //receive radius from input
    circle c = new Circle(radius);
    //print c's area and parameter

    // Constructor for circles, with arguments
    Circle(double radius)
        radius = this.radius;
        //Your other variables such as c & circleInput variable is not supposed to be here    
  • 几乎所有对象的属性都声明为静态。静态变量由同一类的所有对象“共享”,这意味着如果设置该值,它将反映在所有对象中。(准确地说,静态变量属于类而不是单个对象。)当您希望每个圆都有自己的半径,但将其声明为静态时,这没有任何意义
  • 删除所有不必要的静态修改器:

    class Circle{
        private double radius;
    public class Shapes {
        private double radius;
    class Circle extends Shapes{
        //radius inherited from Shapes now
    public class Shapes {
        private double radius;
    class ShapesRunner(){  //Have a designated class for testing
        public static void main(String[] args){
            String circleInput, c, r, t;
            //Your testing for the created shapes.
    //receive radius from input
    circle c = new Circle(radius);
    //print c's area and parameter
  • 凭直觉,你的Circle类应该是Shape的一个子类,你没有扩展它
  • 将您的类置于适当的层次结构下:

    class Circle{
        private double radius;
    public class Shapes {
        private double radius;
    class Circle extends Shapes{
        //radius inherited from Shapes now
    public class Shapes {
        private double radius;
    class ShapesRunner(){  //Have a designated class for testing
        public static void main(String[] args){
            String circleInput, c, r, t;
            //Your testing for the created shapes.
    //receive radius from input
    circle c = new Circle(radius);
    //print c's area and parameter
  • 您将本地使用的变量(如
  • 在应该声明变量的位置写入变量:

    class Circle{
        private double radius;
    public class Shapes {
        private double radius;
    class Circle extends Shapes{
        //radius inherited from Shapes now
    public class Shapes {
        private double radius;
    class ShapesRunner(){  //Have a designated class for testing
        public static void main(String[] args){
            String circleInput, c, r, t;
            //Your testing for the created shapes.
    //receive radius from input
    circle c = new Circle(radius);
    //print c's area and parameter



    class Circle{
        private double radius;
    public class Shapes {
        private double radius;
    class Circle extends Shapes{
        //radius inherited from Shapes now
    public class Shapes {
        private double radius;
    class ShapesRunner(){  //Have a designated class for testing
        public static void main(String[] args){
            String circleInput, c, r, t;
            //Your testing for the created shapes.
    //receive radius from input
    circle c = new Circle(radius);
    //print c's area and parameter

    为0。如果随后更改静态值,则圆将不会更新。在知道值后创建圆,或者直接更新圆实例。我相信这比一个魔术球要有用一些……谢谢你的帮助,基本上重写了代码以删除所有静态变量。但是,仍然遇到了一个问题。我在Circle类中创建了一个setRadius方法,但是,我得到了一个错误,它无法在我的main方法中找到符号。public double-setRadius(double-radius){return radius;}它应该是
    public void-setRadius(double-radius){this.radius=radius;}