Java 打开和关闭数据库

Java 打开和关闭数据库,java,mysql,database,jdbc,Java,Mysql,Database,Jdbc,我正在开发一个应用程序,它在我的服务器上记录我的MySql数据库。每次我想使用数据库时,获取现有的连接,如果没有,我想这是第一次。当我插入或选择时,效果很好,但在咨询之后,当咨询结束时,我永远无法恢复连接,也无法返回咨询 我的数据库类 public class Database { /** * Gets just one instance of the class * Connects on construct * @returns connection */ private Conne



public class Database {
 * Gets just one instance of the class
 * Connects on construct
 * @returns connection
private Connection _conn = null;
private long timer;

//singleton code
private static Database DatabaseObject;
private Database() {}
public static Database connect() {
    if (DatabaseObject == null)
        DatabaseObject = new Database();
    return DatabaseObject._connect();
public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
    throw new CloneNotSupportedException();
//end singleton code

 * Connects with the defined parameters on Config
 * Prevents re-connection if object was already connected
 * @throws SQLException
private Database _connect() {
    try {
    if (this._conn == null || !this._conn.isValid(0)) {
        try {
            Properties connProps = new Properties();
            connProps.put("user", Config.Config.DB_USER);
            connProps.put("password", Config.Config.DB_PASS);
            this._conn = DriverManager.
                        getConnection("jdbc:" + Config.Config.DB_DBMS + "://" + Config.Config.DB_HOST + ":"
                                + Config.Config.DB_PORT + "/" + Config.Config.DB_NAME, Config.Config.DB_USER, Config.Config.DB_PASS);
            timer = System.currentTimeMillis();
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            System.out.println("Where is your MySQL JDBC Driver?");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Could not connect to DB");
    } else {
        try {
            long tmp = System.currentTimeMillis() - timer;
            if (tmp > 1200000) { //3600000 one hour ; 1200000 twenty minutes
                System.out.println("Forcing reconnection ("+tmp+" milliseconds passed since last connection)");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Forcing reconnection");
            this._conn = null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return this;

 * Closes connections
 * This has to be invoked when database connection is no longer needed
 * @throws SQLException
public void close() throws SQLException {
    if (this._conn != null) {
        this._conn = null;

    * Getter for connection
    * @return
   public Connection get() {
      return this._conn;

private Statement sment = null;
private PreparedStatement psment = null;
private ResultSet rset = null;
public boolean existsByNameAndUserId(String md5, int userId, int eventId) {
    Connection conn = Database.connect().get();
    try {
        psment = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM files "
                                        + "WHERE user_id = ? AND md5 = ? AND evento_id = ?");
        psment.setInt(1, userId);
        psment.setString(2, md5);
        psment.setInt(3, eventId);
        rset = psment.executeQuery();

        if ( {
            return true;
    } catch (Exception e) {


    return false;

private void close() {
    try { if (rset != null) rset.close(); } catch (Exception e) {System.out.println(e.getMessage());};
    try { if (psment != null) psment.close(); } catch (Exception e) {System.out.println(e.getMessage());};
    try { if (sment != null) sment.close(); } catch (Exception e) {System.out.println(e.getMessage());};

String SQL_INSERT = "INSERT INTO files (evento_id, user_id, path, thumb, preview, width, height, md5, numero_corredor, created, modified) "
        + "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,NOW(),NOW())";
public void save(List<components.File.Schema> files) throws SQLException {
    try (
            Connection conn = Database.connect().get();
            PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(SQL_INSERT);
        ) {
            int i = 0;

            for (components.File.Schema file : files) {
                if(!existsByNameAndUserId(file.getMd5(), file.getUserId(), file.getEventId())){
                    statement.setInt(1, file.getEventId());
                    statement.setInt(2, file.getUserId());
                    statement.setString(3, file.getPath());
                    statement.setString(4, file.getPreview());
                    statement.setString(5, file.getThumb());

                    statement.setInt(6, file.getWidth());
                    statement.setInt(7, file.getHeight());
                    statement.setString(8, file.getMd5());
                    statement.setString(9, null);
                    if (i % 1000 == 0 || i == files.size()) {
                        statement.executeBatch(); // Execute every 1000 items.

您的问题是因为您将Connection conn=Database.connect.get放入了try with resources语句,这是您应该执行的操作,但它会关闭您的连接,并且当您再次调用它时(因为方法_connect没有有效的测试),它不会创建新的连接。有效的测试是这样的。_conn==null | |!这是。_conn.isValid0,实际上在您最初的测试中,您称之为。_conn.isValid0在我们的上下文中将返回false,因为连接已关闭,因此它不会创建一个新的连接,这不是我们想要的


请检查-尝试提供代码并尽可能解释,但不理解?我将尝试编写和添加更多代码@RazibNo,在我看来,最好的问题是简洁易懂的问题。我的问题是,当数据库查询工作正常时,第二个失败。无返回值,不属于异常,不获取错误。只是由于数据库连接丢失,我试图找出问题所在,但找不到原因。每次我使用数据库获取现有连接时,如果建立了连接,我会想到一个新的连接,但这对我不起作用。@Razib编辑我的帖子,希望能更好地理解它。Colas,您好,谢谢您的回答。我理解你说的,我想我想我添加了一个方法代码close,因为在这个方法中我不关闭数据库,我的post code中的editare和Failes不需要添加close方法,因为连接是自动关闭的,因此它已在try with resources语句的上下文中调用。我理解并修改我的代码以验证连接,正如您所说的,但仍然以相同的方式工作。在第一次咨询数据库时,我无法再次访问。我尝试了,但它是一样的,编辑我的帖子,让你看到我的代码,看看我对你所说的是否有逻辑错误,是否应该工作,如果我是你,我会使用数据源,但这不是这里的主题,你只是尝试调试,看看会发生什么?