Java 为SWT树和表编写通用代码

Java 为SWT树和表编写通用代码,java,swt,Java,Swt,SWT控制类树和表有几个具有相同签名且工作方式相同的方法 例如: getItems getSelection 但是这些方法是直接在树和表上定义的,没有通用的超类或接口来声明这些方法。因此,很难编写既适用于树又适用于表的代码 是否有一种解决方案可以为这两个类编写通用代码?一种可能的解决方案是使用通用方法创建一个类,其中的子类封装一个树或表,并将这些方法委托给它们的封装控件 使用此类类的通用代码可以如下所示: CollectionControl c = CollectionControl.cre



  • getItems
  • getSelection




CollectionControl c = CollectionControl.create(treeOrTable);
int nrItems = c.getSelectionCount();

 * Wrapps a {@link Tree} or {@link Table} to make it possible to work with them
 * in a generic way.
 * This class could be an interface in Java 8, which allows static methods on interfaces.
public abstract class CollectionControl {
    public abstract CollectionItem[] getItems();
    public abstract CollectionItem[] getSelection();
    public abstract int getSelectionCount();
    public abstract Control getControl();
    public abstract int getColumnCount();

    interface CollectionItem {
        String getText(int columnIx);

     * @param control Either a {@link Tree} or {@link Table}..
     * @return A collection which wraps the argument an delegate method calls to it.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the argument is not a Tree or a Table.
    public static CollectionControl create(Control control) {
        if (control instanceof Tree) {
            return new TreeControl((Tree) control);
        } else if (control instanceof Table) {
            return new TableControl((Table) control);

        throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    private static class TreeControl extends CollectionControl {
        private Tree tree;

        public TreeControl(Tree tree) {
            this.tree = tree;

        public CollectionItem[] getSelection() {
            CollectionItem[] items = new CollectionItem[tree.getSelectionCount()];
            int ix = 0;
            for (TreeItem item : tree.getSelection()) {
                items[ix++] = new TreeCollectionItem(item);
            return items;

        public int getSelectionCount() {
            return tree.getSelectionCount();

        public Tree getControl() {
            return tree;

        public CollectionItem[] getItems() {
            CollectionItem[] items = new CollectionItem[tree.getItemCount()];
            int ix = 0;
            for (TreeItem item : tree.getItems()) {
                items[ix++] = new TreeCollectionItem(item);
            return items;

        public int getColumnCount() {
            return tree.getColumnCount();

        private static class TreeCollectionItem implements CollectionItem {
            private TreeItem item;
            public TreeCollectionItem(TreeItem item) {
                this.item = item;
            public String getText(int columnIx) {
                return item.getText(columnIx);

    private static class TableControl extends CollectionControl {
        private Table table;

        public TableControl(Table table) {
            this.table = table;

        public CollectionItem[] getSelection() {
            CollectionItem[] items = new CollectionItem[table.getSelectionCount()];
            int ix = 0;
            for (TableItem item : table.getSelection()) {
                items[ix++] = new TableCollectionItem(item);
            return items;

        public int getSelectionCount() {
            return table.getSelectionCount();

        public Table getControl() {
            return table;

        public CollectionItem[] getItems() {
            CollectionItem[] items = new CollectionItem[table.getItemCount()];
            int ix = 0;
            for (TableItem item : table.getItems()) {
                items[ix++] = new TableCollectionItem(item);
            return items;

        public int getColumnCount() {
            return table.getColumnCount();

        private static class TableCollectionItem implements CollectionItem {
            private TableItem item;
            public TableCollectionItem(TableItem item) {
                this.item = item;
            public String getText(int columnIx) {
                return item.getText(columnIx);