两个Java应用程序之间的Java spring boot JSON时间戳转换问题

两个Java应用程序之间的Java spring boot JSON时间戳转换问题,java,json,spring-boot,timestamp,jackson2,Java,Json,Spring Boot,Timestamp,Jackson2,我正在开发两个相互通信的java应用程序(“后端1”和“后端2”)。 我得到了这个错误: [{ "status": "BAD_REQUEST", "timestamp": "2018-07-11 02:54:28", "message": "Malformed JSON request", "debugMessage": "JSON parse error: Cannot deserialize value of type `java.sql.Timestamp`

我正在开发两个相互通信的java应用程序(“后端1”和“后端2”)。 我得到了这个错误:

    "status": "BAD_REQUEST",
    "timestamp": "2018-07-11 02:54:28",
    "message": "Malformed JSON request",
    "debugMessage": "JSON parse error: Cannot deserialize value of type `java.sql.Timestamp` from String \"Jul 11, 2018 9:32:10 AM\": not a valid representation (error: Failed to parse Date value 'Jul 11, 2018 9:32:10 AM': Cannot parse date \"Jul 11, 2018 9:32:10 AM\": not compatible with any of standard forms (\"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ\", \"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS\", \"EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz\", \"yyyy-MM-dd\")); nested exception is com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidFormatException: Cannot deserialize value of type `java.sql.Timestamp` from String \"Jul 11, 2018 9:32:10 AM\": not a valid representation (error: Failed to parse Date value 'Jul 11, 2018 9:32:10 AM': Cannot parse date \"Jul 11, 2018 9:32:10 AM\": not compatible with any of standard forms (\"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ\", \"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS\", \"EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz\", \"yyyy-MM-dd\"))\n at [Source: (PushbackInputStream); line: 1, column: 166] (through reference chain: java.util.ArrayList[0]->com.irm.api.automata.response.AutomataDeliveryNoteModel[\"createdAt\"])",
    "code": null,
    "subErrors": null
我在backend1中的一个函数调用backend2控制器,其中 后端1代码:

Call<List<DeliverynotesEntity>> deliverynotesEntityCall = commonFunction.retrofitBuilder(commonFunction.getBaseURL()).create(ISendDeliveryNoteCall.class).sendDeliveryNotes(


package com.irmmat.backend.entity.object;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat;
import org.hibernate.annotations.CreationTimestamp;

import javax.persistence.*;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.Objects;

@Table(name = "delivery_notes", schema = "irmmat")
public class DeliverynotesEntity implements Serializable {
  private Integer id;
  private Integer serpaCostCenterId;
  private Integer serpaProductId;
  private Integer productQuantity;
  private Integer direction;
  private Integer requesterEmployeeId;
  private Integer supervisorId;
  private Integer serpaSequenceId;
  @JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.NUMBER_FLOAT)
  private Timestamp createdAt;
  private String sessionId;

  @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
  @Column(name = "id", nullable = false)
  public Integer getId() {
    return id;

  public void setId(Integer id) {
    this.id = id;

  @Column(name = "serpa_cost_center_id")
  public Integer getSerpaCostCenterId() {
    return serpaCostCenterId;

  public void setSerpaCostCenterId(Integer serpaCostCenterId) {
    this.serpaCostCenterId = serpaCostCenterId;

  @Column(name = "serpa_product_id", nullable = false)
  public Integer getSerpaProductId() {
    return serpaProductId;

  public void setSerpaProductId(Integer serpaProductId) {
    this.serpaProductId = serpaProductId;

  @Column(name = "product_quantity", nullable = false)
  public Integer getProductQuantity() {
    return productQuantity;

  public void setProductQuantity(Integer productQuantity) {
    this.productQuantity = productQuantity;

  @Column(name = "direction", nullable = false)
  public Integer getDirection() {
    return direction;

  public void setDirection(Integer direction) {
    this.direction = direction;

  @Column(name = "requester_employee_id", nullable = false)
  public Integer getRequesterEmployeeId() {
    return requesterEmployeeId;

  public void setRequesterEmployeeId(Integer requesterEmployeeId) {
    this.requesterEmployeeId = requesterEmployeeId;

  @Column(name = "supervisor_id", nullable = false)
  public Integer getSupervisorId() {
    return supervisorId;

  public void setSupervisorId(Integer supervisorId) {
    this.supervisorId = supervisorId;

  @Column(name = "serpa_sequence_id", nullable = false)
  public Integer getSerpaSequenceId() {
    return serpaSequenceId;

  public void setSerpaSequenceId(Integer serpaSequenceId) {
    this.serpaSequenceId = serpaSequenceId;

  @Column(name = "created_at", nullable = false, updatable = false)
  public Timestamp getCreatedAt() {
    return createdAt;

  public void setCreatedAt(Timestamp createdAt) {
    this.createdAt = createdAt;

  @Column(name = "session_id", nullable = false)
  public String getSessionId() {
    return sessionId;

  public void setSessionId(String sessionId) {
    this.sessionId = sessionId;

  public boolean equals(Object o) {
    if (this == o) return true;
    if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
    DeliverynotesEntity that = (DeliverynotesEntity) o;
    return Objects.equals(id, that.id) &&
        Objects.equals(serpaCostCenterId, that.serpaCostCenterId) &&
        Objects.equals(serpaProductId, that.serpaProductId) &&
        Objects.equals(productQuantity, that.productQuantity) &&
        Objects.equals(direction, that.direction) &&
        Objects.equals(requesterEmployeeId, that.requesterEmployeeId) &&
        Objects.equals(supervisorId, that.supervisorId) &&
        Objects.equals(serpaSequenceId, that.serpaSequenceId) &&
        Objects.equals(createdAt, that.createdAt) &&
        Objects.equals(sessionId, that.sessionId);

  public int hashCode() {

    return Objects.hash(id, serpaCostCenterId, serpaProductId, productQuantity, direction, requesterEmployeeId, supervisorId, serpaSequenceId, createdAt, sessionId);


package com.irm.api.automata.response;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat;

import java.sql.Timestamp;

public class AutomataDeliveryNoteModel {
  private Integer id;
  private Integer serpaCostCenterId;
  private Integer serpaProductId;
  private Integer productQuantity;
  private Integer direction;
  private Integer requesterEmployeeId;
  private Integer supervisorId;
  private Integer serpaSequenceId;
  @JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.NUMBER_FLOAT)
  private Timestamp createdAt;
  private String sessionId;

  public Integer getId() {
    return id;

  public void setId(Integer id) {
    this.id = id;

  public Integer getSerpaCostCenterId() {
    return serpaCostCenterId;

  public void setSerpaCostCenterId(Integer serpaCostCenterId) {
    this.serpaCostCenterId = serpaCostCenterId;

  public Integer getSerpaProductId() {
    return serpaProductId;

  public void setSerpaProductId(Integer serpaProductId) {
    this.serpaProductId = serpaProductId;

  public Integer getProductQuantity() {
    return productQuantity;

  public void setProductQuantity(Integer productQuantity) {
    this.productQuantity = productQuantity;

  public Integer getDirection() {
    return direction;

  public void setDirection(Integer direction) {
    this.direction = direction;

  public Integer getRequesterEmployeeId() {
    return requesterEmployeeId;

  public void setRequesterEmployeeId(Integer requesterEmployeeId) {
    this.requesterEmployeeId = requesterEmployeeId;

  public Integer getSupervisorId() {
    return supervisorId;

  public void setSupervisorId(Integer supervisorId) {
    this.supervisorId = supervisorId;

  public Integer getSerpaSequenceId() {
    return serpaSequenceId;

  public void setSerpaSequenceId(Integer serpaSequenceId) {
    this.serpaSequenceId = serpaSequenceId;

  public Timestamp getCreatedAt() {
    return createdAt;

  public void setCreatedAt(Timestamp createdAt) {
    this.createdAt = createdAt;

  public String getSessionId() {
    return sessionId;

  public void setSessionId(String sessionId) {
    this.sessionId = sessionId;


deliverynote entity

@JsonFormat(pattern="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS")
private Timestamp createdAt;
我解决了这个问题。 问题是通过改装.builder解决的

 Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ").create(); //this line was missing
    return new Retrofit.Builder()


package com.irm.api.automata.response;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat;

import java.sql.Timestamp;

public class AutomataDeliveryNoteModel {
  private Integer id;
  private Integer serpaCostCenterId;
  private Integer serpaProductId;
  private Integer productQuantity;
  private Integer direction;
  private Integer requesterEmployeeId;
  private Integer supervisorId;
  private Integer serpaSequenceId;
  @JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.NUMBER_FLOAT)
  private Timestamp createdAt;
  private String sessionId;

  public Integer getId() {
    return id;

  public void setId(Integer id) {
    this.id = id;

  public Integer getSerpaCostCenterId() {
    return serpaCostCenterId;

  public void setSerpaCostCenterId(Integer serpaCostCenterId) {
    this.serpaCostCenterId = serpaCostCenterId;

  public Integer getSerpaProductId() {
    return serpaProductId;

  public void setSerpaProductId(Integer serpaProductId) {
    this.serpaProductId = serpaProductId;

  public Integer getProductQuantity() {
    return productQuantity;

  public void setProductQuantity(Integer productQuantity) {
    this.productQuantity = productQuantity;

  public Integer getDirection() {
    return direction;

  public void setDirection(Integer direction) {
    this.direction = direction;

  public Integer getRequesterEmployeeId() {
    return requesterEmployeeId;

  public void setRequesterEmployeeId(Integer requesterEmployeeId) {
    this.requesterEmployeeId = requesterEmployeeId;

  public Integer getSupervisorId() {
    return supervisorId;

  public void setSupervisorId(Integer supervisorId) {
    this.supervisorId = supervisorId;

  public Integer getSerpaSequenceId() {
    return serpaSequenceId;

  public void setSerpaSequenceId(Integer serpaSequenceId) {
    this.serpaSequenceId = serpaSequenceId;

  public Timestamp getCreatedAt() {
    return createdAt;

  public void setCreatedAt(Timestamp createdAt) {
    this.createdAt = createdAt;

  public String getSessionId() {
    return sessionId;

  public void setSessionId(String sessionId) {
    this.sessionId = sessionId;
@JsonFormat(pattern="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS")
private Timestamp createdAt;
 Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ").create(); //this line was missing
    return new Retrofit.Builder()