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Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

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Java 启动(停机); 设置大小(32,32); } 公共纹理区域getFrame(浮点dt){ currentState=getState(); 结构区; 开关(当前状态){ 案例运行权: region=runningRight.getKeyFrame(stat_Java_Android - Fatal编程技术网

Java 启动(停机); 设置大小(32,32); } 公共纹理区域getFrame(浮点dt){ currentState=getState(); 结构区; 开关(当前状态){ 案例运行权: region=runningRight.getKeyFrame(stat

Java 启动(停机); 设置大小(32,32); } 公共纹理区域getFrame(浮点dt){ currentState=getState(); 结构区; 开关(当前状态){ 案例运行权: region=runningRight.getKeyFrame(stat,java,android,Java,Android,启动(停机); 设置大小(32,32); } 公共纹理区域getFrame(浮点dt){ currentState=getState(); 结构区; 开关(当前状态){ 案例运行权: region=runningRight.getKeyFrame(stateTimer,true); 打破 案例左侧: region=runningLeft.getKeyFrame(stateTimer,true); 打破 案件审理: region=runningUp.getKeyFrame(stateTimer,t

启动(停机); 设置大小(32,32); } 公共纹理区域getFrame(浮点dt){ currentState=getState(); 结构区; 开关(当前状态){ 案例运行权: region=runningRight.getKeyFrame(stateTimer,true); 打破 案例左侧: region=runningLeft.getKeyFrame(stateTimer,true); 打破 案件审理: region=runningUp.getKeyFrame(stateTimer,true); 打破 个案摘要: region=runningDown.getKeyFrame(stateTimer,true); 打破 案例左侧: 区域=左侧; 打破 案例标准: 区域=站立; 打破 案件搁置: 地区=停摆; 打破 案件审理权: 违约: 区域=右侧; 打破 } stateTimer=currentState==previousState?stateTimer+dt:0; previousState=当前状态; 返回区; } 公共状态getState(){ Vector2方向=b2body.getLinearVelocity(); if(direction.isZero()){ 开关(先前状态){ 案件审理: 返回状态.STANDINGUP; 案例左侧: 返回状态。STANDINGLEFT; 个案摘要: 返回状态。停机; 案例运行权: 返回状态。立场正确; 违约: 返回先前状态; } }如果(direction.x>=0&&direction.y>=0),则为else{ 如果(方向x>方向y){ 返回State.RUNNINGRIGHT; }else返回State.RUNNINGUP; }如果(direction.x>=0&&direction.y-direction.y),则为else{ 返回State.RUNNINGRIGHT; }else返回State.RUNNINGDOWN; }else if(方向x=0){ 如果(-direction.x>direction.y){ 返回State.RUNNINGLEFT; }else返回State.RUNNINGUP; }否则如果(方向x 2f){ screen.gameOver(); } } 公共无效设置IntimedDeathZone(布尔b){ 此.isInTimedDeathZone=b; } @凌驾 公共布尔键关闭(int-keycode){ 开关(钥匙代码){ case Input.Keys.UP: 速度y=速度限制; 打破 case Input.Keys.DOWN: 速度y=-速度限制; 打破 case Input.Keys.LEFT: 速度x=-速度限制; 打破 case Input.Keys.RIGHT: 速度x=速度限制; 打破 违约: 返回true; } followPath=false; 返回true; } @凌驾 公共布尔键控(int-keycode){ 开关(钥匙代码){ case Input.Keys.UP: case Input.Keys.DOWN: 速度y=0; 打破 case Input.Keys.LEFT: case Input.Keys.RIGHT: 速度x=0; 打破 } 返回true; } @凌驾 公共布尔键类型(字符字符){ 返回false; } @凌驾 公共布尔接地(整数屏幕X、整数屏幕Y、整数指针、整数按钮){ 浮动扩散; 漂浮困难; //如果不是鼠标左键或第一个触摸指针,则忽略 如果(button!=Input.Buttons.LEFT | | pointer>0)返回false; screen.getCamera().unproject(touchpoint.set(screenX,screenY,0)); //如果第一个点不靠近牧人,则忽略 diffX=touchpoint.x-b2body.getPosition().x; diffY=touchpoint.y-b2body.getPosition().y; 如果(diffX>25 | | diffX<-25 | | diffY>25 | | diffY<-25)返回false; 拖动=真; herderPath.clear(); targetPosition=b2body.getPosition(); herderPath.add(targetPosition); 返回true; } @凌驾 公共布尔值(int-screenX、int-screenY、int-pointer){ Vector2 vec2=新的Vector2(); 如果(!拖动)返回false; screen.getCamera().unproject(touchpoint.set(screenX,screenY,0)); vec2.set(接触点x,接触点y); herderPath.add(vec2); followPath=true; 返回true; } @凌驾 公共布尔补色(整数屏幕X、整数屏幕Y、整数指针、整数按钮){ 如果(button!=Input.Buttons.LEFT | | pointer>0)返回false; screen.getCamera().unproject(touchpoint.set(screenX,screenY,0)); 拖动=假; 返回true; } 专用向量2计算级别(向量2当前位置,向量2目标位置){ Vector2 TENTP=新Vector2().set(targetPosition); 返回TENTP.sub(当前位置).nor().scl(速度限制); } 公共布尔值isXValid(int x){ 返回b2body.getPosition().x=x-精度; } 公共布尔值isYValid(整数y){ 返回b2body.getPosition().y=y-精度; } 公共布尔值isXStapable(){ 返回isXValid((int)destinationX); } 公共布尔值isYStapable(){ 返回isYValid((int)目的地); } 公共停车场(){ 速度设置(0,0); } @凌驾 公共布尔mouseMoved(int-screenX,int-screenY){ 返回false; } @凌驾 公共布尔滚动(整数金额){ 返回false; } 公共无效设置速度限制(浮点乘数){ 如果(速度限制>最大速度){ 此.speedLimit=最大速度; }否则{ 这个.speedLimit=乘数; } } } 出了什么问题?Whe
package com.mygdx.herdergame.Sprites;

import com.badlogic.gdx.Input;
import com.badlogic.gdx.InputProcessor;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.Animation;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.Sprite;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.TextureRegion;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3;
import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.Body;
import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.BodyDef;
import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.CircleShape;
import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.FixtureDef;
import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.World;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array;
import com.mygdx.herdergame.HerderGame;
import com.mygdx.herdergame.Screens.PlayScreen;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Herder extends Sprite implements InputProcessor {
    HerderGame game;
    public World world;
    public Body b2body;
    private PlayScreen screen;

    private enum State {

    private State currentState;
    private State previousState;
    private float stateTimer;

    private Animation runningRight;
    private Animation runningLeft;
    private Animation runningUp;
    private Animation runningDown;
    private TextureRegion standRight;
    private TextureRegion standLeft;
    private TextureRegion standUp;
    private TextureRegion standDown;

    private float destinationX;
    private float destinationY;

    private static final float MAX_SPEED = 500;
    private float speedLimit = 1000;
    private Vector2 velocity = new Vector2(0, 0);

    private static float ACCURACY = 50;

    //Touch Screen
    private Vector3 touchpoint = new Vector3();
    private Vector2 targetPosition;
    private ArrayList<Vector2> herderPath = new ArrayList<Vector2>();
    boolean dragging;
    boolean followingPath = false;

    // death variables
    private boolean isInTimedDeathZone;
    private float deathTimer;

    //this is the constructor.
    public Herder(World world, PlayScreen screen) {
        this.screen = screen;
        game = screen.getGame();

        this.world = world;

        currentState = State.STANDINGRIGHT;
        previousState = State.STANDINGRIGHT;
        stateTimer = 0;

        isInTimedDeathZone = false;
        deathTimer = 0;

    public void defBody() {
        BodyDef bdef = new BodyDef();
        bdef.position.set(500, 500);
        bdef.type = BodyDef.BodyType.DynamicBody;

        b2body = world.createBody(bdef);

        FixtureDef fdef = new FixtureDef();
        CircleShape shape = new CircleShape();

        fdef.shape = shape;



    public void setTextures() {

        int herderUpStartX = game.rm.getChapter(game.getCurrentChapter()).getHerderUp().getStartX();
        int herderUpStartY = game.rm.getChapter(game.getCurrentChapter()).getHerderUp().getStartY();
        int herderDownStartX = game.rm.getChapter(game.getCurrentChapter()).getHerderDown().getStartX();
        int herderDownStartY = game.rm.getChapter(game.getCurrentChapter()).getHerderDown().getStartY();
        int herderLeftStartX = game.rm.getChapter(game.getCurrentChapter()).getHerderLeft().getStartX();
        int herderLeftStartY = game.rm.getChapter(game.getCurrentChapter()).getHerderLeft().getStartY();
        int herderRightStartX = game.rm.getChapter(game.getCurrentChapter()).getHerderRight().getStartX();
        int herderRightStartY = game.rm.getChapter(game.getCurrentChapter()).getHerderRight().getStartY();
        int numberOfFrame = game.rm.getChapter(game.getCurrentChapter()).getHerderRight().getNumberOfFrame();
        int width = game.rm.getChapter(game.getCurrentChapter()).getHerderRight().getWidth();
        int height = game.rm.getChapter(game.getCurrentChapter()).getHerderRight().getHeight();

        //this enables the sprite to be drawn.
        Array<TextureRegion> frames = new Array<TextureRegion>();
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFrame; i++) {
            frames.add(new TextureRegion(getTexture(), herderRightStartX + width * i, herderRightStartY, width, height));
        runningRight = new Animation(0.1f, frames);

        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFrame; i++) {
            frames.add(new TextureRegion(getTexture(), herderLeftStartX + width * i, herderLeftStartY, width, height));
        runningLeft = new Animation(0.1f, frames);

        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFrame; i++) {
            frames.add(new TextureRegion(getTexture(), herderDownStartX + width * i, herderDownStartY, width, height));
        runningDown = new Animation(0.1f, frames);

        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFrame; i++) {
            frames.add(new TextureRegion(getTexture(), herderUpStartX + width * i, herderUpStartY, width, height));
        runningUp = new Animation(0.1f, frames);

        standRight = new TextureRegion(getTexture(), herderRightStartX, herderRightStartY, width, height);
        setBounds(0, 0, 32, 32);

        standLeft = new TextureRegion(getTexture(), herderLeftStartX, herderLeftStartY, width, height);
        setBounds(0, 0, 32, 32);

        standUp = new TextureRegion(getTexture(), herderUpStartX, herderUpStartY, width, height);
        setBounds(0, 0, 32, 32);

        standDown = new TextureRegion(getTexture(), herderDownStartX, herderDownStartY, width, height);
        setBounds(0, 0, 32, 32);

        setSize(32, 32);

    public TextureRegion getFrame(float dt) {
        currentState = getState();

        TextureRegion region;

        switch (currentState) {
            case RUNNINGRIGHT:
                region = runningRight.getKeyFrame(stateTimer, true);
            case RUNNINGLEFT:
                region = runningLeft.getKeyFrame(stateTimer, true);
            case RUNNINGUP:
                region = runningUp.getKeyFrame(stateTimer, true);
            case RUNNINGDOWN:
                region = runningDown.getKeyFrame(stateTimer, true);
            case STANDINGLEFT:
                region = standLeft;
            case STANDINGUP:
                region = standUp;
            case STANDINGDOWN:
                region = standDown;
            case STANDINGRIGHT:
                region = standRight;

        stateTimer = currentState == previousState ? stateTimer + dt : 0;
        previousState = currentState;
        return region;


    public State getState() {
        Vector2 direction = b2body.getLinearVelocity();

        if (direction.isZero()) {
            switch (previousState) {
                case RUNNINGUP:
                    return State.STANDINGUP;
                case RUNNINGLEFT:
                    return State.STANDINGLEFT;
                case RUNNINGDOWN:
                    return State.STANDINGDOWN;
                case RUNNINGRIGHT:
                    return State.STANDINGRIGHT;
                    return previousState;
        } else if (direction.x >= 0 && direction.y >= 0) {

            if (direction.x > direction.y) {
                return State.RUNNINGRIGHT;
            } else return State.RUNNINGUP;

        } else if (direction.x >= 0 && direction.y <= 0) {

            if (direction.x > -direction.y) {
                return State.RUNNINGRIGHT;
            } else return State.RUNNINGDOWN;

        } else if (direction.x <= 0 && direction.y >= 0) {

            if (-direction.x > direction.y) {
                return State.RUNNINGLEFT;
            } else return State.RUNNINGUP;

        } else if (direction.x <= 0 && direction.y <= 0) {

            if (-direction.x > -direction.y) {
                return State.RUNNINGLEFT;
            } else return State.RUNNINGDOWN;

        } else return currentState = previousState;

    public void update(float dt) {

        if (isXStapable() || isYStapable()) {

        if (followingPath) {

            if (!herderPath.iterator().hasNext()) {
                followingPath = false;
            } else if (targetPosition.dst(b2body.getPosition()) < 1.5) {
                targetPosition = herderPath.get(0);
                velocity = calculateVelocity(b2body.getPosition(), targetPosition);
            } else {
                velocity = calculateVelocity(b2body.getPosition(), targetPosition);


        setPosition(b2body.getPosition().x - getWidth() / 2, b2body.getPosition().y - getHeight() / 2);

        if (isInTimedDeathZone) {
            deathTimer += dt;
        } else {
            deathTimer = 0;

        if (deathTimer > 2f) {


    public void setInTimedDeathZone(boolean b) {
        this.isInTimedDeathZone = b;

    public boolean keyDown(int keycode) {
        switch (keycode) {
            case Input.Keys.UP:
                velocity.y = speedLimit;
            case Input.Keys.DOWN:
                velocity.y = -speedLimit;
            case Input.Keys.LEFT:
                velocity.x = -speedLimit;
            case Input.Keys.RIGHT:
                velocity.x = speedLimit;
                return true;

        followingPath = false;
        return true;

    public boolean keyUp(int keycode) {
        switch (keycode) {
            case Input.Keys.UP:
            case Input.Keys.DOWN:
                velocity.y = 0;
            case Input.Keys.LEFT:
            case Input.Keys.RIGHT:
                velocity.x = 0;
        return true;

    public boolean keyTyped(char character) {
        return false;

    public boolean touchDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) {
        float diffX;
        float diffY;

        // ignore if its not left mouse button or first touch pointer
        if (button != Input.Buttons.LEFT || pointer > 0) return false;

        screen.getCamera().unproject(touchpoint.set(screenX, screenY, 0));

        //ignore if the first point is not close to the herder
        diffX = touchpoint.x - b2body.getPosition().x;
        diffY = touchpoint.y - b2body.getPosition().y;
        if (diffX > 25 || diffX < -25 || diffY > 25 || diffY < -25) return false;

        dragging = true;
        targetPosition = b2body.getPosition();
        return true;

    public boolean touchDragged(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer) {
        Vector2 vec2 = new Vector2();
        if (!dragging) return false;
        screen.getCamera().unproject(touchpoint.set(screenX, screenY, 0));
        vec2.set(touchpoint.x, touchpoint.y);
        followingPath = true;

        return true;

    public boolean touchUp(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) {
        if (button != Input.Buttons.LEFT || pointer > 0) return false;
        screen.getCamera().unproject(touchpoint.set(screenX, screenY, 0));
        dragging = false;
        return true;

    private Vector2 calculateVelocity(Vector2 currentPosition, Vector2 targetPosition) {
        Vector2 tempTP = new Vector2().set(targetPosition);

        return tempTP.sub(currentPosition).nor().scl(speedLimit);

    public boolean isXValid(int x) {
        return b2body.getPosition().x <= x + ACCURACY && b2body.getPosition().x >= x - ACCURACY;


    public boolean isYValid(int y) {
        return b2body.getPosition().y <= y + ACCURACY && b2body.getPosition().y >= y - ACCURACY;


    public boolean isXStapable() {
        return isXValid((int) destinationX);

    public boolean isYStapable() {
        return isYValid((int) destinationY);

    public void stop() {
        velocity.set(0, 0);

    public boolean mouseMoved(int screenX, int screenY) {
        return false;

    public boolean scrolled(int amount) {
        return false;

    public void setSpeedLimit(float multiplier) {
        if (speedLimit > MAX_SPEED) {
            this.speedLimit = MAX_SPEED;
        } else {
            this.speedLimit = multiplier;
